Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 213:33:21
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Jason is an IT Tech and WordPress Web Developer joined forces with Bridget Willard a Twitter Nerd who both love WordPress answer your WordPress Marketing Questions every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Pacific


  • WPblab EP65 – Nonprofit Marketing With WordPress w/ Nathan Porter

    01/03/2017 Duration: 01h27min

    This week on WPblab we'll be speaking with Nathan Porter on how you can use WordPress effectively to market your nonprofit. Nathan is CEO wannapixel and cofounder of ukuupeople. Interact with him on his personal blog. Components of a Nonprofit running WordPress Intranet – their internal company site Nonprofits are just like companies in that they have specific niches they are working with Nonprofits have two separate spheres they have to operate in – one is fundraising – the other is their cause, can be difficult to balance Marketing – “Who is it that we are trying to target online and what action is that we want them to take?” GiveWP only runs with WordPress – it is difficult to market something that only works if you have something else – important to educate (how do you start a site, buying a domain name, setting up WordPress) https://givewp.com/ Build Infrastructure CRM plugin for WordPress – help to keep your contacts updated. Everytime they interact with your WordPress website and provide more informat

  • WPblab EP64 – WordPress Community, the best thing to help you level up your career w/ Roy Sivan

    24/02/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    This week on WPblab we'll be talking with Roy Sivan about the best thing to help you level up your WordPress career. Name Factoid: Celtic Meaning: The name Roy is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Roy is: Red haired. WP Crowd – WordPress community mastermind group / video show Mastermind sundays at 6pm PST WordPress community is very unique among tech communities because of the level of sharing … you can come in without knowing anything and level up from the ground up. Other communities can be judgy about beginner / entry-level questions. Got a gig working for Disney because of a talk he gave at a WordCamp Teaching other people in the WP community also helps you to level up because you get to know your subject matter better as you prepare to teach it Church IT Roundtable http://citrt.com Epoch – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time Being open source makes WordPress and it’s community unique – people are more open and more generous with their knowledge and time. A great example: WordCa

  • WPblab EP63 – Building WordPress plugins as a hobby w/ Andy Fragen

    16/02/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    This week on WPblab we’ll be talking with surgeon Dr Andy Fragen about how he builds WordPress plugins as a hobby. Andy Fragen Geek Surgeon / Plugin Developer thefragens.com afragen (Andy Fragen) Andy Fragen (@andyfragen) Andy doesn't do WordPress during the day, he does it as a hobby CSS Zen Garden:The Beauty of CSS Design The Events Calendar Category Colors Scratching your own itch has lead to making some plugins for favorite things Github Updater Software Licensing-Updater Implementation for WordPress Plugins Some people go home from a crazy day at work and do puzzles to unwind… Coding is a puzzle – figuring out how to accomplish something or meet a need with a plugin Started using Git/GitHub mainly for version control for his own purposes … not primarily seeking help/input to start Rachelle Wise: I've written a bunch of plugins, but they've been mostly specific to client sites and haven't submitted anything yet, but I've been thinking about it. Any tips for submitting to the WP directory? Andy Fr

  • WPblab EP62 – WordPress Social Media Marketing for Seniors w/ Cemal Tashan

    09/02/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    EP62 – WordPress Social Media Marketing for Seniors On this episode of WPblab we speak with Cemal Tashan about Social Media Marketing for Seniors. Cemal Tashan: Designing for Seniors WordCamp OC Talk Seniors use Facebook to spy on their kids and grand kids Confusion on how social media works Color contrasts are important Interactions are difficult for seniors, looking photos and such are easier for them. Have two accounts on Amazon, one for search and one for purchasing Photos of oceans, palm trees, dogs, cats are attractive to seniors Senior abuse laws for the Internet? Unaided brand awareness Social Marketing branding bombardment Keys to Being Social – The Series – You Too Can Be A Guru A real person, a lot like you Seniors are writing bios in long form Microgrants Program Thanks for helping out with the show notes! Jen Miller @jenblogs4u James Tryon – @jamestryon The post WPblab EP62 – WordPress Social Media Marketing for Seniors w/ Cemal Tashan appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privac

  • WPblab EP61 – Building Your WordPress Freelancing by Speaking (or Teaching) w/Adam Silver

    02/02/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    This week on WPblab we'll be joined by Adam Silver to how you can use public speaking to build your WordPress Freelancing business. Adam Silver – Relax. We Got This|ConciergeWP.com Podcasts Everything about WordPress except the Kitchen Sink! | Kitchen Sink WordPress It's Not A Hobby Adam Silver came to WordPress as a photographer because he needed to convert his own html site. Found he had a gift as a teacher – podcaster – speaker and started sharing his knowledge. One of his keys in warming up a room is sending softball questions to get conversation going. Speaking to a live audience can be a benefit due to the immediate feedback you are able to get but scaling comes with online courses. Adam chose to get his own space and charge per student versus going through Adult Ed. The benefits of teaching a course are that people join his Meetup, take the class or hire him. People generally find him on the Meetup, on meetup.com and through his podcasts. He started using Ad Espresso to run Google adwords. Doing 25

  • WPblab EP60 – Marketing Your WordPress Business on Instagram w/ Verious Smith III

    27/01/2017 Duration: 01h27min

    This week on WPblab we'll be talking with Verious Smith III who is Creative Director of Philoveracity Design out of Riverside California. On this episode, we will be speaking with him about marketing your WordPress business using Instagram. Verious and Bridget met talking abouteyelashes and instagram waiting for a food truck at a WordCamp Helped an elderly couple get out of a sticky situation where employees more knowledgeable about the web tried to steal the company out from under them by taking over domains, etc.  – the couple (70 & 80 years old) remembered him down the road and approached him to help with the Marketing for their business and give him a percentage.  Verious decided to learn how to grow an Instagram account for their business – grew it from 22,000 – 34,000 followers Instagram Tips Instagram is a unique platform that lets you interact more casually and naturally with your followers “Be a bit of a voyeur,” per Jason Tucker. Take a peek at how others are using instagram. See what people l

  • WPblab EP59 – Podcasting with WordPress w/ Roy Sivan

    20/01/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    This week on WPblab we’ll be speaking with fellow podcaster Roy Sivan of The WP Crowd & WPLife.   Check out The WP Crowd The WP Crowd – YouTube The WP Crowd|A WordPress Community – Website Watch WPLife WordPress Life #WPLIFE wplife Archive Twitter Jason Tucker ? (@jasontucker) Roy Sivan (@royboy789) Notes Formats Audio only Video only iTunes Misc Notes & Terms “Doubleender” – two people record their own voices and one person puts it all together “Evergreen” – Timeless and how topics never die out. A 3 year old episode still relevant Name the show before or name the show after Record live with google hangouts on air Create topic before you get the people Roy does: Pre-recorded shows and iMovie to edit and launch to youtube from iMovie Jason does: Youtube-dl, and then bash script Jeffrey Bradbury: go with the guest … not the script Seriously simple podcasting – Seriously Simple Podcasting Pull video and put it on Facebook Tasks: Marketing, Tagging, Sharing Adventures in Angular – Adventures in

  • WPblab EP58 – Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally w/ Ross Gile – DigiCal

    12/01/2017 Duration: 01h19min

    Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally – Ross Gile. Ross is owner of DigiCal a web development company in Whittier California. Ross is very involved in his City Council and Chamber of Commerce, we want to explore what the benefits are with connecting with local groups and how it as helped his business. http://twitter.com/jasontucker http://twitter.com/youtoocanbeguru http://twitter.com/rossgile Notes Ross' Website DigiCal – http://www.digical.com Join the chamber of commerce Our local Chamber of Commerce https://www.whittierchamber.com/ Attend the events at your local chamber – get to shake hands and network with the right people Chambers are for networking, meeting local businesses and talking with great local people. Membership often includes free services such as monthly newsletters and promotions The meetings can be a lot like a ‘meetup’ in style/atmosphere There are side benefits too – making new friends, people remembering you when special events and opportunities come up – building re

  • WPblab EP57 – The Nuts & Bolts of Effective WordPress Business Blogging w/ Jen Miller

    06/01/2017 Duration: 01h23min

    This week on WPblab Jen Miller of needsomeonetoblog.com will be discussing how to get started with effectively starting a blog for your business. Jason Tucker (@jasontucker) Bridget Willard (@YouTooCanBeGuru) Jen Miller (@JenBlogs4U) Notes GiveWP Channel Jen Miller – Need Someone To Blog? Be Seen Blogging Need Someone To… Women in WP How can people find you as a business that blogs for others? Jen uses SEO, has a solid website name and people find her based on the type of work she does for others. How much should you share on the blog of yourself? Who you are and what you stand for, let people know who are you and what you do. Let yourself stand out. If you are a better fit than the client will go with you. Should there be a theme in your blog? Definitely. Bring a common element into the story. Dogs, volunteering. Build common ground with potential clients. Hobbies and work can be tied together and can be talked about on the blog How do you find themes for clients? Their hobbies and activities they do. No

  • WPblab EP56 – Expanding Your WordPress Business on Pinterest w/ Carol Stephen

    29/12/2016 Duration: 01h24min

    This week on WPblab Carol Stephen will be joining us to discuss how you can expand your WordPress business on Pinterest. You can find Carol Stephen on Pinterest and her company Your Social Media Works she also runs the #DigiBlogChat on Tuesdays at 1pm PST. Pinterest is a visual discovery “search engine” Best to keep most popular boards at the top of your account since most people access via mobile People on Pinterest are often there to buy or plan future purchases Pinterest is ‘very sticky’ which means people tend to spend a lot of time on the site Make sure you use very well-written descriptions, utilizing keywords Using meta descriptions on images for your website ensures that when photos are pinned to pinterest they have the correct information Very important to sign up for a ‘business account’ to get access to analytics Pinterest is especially important to focus on if a majority of your audience is women Timing is important; 6-7pm is when most people are active – there are apps to help you determine the

  • WPblab EP55 – Creating visibility and authority through social media

    15/12/2016 Duration: 01h32min

    This week on WPblab we're joined by Robert Nissenbaum consultant & speaker at Tactical Social Media to discuss how you can create visibility and authority through social media. The Power Of A Single Comment – Why You Need To Engage More Social Networking: How I Generate Leads Without Content Social + Media = Success – Tactical Social Media Our crowd sourced show notes New Give Blog layout – https://givewp.com/blog/ Remember you are writing for “people” not for search bots – over time your keywords will recur naturally when you are writing what you know Authority – an indication of your site’s level of expertise in a given subject, based on quality content https://moz.com/researchtools/ose/links?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wpwatercooler.com&filter=&source=external&target=page&group=0&page=1&sort=page_authority&anchor_id=&anchor_type=&anchor_text=&from_site= The primary purposes of using social media are to drive traffic to your website and build relationships with

  • EP54 – WordCamp US Recap Show – WPblab

    08/12/2016 Duration: 01h26min

    This week on the WPblab we're going to have our community on the show to talk about and recap the events that occurred at WordCamp US. Joining us on the show: Sherie LaPrade, Cheryl LaPrade, Jonathan Perlman, Josh Pollock, James Tryon, Paul Oyler, Justine Pretorious, Jen Miller, Jon Brown, and your hosts Bridget Willard & Jason Tucker 再アップ #wcus pic.twitter.com/g0hpuMXTxi — 高橋文樹@文フリ東京D-1 (@takahashifumiki) December 4, 2016 San Diego Comic-Con WordPress Growth Council Plugin Directory – Plugins extend and expand the functionality of WordPress. WordPress Plugins Get Involved-WordPress Matt Mullenweg:State Of The Word 2016 Pantheon’s $100K WordCamp US Sponsorship Revoked the Night Before the Event – WordPress Tavern The Value of Sponsoring a WordCamp from a Business’ Perspective – WordPress Tavern The post EP54 – WordCamp US Recap Show – WPblab appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • WPblab EP053 – Google Built My WordPress Website

    16/11/2016 Duration: 01h28min

    This week on WPblab we'll be talking with Russell Aaron about the good and bad of building your WordPress website using only info you find from google searches. https://russellenvy.com/google-built-my-website/ How to google for answers for WordPress questions Googling will get you a lot of different answers, but the benefit is that you’ll learn many ways to accomplish a WordPress task or to answer a WP question WordPress.tv – great resource for answers / tutorials https://codex.wordpress.org/ Google Search Operators (for advanced searching) Russell – “Most everything on my blog, I learned from Googling, so Google built my website.” Oftentimes when you Google search a WordPress feature, the Codex will be your first result WordPress TV YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpJf6LGZ0a4n9Lj4aVt9spg As developers, we sometimes forget that not everything is as easy as we think it is When Google using error messages remove your domain and file directories from the error message for better results. Brid

  • Building the WAPUUS Field Guide and Trading Post w/ James Tryon

    10/11/2016 Duration: 01h22min

    This week on WPblab we're talking with James Tryon of Wapuus who provides a Field Guide and Trading Post for Wapuus which can be found at http://wapu.us. We'll be talking with James on how he came up with the idea of indexing all things Wapuu and what tools he used to make his website. Planning a website using Google Docs CPT Taxonomies Building a budget using Google Sheets Building a “wiki” like interface for how the site will work Brain dump / research before starting to build the site Pre-planning structure and format Set up to take github submissions and submissions through website form WPblab’s Wapuu https://wapu.us/wapuu/wpblab-wapuu/ ThePrintful – printing/shipping fulfillment of shirt designs https://www.theprintful.com/ Rafflecopter for site giveaways https://www.rafflecopter.com Poststatus https://poststatus.com/ Wapuu Challenge Coins: http://marktimemedia.com/project/wapuu-challenge-coins-2/ Everyone in the community can get involved via the website Thank you all! Show notes contributors:

  • WPblab 051 – Why develop locally with WordPress?

    02/11/2016 Duration: 01h22min

    This week we speak with Marc Benzakein and Gregg Franklin of ServerPress the makers of DesktopServer about why you should develop your WordPress powered website locally using DesktopServer. Show airs November 3 at 7:30pm PT / 10:30 ET / 2am UTC   The post WPblab 051 – Why develop locally with WordPress? appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • WPblab 050 – Customizing the WordPress Media Library

    26/10/2016 Duration: 01h30min

    This week on WPblab we'll be discussing how you can customize the WordPress Media Library to work better for you and for your clients. We'll be talking with Rachelle Wise on how she's going to be customizing the WordPress Media Library to make it easier for her clients to use and manage their media files. The show starts at 7:30pm Pacific. The post WPblab 050 – Customizing the WordPress Media Library appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • WPblab 049 – How to sell products using WordPress ecommerce

    20/10/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    Introduction of guest Scott Buscemi – WordCamp Speaker, WooCommerce Ninja, avid drone pilot (unofficial creator of the Dronie (drone selfie!)) Luminary | eCommerce Consulting Partners in Los Angeles Don't use OS Commerce Installing WooCommerce and it’s extensions won’t magically bring you sales / success You need to market yourself / your business / your site – create relationships EDD Enhanced eCommerce Tracking stripe.com Dealing with Abandoned Carts on WordPress e-Commerce Sites WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro TaxJar-Sales Tax Automation for WooCommerce WooConf:Learn. Develop. Sell. It doesn’t matter what platform you are on, or how beautiful your site is – it’s about smart marketing – understanding who your customers are, what they want ZMOT You need to use SSL – doesn’t matter what kind of site (even if your site is small – helps build your reputation/trustworthiness)  – LetsEncrypt is a great option Let's Encrypt Should you use a CDN (content delivery network)? Yes, speed matters. Amazon found t

  • WPblab 048 – WordPress Community: Giving Back at a Nonprofit Hackathon – WPblab

    13/10/2016 Duration: 01h28min

    This week on WPblab we'll be talking with Natalie MacLees and Alex Vasquez of Website Weekend.LA a non-profit hackathon that pairs digital creatives with local non-profits. vegasgivecamp.org GiveCamp.org | Coding for Charity www.seattlegivecamp.org Website Weekend LA – A Non-Profit Hackathon in Los Angeles Girl Develop It Los Angeles – Girl Develop It Giving Back | Branding & Digital Marketing Agency 48in48.org do_action – Using WordPress for good Volunteer Wait List – A Non-Profit Hackathon in Los Angeles Soylent.com – Healthy, convenient, affordable food Sponsors – A Non-Profit Hackathon in Los Angeles Training and Empowering the client to do their own updates Projects get a project manager and prep work happens before the event Teams include volunteers with a range of skills (writers, content creators, UX, etc) Non-profits provide content as well to save time Issue is often lack of storytelling – people connect with stories (content is important) Some clients want whole new sites, others want refre

  • WPblab 047 – Blogging for your Target Demographic with WordPress – Kitty Lusby – WPblab

    06/10/2016 Duration: 01h29min

    This week on WPblab we'll be speaking with Kitty Lusby about blogging for your target demographic with WordPress. Documenting the WP Culture: Introducing Jason Tucker – kittylusby.com WordPress, Podcasts, & Community: Introducing Adam Silver – kittylusby.com The Evolution of Online Teaching: Introducing Kim Shivler – kittylusby.com Las Vegas Bloggers – meetup.com How To Stop Getting Hit On While Networking – kittylusby.com FAQ – kittylusby.com Noah Scalin Seventeen Media Kit Link Building Case Study: How I Increased My Search Traffic by 110% in 14 Days The post WPblab 047 – Blogging for your Target Demographic with WordPress – Kitty Lusby – WPblab appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • WPblab EP046 – Leveling up your WordPress content with podcasting

    29/09/2016 Duration: 01h31min

    This week on WPblab Bridget Willard and Jason Tucker will be discussing how you can level up your content with podcasting. I Love Green Guide Letters Podcast – Hosted By Steele Saunders – Warning Explicit Language ‚Äî I dooooooo… James Bonding The Bitterest Pill Monkey See Keys to Being Social – The Series – You Too Can Be A Guru Keys to Being Social: Diversity – You Too Can Be A Guru Probably Science The Wood Whisperer-Education and Entertainment for the modern woodworker. 269-Pet Steps EP001-Forms, Giving and Dating oh my! The post WPblab EP046 – Leveling up your WordPress content with podcasting appeared first on WPwatercooler. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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