Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP58 – Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally w/ Ross Gile – DigiCal



Building Your WordPress Business Relationships Locally – Ross Gile. Ross is owner of DigiCal a web development company in Whittier California. Ross is very involved in his City Council and Chamber of Commerce, we want to explore what the benefits are with connecting with local groups and how it as helped his business. http://twitter.com/jasontucker http://twitter.com/youtoocanbeguru http://twitter.com/rossgile Notes Ross' Website DigiCal – http://www.digical.com Join the chamber of commerce Our local Chamber of Commerce https://www.whittierchamber.com/ Attend the events at your local chamber – get to shake hands and network with the right people Chambers are for networking, meeting local businesses and talking with great local people. Membership often includes free services such as monthly newsletters and promotions The meetings can be a lot like a ‘meetup’ in style/atmosphere There are side benefits too – making new friends, people remembering you when special events and opportunities come up – building re