Connect With Rodney Cundiff

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 98:09:45
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CONNECT with Rodney Cundiff is a free audio broadcast from the Sunday Talks delivered by Lead Pastor, Rodney Cundiff at the weekly gatherings of New Vision Church in San Antonio, Texas.Our vision is to CONNECT you to a GROWING RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.We hope this teaching resource equips and empowers you to fulfill the plan God has for your life.


  • BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS - pt1 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers

    27/06/2022 Duration: 53min

    In “Blessed Are The Peacemakers”, Rodney shares that this has been one of the most contentious issues our nation has dealt with in its history. The recent SCOTUS ruling concerning the overturning of Roe V Wade and the response of individuals brings the deep divisions and discontent front and center. The church should praise and rejoice because of the decision rendered, but we should also walk with humility and be ministers of reconciliation. In a world that is always on edge and struggling to control its never-ending rage, Christians are called to be peacemakers. Jesus reconciled us to the Father, and when we promote peace and reconciliation we are living like Jesus. Those who bring the wonderful message of God’s peace to the world are "peacemakers," and Jesus calls them the "children of God." God has called us to live peaceful lives. Personal peace comes from knowing the Prince of Peace - Jesus. The more Christians actively work for peace the more our world experiences the peace of God.

  • UNLESS THE LORD BUILDS A HOUSE - pt1 - Unless The Lord Builds A House

    22/06/2022 Duration: 52min

    In “Unless the Lord Builds a House”, Rodney shares that our life is filled with choices and decisions, some good, others bad. A person may have good intentions, but sometimes results can leave us with regrets. Like a game of chess, everyday is filled with countless options and unforeseen events. We certainly can’t control every outcome, but we can set ourselves up for success overtime when we prioritize God and biblical principles when managing our life and families. Many people are more concerned with building their houses, cars, things, money, or status than they are building and preparing a “home”. You can prepare. You can plan. Your can guard. You can build. But unless the Lord builds a house your work is in vain. Life if filled with unexpected things, but the one thing that is reliable is the advocate – Jesus, who pleads our case before the Father.

  • LEADING OTHERS TOWARDS LIFE-CHANGE - pt1 - Leading Others Towards Life-Change

    26/05/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “Leading Others Towards Life-Change”, Rodney shares that growth is the sign of blessing from the beginning, and is the legacy of kings. If we are going to be known as a healthy, prosperous, life-giving church we must begin to be “fruitful and multiply”. Our heart desire may be to see others come to know Christ, but the irony is while I want to see life-change in others; it won’t happen unless it first happens in me. Leading others to Jesus isn’t God’s problem, and there isn’t a problem with the message. Some might say, “We are to blame.” But, “We are not the problem. WE are the solution.” The solution is making ourselves available to allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, in order to persuade others toward Jesus Christ. No need will be met, or vision completed without someone saying, “Yes” to leading the way for others to follow. So, have people bought into you? The greatest Bible story some people will ever read is you.

  • GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES - pt2 - Run With Confidence And Power

    16/05/2022 Duration: 51min

    In “Run With Confidence and Power”, Rodney shares that the Lord delegated his church with authority to share the message of the gospel and kingdom of God, but there is still one aspect that is needed if the church is to fulfill the mission of Jesus. We, the Church, have been given delegated authority, and POWER in the name of Jesus Christ to do the will, and works of God. The miraculous power of God, in Jesus’ name, on display is a witness to his supreme Lordship. Miraculous signs are a witness so that we believe in Jesus. This is why every believer must walk in the delegated authority and power of the Holy Spirit. If the church is to fulfill the command of Jesus to go and make disciples we must do it in the “authority” and “power” of Jesus Christ.

  • GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES - pt1 - The Starting Line

    26/04/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “The Starting Line”, Rodney shares that you can’t win a race if you don’t ever leave the starting line. God has called us to leave the starting line and run for the goal he has set before us. The early church didn’t stay at the starting line, they ran with the purpose and commission Jesus had given them. Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, and his subsequent resurrection, all authority has been given to him on earth and in heaven. Now, Christ-followers are to live with the delegated authority given to us by Jesus Christ. We, the Church, have been given delegated authority, and power in the name of Jesus Christ to do the will, and works of God. Our Christian duty is to go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus promises his followers they can be assured that when they obey his command to go share the message of Christ that he will be with them always. No one wins a race at the starting line. It is only when we leave the starting line, when we go and fulfill the command of Jesus to make disc

  • GLORIOUS DAY - pt3 - When Jesus Finds You

    18/04/2022 Duration: 56min

    In “When Jesus Finds You”, Rodney shares that the most glorious day in your faith journey is when Jesus finds you. You may be in a place in your faith journey where your low is as low as it has ever been. You had hoped for glorious. Now, that seems like a thousand lifetimes ago, and a million miles away. But, all it takes is one simple conversation or meeting with Jesus and your gloomy day can be turned into a “Glorious Day”. Three days after the death of Jesus, two disciples on the road to Emmaus and walking away from their faith, hopes, and dreams suddenly meet the resurrected Jesus Christ. Not knowing, initially, it was him they discussed recent events, their hopes, and sincere questions with Jesus. Their words reveal the disposition of their heart, and minds. They didn’t believe initial reports they heard that Jesus was alive. But, after Jesus was invited to stay awhile with the disciples, when Jesus broke the bread and blessed it in front of them, suddenly their eyes were opened, and they recogn

  • GLORIOUS DAY - pt2 - When Jesus Washed Me

    12/04/2022 Duration: 54min

    In “When Jesus Washed Me”, Rodney shares that one thing every Christian has in common is a personal encounter with Jesus when he washed – cleansed away our sin. That day is likely the most glorious day in a Christians life. Jesus loved his disciples to the very end, completely. Even though, he knew one would betray him, another deny him, and the others desert him. How many times have we betrayed, denied, and deserted Jesus? If we are honest, all our lives are littered with betrayal, denial, and desertion. Yet, Jesus still loves us, completely. It was customary for servants to wash the feet of guests upon their arrival, before they sat down to eat. Jesus began doing the unthinkable – washing the feet of the disciples. While the disciples recognized what Jesus was doing, taking on the role of a servant, none of the disciples offered themselves for the task. Maybe they thought themselves above having to do a menial task. Maybe they had grown accustomed to walking in close proximity with the Lord that

  • GLORIOUS DAY - pt1 - I Remember When Jesus _______

    04/04/2022 Duration: 54min

    In “I Remember When Jesus ________”, Rodney shares that as a Christian during the Easter season, our thoughts should remember the goodness of Jesus in our life. What would you say, or could you do for someone who did something for you that can not be quantified? Do you remember when Jesus ________? You can fill in the blank. If Jesus changed and transformed your life, what should be your response? The gospel of John tells of an event just days before his last Passover meal, arrest, and subsequent crucifixion. Mary, the sister of Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead only a few months prior, is the honored guest at a party in the town of Bethany. She anointed and washed the feet of Jesus with expensive oil. The fragrance filled the room. This was an extravagant act of gratitude and worship on public display. Her gift and sacrifice were costly. She was giving her all. She poured it out without measure upon Jesus’ feet. This is a picture of the extravagant gift of ourselves and offering that

  • WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON - pt1 - What In The World Is Going On

    29/03/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “What In The World Is Going On”, Rodney shares that Pastor’s are being asked this more, right now, more than any time in my ministry. Is this the end of the world? Is Jesus about ready to return? Is it time for Armageddon? Wouldn’t you like to know? Conservatively, Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that predicted his first arrival, death, and resurrection. There are a few prophecies that still need to be fulfilled before the return of Jesus Christ, but there are “0” prophecies that need to be fulfilled before the rapture of the Church. It would behoove us to examine the words of Jesus related to what he says about the end times, and compare it to what we are currently experiencing. If the words of Jesus are true, then we need to pay attention. We may be only moments away from God doing something really spectacular and you don’t want to miss it. The scriptures teach Jesus will return again, but until he does Christians are to be about fulfilling the mission of Jesus, until a

  • The Ministry Of Laying On Of Hands - pt1 - The Ministry Of Laying On Of Hands

    22/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    In “The Ministry of Laying On of Hands", Rodney shares that when a person comes into a church they will be exposed to various rituals and traditions. What does the Bible teach about the laying on of hands? Did the ancient church practice it, and should it still be practiced today? These rituals we perform in a church are not for a mere spectacle. The scripture reveals at least 5 significant uses for the practice of laying on of hands by the Church. God has chosen for his purposes and our benefit the ministry of laying on of hands as a sign of his grace, power, and presence.

  • I WONDER WHY - pt1 - I Wonder Why

    07/03/2022 Duration: 53min

    In “I Wonder Why”, Rodney shares that broken hearts and grief drives us to ask, “Why – why, God?” We try to reason “why” things are the way they are logically to protect ourselves. God listens to our questions “why”, but most often answers with a “who”. When you continue to focus on why it reveals my sense of entitlement, which can lead to bitterness? “Why” leaves us feeling discouraged and hopeless. “Who” leads us to help, healing, and hope. When we pour out our heart asking, “Why, God, I wonder why?” God answers back, “I am ‘Who’ you need.” Asking why doesn’t diminish the pain, but He, who holds all things together in the palm of his hand, can heal the wounded soul. What “I wonder why ____” question do you have on your heart? God is working even when we don’t see him, and using everything in your life to bring about good so that you can fulfill your life’s purpose.

  • THE CLOUD OF GLORY - pt1 - The Cloud Of Glory

    01/03/2022 Duration: 57min

    In “The Cloud Of Glory”, Rodney shares that when we first attended church we came for various different reasons. Hopefully, eventually, we move to wanting to have a sincere, authentic encounter with God. God’s people have always experienced God’s presence and glory, but in different ways, in different times. Nevertheless, we can be assured that it is possible to have a profound personal experience with the glory of God. The Israelites in the Old Testament experienced God’s glory in the tangible earthly manifestation of a cloud, often referred to as the “shekinah glory” of God. The cloud of God guided, and guarded God’s people, and eventually would rest upon the mercy seat, the lid, of the Ark of the Covenant. The New Testament now teaches that God’s Spirit doesn’t exist in a temple made by human hands, but in Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit residing in the hearts of men. Today, you can experience the glory of God by asking him to enter in. Ask him into your heart and life. Someday we will witness th

  • GUARD GOD'S HEART - pt1 - Guard God's Heart

    23/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “Guard God’s Heart”, Rodney shares that not only the world, but Christians in the Church can offend, and grieve the Holy Spirit. Are you guarding God’s heart? oIn light of all God has done for us, when we live beneath the life God has intended for us it breaks God’s heart. Paul challenges the church to throw off our old sinful nature, like dirty clothes. Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. We are to put on the new nature of Christ, clothing ourselves in righteousness. Every time we sin or behave beneath the life God has intended for us, we trash our temple – God’s temple. We break God’s heart when we live beneath the life Jesus intends for us to live. Our response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit is related to how much we love the Holy Spirit. Our response can deepen or create distance in our relationship. If you listen, you might hear the Spirit trying to talk to you about your life. What steps are you willing to take to guard the Holy Spirit’s heart from being hurt?

  • GOD-BREATHED - pt5 - Prepare Your Heart

    01/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “Prepare Your Heart”, Rodney shares that if you want to position yourself to hear God’s voice this year, you need to prepare your heart to receive his direction and be ready to act on his words. Jesus sometimes used parables to teach his disciples the truths of the Kingdom of God. He taught them there are four types of seed and ground that represent the Word of God shared with the hearts of people. When a heart is hard it resists and rejects the word and Spirit. Additionally, when you reject truth you end up living a lie. The distractions of this life can keep you from the rewards of the next life. So, prepare your heart to receive the seed (word) of God. When it takes root the word of God will grow in your heart and it will produce a huge harvest. Just ask. Ask God to breathe into your life through engaging God’s word everyday. Overtime you will see the miraculous begin to happen in your life, and as Isaiah the prophet said, “…it will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.”

  • GOD-BREATHED - pt4 - Remain In The Word

    24/01/2022 Duration: 55min

    In “Remain In The Word”, Rodney shares that reading the Bible helps us connect to Jesus. If we remain connected to him, then our lives are more productive and fruitful. Tragically, many Christians can find themselves gradually disconnected from Jesus when they don’t take intentional steps to remain in the Word. In fact, we can’t accomplish anything noteworthy apart from Jesus. When we distance ourselves from Jesus and the Bible that is the inspired word of God, we limit the fruitfulness and productivity of our lives, and become useless to ourselves, others, and to the Kingdom of God. But, we are promised if we remain connected to Jesus and the scriptures we prayer and expect miracles and answered prayers. When you abide in Christ, you pray and ask for things that are in accordance with his will, and his life is flowing through you, so you can ask anything in His name, and it will be done. True disciples remain in the word and deepen their connection to Christ, resulting in abundance of fruit and eviden

  • GOD-BREATHED - pt3 - Breathe Deep For Daily Success

    18/01/2022 Duration: 56min

    In “Breathe Deep For Daily Success”, Rodney shares that it is time for you to breathe deep. Dying people have shallow breathing. Want to live? Breathe deep. No more shallow breathing - spiritually. This year is the time you must breathe deep the scriptures, for they are living and powerful. Many people keep the Bible a closed book – coffee table. Your daily success will be determined by your daily application and obedience to God’s word. Reading the Bible will give us clarity, courage, and courage to act in faith. So, be strong and courageous. Obey and study all the instructions in the scriptures, the word of God. “Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do… For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:8-9). Start today – breathe deep.

  • GOD-BREATHED - pt2 - The Logos and Rhema

    12/01/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “The Logos and Rhema”, Rodney shares that application is key to the word of God being useful to you. There are two primary Greek words that describe scripture which are translated “word” in the New Testament, “Logos” and “Rhema”. Logos refers principally to the total inspired Word of God. Second, to Jesus who is the Living Word. Additionally, it is important to note the voice of the Holy Spirit is speaking at this present moment. A “Rhema” is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. How can I receive a “Rhema” direction from God for my life concerning a specific situation? Read God’s word (logos) daily. Next, ask God to speak (Rhema) to you through his word. Daily consumption of the scriptures will give you the nourishment that your soul needs. Reading and meditating on the scriptures allows God to breath into your life.

  • GOD-BREATHED - pt1 - The Most Useful Tool

    04/01/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “The Most Useful Tool”, Rodney shares that we all have areas of our lives that we need God to breath into. God has revealed himself in the scriptures. The apostle Paul says, “All scripture is inspired - “God-breathed” - by God. The Bible is the revealed will, and revelation of God. It is authoritative, true, and trustworthy. The scriptures in fact are the most useful tool you will ever need or use to navigate through life. It teaches us proper doctrine, reproves, corrects, and instructs how to live right. More than just information, the scripture is useful for practical for daily living. The believer will always be equipped for life in any and every situation, for every good work. If you apply God’s word to every area of your life you will see God’s reward in every area of your life. Your regular interaction with the scriptures allows you to hear God’s voice, know his will and instructions for your life.

  • WHEN YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU WANT - pt1 - When You Don't Get What You Want

    28/12/2021 Duration: 59min

    In “When You Don’t Get What You Want”, Rodney shares that when we don’t get what we want, if we aren’t careful it can steal our Christmas cheer, and everyday joy. Christmas expectations can set us up for disappointment if we didn’t get what we wanted or expected. You may be tempted to stay away from Jesus when he doesn’t give you what you want. It is sometimes difficult to understand why God allows certain things to happen in our life. You may even say, “Lord, if only you had been here …”, but can you say, “but even now”. Do you have the type of faith that has confidence in the Lord, and says; “even now …” Sometimes when we don’t get what we want, God is up to something better than what we had hoped for. Be assured, when you don’t get what you want, God will give you what you need most. In life, when you don’t get what you want, run to Jesus. He will surpass your expectations. When you don’t get what you want, have faith, God still has a big surprise for you to unwrap.

  • THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS - pt4 - The Love Of Christmas

    20/12/2021 Duration: 52min

    In “The Love of Christmas”, Rodney shares that Jesus Christ is the Love of Christmas. The message of Christmas is one of hope, peace, and joy that allows us to experience the love of God in Christ Jesus. To know God refers to an intimate, experiential knowledge of God, rather than just information about God. And, it is impossible to know God intimately without loving others, for God is love. Jesus is God in the flesh – true love in the flesh on display. Anyone in whom God dwells reflects his character. To claim to know God while failing to love others is to make a false claim. The love of God many of us have experienced was visibly demonstrated in a manger and on a cross. Christ’s mission is the great revelation of God’s love. Christmas is the celebration of God sending his One and Only Son, Jesus to be the acceptable sacrifice for our sins; so that, the world can be saved through Him. The Christ of Christmas offers the gift of experiencing hope, peace, joy and the love of God.

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