Connect With Rodney Cundiff

GOD-BREATHED - pt5 - Prepare Your Heart



In “Prepare Your Heart”, Rodney shares that if you want to position yourself to hear God’s voice this year, you need to prepare your heart to receive his direction and be ready to act on his words. Jesus sometimes used parables to teach his disciples the truths of the Kingdom of God. He taught them there are four types of seed and ground that represent the Word of God shared with the hearts of people. When a heart is hard it resists and rejects the word and Spirit. Additionally, when you reject truth you end up living a lie. The distractions of this life can keep you from the rewards of the next life. So, prepare your heart to receive the seed (word) of God. When it takes root the word of God will grow in your heart and it will produce a huge harvest. Just ask. Ask God to breathe into your life through engaging God’s word everyday. Overtime you will see the miraculous begin to happen in your life, and as Isaiah the prophet said, “…it will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.”