Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP63 – Building WordPress plugins as a hobby w/ Andy Fragen



This week on WPblab we’ll be talking with surgeon Dr Andy Fragen about how he builds WordPress plugins as a hobby. Andy Fragen Geek Surgeon / Plugin Developer thefragens.com afragen (Andy Fragen) Andy Fragen (@andyfragen) Andy doesn't do WordPress during the day, he does it as a hobby CSS Zen Garden:The Beauty of CSS Design The Events Calendar Category Colors Scratching your own itch has lead to making some plugins for favorite things Github Updater Software Licensing-Updater Implementation for WordPress Plugins Some people go home from a crazy day at work and do puzzles to unwind… Coding is a puzzle – figuring out how to accomplish something or meet a need with a plugin Started using Git/GitHub mainly for version control for his own purposes … not primarily seeking help/input to start Rachelle Wise: I've written a bunch of plugins, but they've been mostly specific to client sites and haven't submitted anything yet, but I've been thinking about it. Any tips for submitting to the WP directory? Andy Fr