Jason is an IT Tech and WordPress Web Developer joined forces with Bridget Willard a Twitter Nerd who both love WordPress answer your WordPress Marketing Questions every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Pacific
Marketing Managed WordPress Hosting in a Saturated Market
12/06/2019 Duration: 51minIn this episode, Jason Tucker and Bridget Willard were joined by Jeff Matson from Pagely's NorthStack. He gave insight into Managed WordPress, WordPress Hosting, and Managed AWS Service. Thank you to our sponsor! The WPwatercooler network is sponsored by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer. Be sure to check them out at as well as PeepSo. If you're interested in sponsoring the 40 minute mark of this show, check out the details on our sponsor page. We offer episode by episode spoken ads, rather than large contracts. A show by you for you. Stop Getting Cheep-A$$ Hosting WordPress hosting matters. Hosting is hosting is hosting until it's not. When it comes to your "hobby," if you take it seriously, it has the potential to become your career. It seems like WordPress hosting is saturated, but it's really not. Pagely was the first to create Wordpress Managed hosting back in the day. You can hear Joshua Strebel talk about the last ten years in his WordCamp Phoenix talk. So, how do we co
Marketing Yourself as a WordPress Developer
26/05/2019 Duration: 01h17sMarketing yourself as a WordPress developer is challenging, especially when starting out. In this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by Rachelle Wise of Wise Arts to brainstorm some solutions. Join us on this episode of WPblab by visiting our Participant guidelines page. Thank you to our sponsor! The WPwatercooler network is sponsored by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer. Be sure to check them out at If you’re interested in sponsoring the 40 minute mark of this show, check out the details on our sponsor page. We offer episode by episode spoken ads, rather than large contracts. A show by you for you. Networking through WordPress Meetups Rachelle used to be part of her local WordPress Meetups and WordCamps when she lived in Minnesota. So when she moved here to California, she looked it up and lo and behold she found the OC WordPress Meetup, where she met Bridget and Jason. Often, attending WordPress Meetups is an excellent way to get work, said Jason, who was reminded about
Extending your Existing Brand to Digital
05/05/2019 Duration: 01h26sYou built a successful company and your reputation is bar none. But how do you transition that branding online? In this episode, Jason and Bridget will give some good examples and take your live questions via chat. Join us on this episode of WPblab by visiting our Participant guidelines page. WPwatercooler network is sponsored by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer. Be sure to check them out at See for privacy and opt-out information.
Why Even WordPress Professionals Need To Hire
27/04/2019 Duration: 01h01minWe know you know your business. You work magic for your clients, maximize their SEO, send amazing drip campaigns, write their content, and even build their site. But what about your own website? The saying about the cobbler’s kids having no shoes is completely avoidable. In this episode, Jason and Bridget will talk about having that objective eye and how her own site has evolved since 2015. Join us on this episode a WPwatercooler show by visiting our Participant guidelines page. WPwatercooler network is sponsored by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer. Be sure to check them out at See for privacy and opt-out information.
Featured images - not just for blog posts
20/03/2019 Duration: 59minHow many times have you created a landing page for a client yet neglected a featured image? Sometimes we forget that those pages also need unique images for social sharing. In this episode, Jason and Bridget chat about strategy, tactics, and tools. Thank you ServerPress makers of DesktopServer for sponsoring this episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.
The Importance of Visual Branding w/ Michelle Schulp
19/03/2019 Duration: 01h02minIn this episode, Jason and Bridget chat with @Michelle Schulp from about how branding can make or break your business. Thank you ServerPress makers of DesktopServer for sponsoring this episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP121 - State of Journalism and How that Matters to WordPress
01/02/2019 Duration: 01h01minIn this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by "Producer Jen." We brought Jen Miller from behind the scenes to talk about the interesting developments in journalism and how WordPress is involved. Join us in the live chat to ask questions. You're sure to learn a lot tonight. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP120 - How many CTAs does a WordPress Site Need?
21/12/2018 Duration: 59minCTAs. Marketers and their acronyms, right? It's frustrating and confusing. So you know you need a call to action but where and how many? Is there such a thing as too many CTAs? In this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by long-time marketer Robert Nissenbaum from Tactical Social Media. He'll give us some insight into the call to action conversation. Watch live so you can comment. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab Special - Commenting on State of the Word 2018
09/12/2018 Duration: 01h34min"This was one of the most controversial and acrimonious we have had in a long time, maybe ever if you’re new to WordPress." Matt Shows off Shape Divider Blocks - 3:12 Matt mentions vendors that are making blocks for Gutenberg - 3:73 Matt talks about LazyBlocks - 4:73 Gutenblocks are easier if you were brought up using them - 7:17 Regardless of device used - 7:30 Bridget mentions that it’s too bad you can use WordPress on mobile without being involved. - 8:23 To Review - Matt mentions for the first time this Phasing of Gutenberg - 8:77 Phase 2 - 10:08 Matt shows the widget manager screen and how it’s “still there” - 10:68 Editing menus inline - 12:05 Phase 2 is thinking outside of post_content - 12:72 Collaboration with multi user editing of Gutenberg. Gutenberg and Google Docs functionality - 14:25 Core is open - “tackle our 6,500 open issues” is listed at the bottom - 16:50 PHP7 is the minimum version for WordPress - 17:40 WordPress 4.9 had 173 millio
WPblab 118 - Goldilocks and The Three Holidays - How to Market your WordPress Business during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday
07/12/2018 Duration: 59minMarketing your WordPress product or business can be tricky during the holidays. What's too much and what's too little. In this episode, Marc Benzakein from Server Press, LLC will join us to talk about how he got it just right. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab Quickie 116 – Hiring Social Media Specialists: How to ask the right questions
30/11/2018 Duration: 33minIn this quick episode, Jason and Bridget will help you ask the right questions when hiring a social media specialist to grow your WordPress business. This episode brought to you by ServerPress makers of DesktopServer and WPSiteSync. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP117 - Demystifying Search Intent for Your WordPress Site w/ John Locke
16/11/2018 Duration: 59minIn this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by developer and SEO expert John Locke of Lockedown Design. We will discuss how to crack the mysterious intent from searchers and some ways to improve your site's ranking. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP115 - WordPress Agencies: Red Flag Warnings
03/11/2018 Duration: 58minIn this episode, Jason and Bridget are joined by Geno Quiroz, from Monterey Premier, a WordPress agency in Northern California. We're going to chat about red flag warnings, intuition, following your gut, and firing clients. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP114 – Cold Calling – The WordPress Way
19/10/2018 Duration: 59minIn this episode, Jason and Bridget will chat about cold calling — the good, bad, and the ugly. How do you do this in the WordPress ecosystem effectively without sounding like a used car salesman? No-one likes cold calling at first – it feels slimy – how to do it right? The problem: How do you let people know that you’re accepting clients? How do people know if you’re available? Are you advertising? For a regular brick and mortar business, people will just stop in and hire you, but if you’re an online-only business, how do you reach people? How do they know if you are accepting business? Everybody in the WordPress space has the potential to be everyone else’s competitor – how can you reach out / connect? Everyone has a specialty or a focus – you can refer business to friends/connections that you know that handle a different specialty. If you know your limits, you can refer out work to other people you know through your networking/connections and they can do the same for you. Bridget would see jobs posted on
WPblab EP113 – Marketing Your Odds in Vegas
27/09/2018 Duration: 56minIn this episode, Jason Tucker is joined by Russ, a long-standing WordPress Community evangelist. They will be talking about taking chances with your career — the wins, losses, and overall tends. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP112 – WordPress Marketing: Turning Support FAQ into Content Marketing
21/09/2018 Duration: 57minRepurposing Content DON’T - go to someone else’s website, highlight, copy and paste onto your site - that is bad! DO - open up your email, look at the emails that your customers are sending you (the questions they ask), THOSE are the questions you should be using to turn into your FAQs and to fill content pages on your site. HOW: Don’t assume you have to start with a title (a concept is fine) but if you have one, use it! Ask yourself what are the basic questions that your customers frequently ask or need to know? Questions via, phone / email / in person / help desk Make sure to give your marketing team access to any help desk software you use, so that they can see what customers are frequently asking and where they get stuck. Write it down or start a Google Doc and keep track of the Q’s Go do a Google search - they’ll show “people also ask” which might frame it in a way that makes for a better title (pay attention to the context) Try using anchor tags in your FAQs to help people navigate better If you
WPblab EP111 – Beyond Local: Why Market Yourself Internationally
06/09/2018 Duration: 01h41sIn this episode Jason and Bridget will chat about the pros and cons of international travel when it comes to marketing your WordPress business. EP5-Embracing the Community Through Voluntourism Yoast Diversity Fund • Yoast Robert Windisch (@nullbytes) Multidots-Custom & Mobile Application Development|Enterprise WordPress Providing Enterprise Software Development Services since 2009 Birgit Pauli-Haack (@bph) Multidots (@multidots) Jon Brown (@jb510) GitHub - schlessera/as-speaking: Speaking Page Plugin. HazeOver:Distraction Dimmer™ for Productivity on Mac Speaking Page Plugin. This WP plugin will update GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and Gitea hosted plugins and themes Bridget Willard See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP110 - Why is syndicated content bad?
23/08/2018 Duration: 30minSyndicated content seems like a great way to publish. But is it the best option? In this episode Jason and Bridget weigh the options. See for privacy and opt-out information.
WPblab EP109 - Networking the Right Way: A guide to attending, speaking, and hosting Meetups
07/08/2018 Duration: 59minBridget was late to her very first meetup and ended up having to sit up front, and when it was over, she just left - “don’t do that!” ;) Jason had a similar experience, but he likes sitting in the front row! His first meetup had nothing to do with WordPress. He threw a bunch of search terms at and the Adobe Software meetup kept coming up so he went! Met a guy the first time there who encouraged him to speak at the very next meetup! Attending your first meetup: Be on time (or early!) Have a 10-sec intro or “elevator pitch” available to introduce yourself - don’t try to sound clever, just say your name and some quick things about who you are - “If your grandma doesn’t know what you do by reading your twitter bio…” Sit where you can hear/see easily is a good resource for finding things you like If you’re a ‘doer’ and want to get involved in your meetup, sit back for a bit and see what people are NOT doing - then offer to do that! Take notes and share them! It’s a great way to help. Use a
WPblab EP108 - Marketing Your WordPress Business with Loss Leaders
26/07/2018 Duration: 01h02minThis week, Jason and Bridget are joined by James Laws from Saturday Drive. He's also the co-host of the Adventures in Businessing podcast. We'll be discussing free work, loss leaders, and freemium price models in the WordPress ecosystem. See for privacy and opt-out information.