Discussion and commentary on the CW television series Arrow and the Green Arrow comic books.
Green Justice #601: Fallout
15/10/2017 Duration: 01h02minOliver Queen deals with the "Fallout" from last season's explosive finale. Most of his friends survived, but Thea is the worse for wear, and Samantha didn't make it. Samantha asks Oliver to take care of their son, but William isn't exactly thrilled to be living this new life with his Dad. And it seems that Black Siren has a bit of a vendetta against the team as well. She goes on a destructive rampage that ends up with a showdown in the Arrow Cave. Jay and Josh distribute fresh, Season 6 Big Belly Burgers on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #526: Summer Special 15
01/10/2017 Duration: 59minThe summer is over and we have our quiver filled with videos and books! With the premiere of the next season of Arrow just days away we spend our last summer show looking at the bonus features of the Blu-Ray fifth season set, discuss news, and share an exciting contest for the listeners of the podcast. Plus, we talk with author Richard Gray, author of "Moving Target: The History and Evolution of Green Arrow". That's a lot to fit in the Arrow cave, and we are up for the challenge on the Summer Special of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #525: Summer Special 14
27/08/2017 Duration: 48minHaving most of your friends and loved ones possibly blown up on an island is no excuse to not keep yourself up to date. Jay and Josh return to share the trickle of news that is enough to keep us interested, but not enough to spoil who lives on. And we discuss some books that we are hoping to put on our reading list. With just a few more weeks from the premiere it's time to catch up on the Summer Special of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #524: Summer Special 13
30/07/2017 Duration: 54minIf you have to spend the summer wondering whether all your friends and family were blown to smithereens on the island where you spent years of hell, then you might as well keep up with what's going on. We break down news, casting announcements, and what we think might just happen with our heroes. Plus, we recap the San Diego Comic Con panel and any snippet the cast and crew were allowed to reveal. Jay and Josh put their arrows in the freezer to make some really long popsicles on the Summer Special of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
RC Interviews: "Jovial" Jay Shepard
14/06/2017 Duration: 01h28minIn the second part of the RandomChatter Interviews miniseries, Tim interviews "Jovial" Jay Shepard (Green Justice, Agents of SHIELD: Case Files, Scarlet Velocity, & Jedi Journals)!
Green Justice #523: Lian Yu
28/05/2017 Duration: 01h13minDon't expect a fun vacation on "Lian Yu". Oliver has brought Malcolm and Nyssa to Lian Yu for a final showdown with Adrian Chase. While he's there, he picks up Slade Wilson and Digger Harkness. Oliver has a solid plan, but as usual, Chase seems to be ten steps ahead of him. They manage to rescue the team, but getting off the island is proving impossible, and they can't find William. Not to mention, if Chase dies, the whole island is set to blow up! It all comes down to an epic showdown. Can Oliver save everyone and still remain a hero? Jay and Josh are ready to go on their summer vacation, if they can just find a plane that works, on the season finale of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #522: Missing
21/05/2017 Duration: 01h02minTeam Arrow is going "Missing"! At a party celebrating their success and Oliver's birthday, Rene and Dinah are nowhere to be found. Oliver discovers that Adrian Chase has his son William, too. The rest of the team is abducted by Black Siren, Evelyn, and Talia al Ghul. The only way for Oliver to keep them all safe is to allow Chase to escape. But Oliver enlists some help of his own. Malcolm shows up to help, along with Nyssa al Ghul. And once they have tracked the bad guys to Lian Yu, we bring Slade Wilson into the mix; setting up what is sure to be an epic showdown. Jay and Josh put the birthday cake back in the fridge until all of this can get resolved on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #521: Honor Thy Fathers
14/05/2017 Duration: 58minYou should "Honor Thy Fathers" by fulfilling their wishes. Oliver thought he'd been doing that. But then realized that maybe his father had been a killer, after Adrian Chase gives him some security footage plus the body of a man that Robert had killed. Adrian thought he'd been honoring his father by getting revenge for his death and setting forth a sinister plan that his father had set into motion 5 years before. But sometimes you have to leave the past behind you to move forward. And when Oliver does just that, he's able to catch Chase once and for all. (except, maybe not for all) Jay and Josh try to find someone who will pay for their sins because they're too cheap to pay for them themselves on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #520: Underneath
07/05/2017 Duration: 57minWhat lies "Underneath"? Currently, it's Oliver and Felicity after being trapped in the Arrow cave by an EMP explosion that Adrian Chase set up. But while they ponder how to escape their predicament before being blown to tiny, heroic bits, they have time to dig underneath their personal feelings. You don't have to be trapped underground, with no hope of escape to deal with issues. Lyla and Diggle work on some things too. Because being in a marriage with the head of a covert and morally questionable government organization is hard! Jay and Josh try to restore the power and sterilize any exposed bolts on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #519: Dangerous Liaisons
30/04/2017 Duration: 54minIn the super hero business, you've gotta be careful of "Dangerous Liaisons". ARGUS is helping Team Arrow to hunt down Adrian Chase. But he's a wily one, and they have been unsuccessful so far. But their investigation turns toward HELIX when an ARGUS agent that is suspected to be working with Chase is killed. Now Felicity and HELIX are trying to free a prisoner they need, to help with the hunt for Prometheus. Lyla has been holding this guy illegally. But if Oliver Queen is questioning the moral justifications of your actions, you might want to decide if you've gone too far. Jay and Josh try to play a vintage copy of Maximum Force, but it seems to be out of order on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #518: Disbanded
02/04/2017 Duration: 57minUndress the mannequins, because Team Arrow is "Disbanded". After being tortured by Adrian Chase, Oliver is broken. He can't continue fighting and won't let anyone else do it for him either. But he can't just let Chase get away with all that he has done, so he asks Anatoly to have the Bratva kill him. That will cost a heavy, ethical price though and Diggle isn't willing to let Oliver pay it. With the help of Helix, Felicity has what she needs to reveal Chase as Prometheus to the world. So now Chase is on the loose and out for vengeance. Jay and Josh try to figure themselves out, in order to be happy, on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #517: Kapiushon
26/03/2017 Duration: 49minIt's time to don your "Kapiushon" because it helps you hide the monster growing inside of you. Oliver is forced to look back on his origins of becoming The Hood as Adrian Chase puts him through a series of tortures and mental anguish to get him to reveal his deepest secret. Most of this reflection involves Oliver's time with the Bratva in Russia as he helped his friend Anatoly become the new Pakhan. They also discovered that Konstantine Kovar has a plot to take over the Russian government. After all this inner reflection (and a little torture) Oliver finally admits to himself (and Chase) an ugly truth. Jay and Josh must confess, because nobody expects the Prometheus Inquisition on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #516: Checkmate
19/03/2017 Duration: 56minHas Prometheus finally achieved a "Checkmate" against Green Arrow? Even now that Oliver knows his nemesis is Adrian Chase, he can't make a final move until he rescues Susan Williams. But that seems to be hard when the bad guy is always 10 steps ahead. Luckily, Felicity is using her new friends at Helix to discover just what she needs to rescue her. It's all a big trap, of course, and Prometheus is there, waiting for them. Oliver came prepared though, and has brought Chase's wife into the mix as leverage. A good chess player is never without options though. And Chase gets the final drop on Oliver, capturing him and leaving the team helpless to stop him again. Jay and Josh are just pawns in the game of life on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #515: Fighting Fire With Fire
05/03/2017 Duration: 58minThis week we find Oliver wondering if he should be "Fighting Fire With Fire". When he faces an impeachment hearing for covering up evidence in the death of Officer Malone, Oliver tries to figure out a way to save everything he has worked for. Thea has a solution, but it involves some political blackmail which Oliver doesn't want any part of. Plus, Vigilante keeps trying to kill the mayor. Luckily, Team Arrow is still doing their job. Especially Curtis, who has a new gadget that is important in tracking down Vigilante. Oliver saves his cabinet, but disavows Green Arrow to do it. And Prometheus is finally revealed, which could be especially dangerous for those close to Oliver. Jay and Josh explore the possibilities of spherical objects on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #514: The Sin-Eater
26/02/2017 Duration: 01h01minOliver can often be "The Sin-Eater", taking responsibilities for everyone's actions. After Cupid, China White, and Liza Warner escape from prison, Oliver has a hard time catching up to them. First his girlfriend asks if he's the Green Arrow. Then Prometheus tells the police that he killed Billy Malone and they send the ACU after him. And finally, Thea tries to prevent his secret identity from being discovered by ruining his girlfriend's career. But Oliver is going to have to do what's right, even if the consequences catch up to him. Luckily that seems to work out…until some unfortunate media investigations. Jay and Josh do their best to ignore other people's sins on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #513: Spectre of the Gun
19/02/2017 Duration: 01h01minCan anyone avoid the "Spectre of the Gun" these days? It's definitely a hot topic that often divides our culture. After a masked gunman shoots up City Hall, Oliver uses all of his resources to track him down, and it turns out it isn't an evil super villain after all. It is just a guy, whose family was murdered, and he wants the government to pay for their deaths. Even as Team Arrow debates gun rights, Oliver tries to find a way, as Mayor, to stop him before he kills again. Jay and Josh wrestle with the tough issues and hope not to get pinned on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #512: Bratva
12/02/2017 Duration: 01h04minOnce a member of the "Bratva", always a member of the Bratva. Oliver takes the team to Russia to stop General Walker once and for all. He hopes to enlist the help of his friend Anatoly, but when Oliver refuses to perform a task for his former brother, he'll have to find Walker on his own. Sadly, this seems to lead Felicity and Diggle down a crooked path of some questionable things. Fortunately, Oliver takes care of it and they all find the bad man and the bomb. But Rory may have broken his rags containing the blast. They seem to be on the winning side this time, but it may not last. And Oliver's girlfriend Susan Wells may be the cause of their new woes. Jay and Josh toast their Bratva with some seriously watered-down vodka on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #511: Second Chances
05/02/2017 Duration: 01h04minTeam Arrow is just full of "Second Chances". The last 5 years of Oliver's life has been about a second chance after becoming a monster. And now he believes he can have a second chance by finding someone to take up the mantle of Black Canary. Luckily, the team finds someone who fits the bill AND needs a second chance! How's that for some bashert? Tina Bolland was a cop who watched her partner/lover get shot right as she was exposed to the particle accelerator accident in Central City three years ago. Now she has a canary cry and a thirst for vengeance against the man who destroyed her life. The boys go try to recruit her while Felicity gets some assistance from the 'Dark Web' to find evidence that will help free Diggle. Jay and and Josh indulge in a 5 patty stack from Big Belly Burger on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #510: Who Are You?
29/01/2017 Duration: 01h04minIf you saw your former girlfriend, who was supposed to be dead and then showed up in your secret lair, you'd say, "Who Are You?" But Oliver decided to go along with it (until they found out who she really was, anyway). She's really Black Siren, Laurel's doppelganger from Earth-2. Prometheus has freed her from Central City's pipeline and made her impersonate Laurel to emotionally compromise Oliver some more. Oliver sees her as a way to get redemption for letting his Laurel die. So Felicity takes charge and uses the Goth birdie to track down Prometheus. Jay and Josh decide whether circumstances have made them poison or nectar on the midseason premiere of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!
Green Justice #509: What We Leave Behind
11/12/2016 Duration: 01h09min"What We Leave Behind" through the course of our actions is sometimes a tough pill to swallow. Prometheus is making sure that Oliver is feeling some pain for his past deeds. He attacks Curtis, kidnaps Felicity's boyfriend, continues to twist Evelyn's morals, and he's not even close to being finished with the rest of the team. After following a trail that our mysterious nemesis has left, the team thinks it may be connected to one of the men that Oliver killed from his list. But Prometheus is always one step ahead of Oliver and has gruesome surprises that make the whole team suffer. Maybe Oliver isn't helping the city after all. Jay and Josh hang the mistletoe and hope there's no unintended consequences on this week's episode of Green Justice: An Arrow Podcast. Listen in and justice will be your MP3 player!