Wpblab - A Wordpress Social Media Show

WPblab EP112 – WordPress Marketing: Turning Support FAQ into Content Marketing



Repurposing Content DON’T - go to someone else’s website, highlight, copy and paste onto your site - that is bad! DO - open up your email, look at the emails that your customers are sending you (the questions they ask), THOSE are the questions you should be using to turn into your FAQs and to fill content pages on your site. HOW: Don’t assume you have to start with a title (a concept is fine) but if you have one, use it! Ask yourself what are the basic questions that your customers frequently ask or need to know? Questions via, phone / email / in person / help desk Make sure to give your marketing team access to any help desk software you use, so that they can see what customers are frequently asking and where they get stuck. Write it down or start a Google Doc and keep track of the Q’s Go do a Google search - they’ll show “people also ask” which might frame it in a way that makes for a better title  (pay attention to the context) Try using anchor tags in your FAQs to help people navigate better If you