Connect With Rodney Cundiff

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 98:09:45
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CONNECT with Rodney Cundiff is a free audio broadcast from the Sunday Talks delivered by Lead Pastor, Rodney Cundiff at the weekly gatherings of New Vision Church in San Antonio, Texas.Our vision is to CONNECT you to a GROWING RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST.We hope this teaching resource equips and empowers you to fulfill the plan God has for your life.


  • JESUS - pt3 - Savior

    19/12/2022 Duration: 58min

    In “Savior”, Rodney shares that there is a great significance to the name of JESUS. Jesus is the centerpiece of the gospel message and Christmas story. According to historians, Jesus was a very common name among the Jewish people during first century Judea, at the time Jesus of the Bible lived. The meaning of the name Jesus is, “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation”. The name Jesus was so common and is perfect for the uncommon God who chose to dwell closely with his people. This uncommon God, through JESUS, chose to do what no one else was capable of doing – “save his people from their sins.” Isaiah 53 describes Jesus, the Messiah, as the suffering servant who bore our sins. In retrospect, when Jesus see’s and reviews the suffering, humiliation, pain, and gruesome work of Jesus on the cross, He will be satisfied. It is finished. He will see the fruit of his labor. The church, his bride will be adorned in beauty and spend eternity with him heaven. He bore our sins and we bear them no more, and Jesus

  • JESUS - pt2 - Fully Man

    12/12/2022 Duration: 53min

    In “JESUS – Fully Man” Rodney shares that Jesus is the God-man who came to earth to die for our sins, and to reveal God to us. Jesus had two natures. He was 100% God, and 100% man at the same time. In part 1 of this sermon series we focused primarily on the deity of Jesus. This message we will examine the importance of Jesus’ humanity. The apostle John wrote, “So the Word became human and made his home among us.” This is a simple but profound truth about the incarnation and birth of Jesus. The Old Testament predicted the arrival of God in the flesh. The scriptures reveal how Jesus was as human as you and me. Having a God who understands our weaknesses, disappointments, and weariness is comforting. But, Jesus did not come only come to know what we experience. God came in the form of man - Jesus Christ, in order to be the Savior of mankind. Jesus being “fully man” means He fulfilled the requirements to be an acceptable sacrifice and payment for our sin. Jesus is fully man – the Savior of the world.

  • JESUS - pt1 - Fully God

    06/12/2022 Duration: 55min

    In “JESUS – Fully God”, Rodney shared that Jesus is the reason and centerpiece of our Christmas celebrations. In this series, during the Christmas season, I want you to learn and understand the doctrine of the incarnation and its effect on your relationship with God. The incarnation and Christmas introduces and teaches us: Jesus is the God-man who came to earth to die for our sins, and to reveal God to us. Since Jesus became God in the flesh we can have assurance that he understands our problems, heartache, disappointments, and concerns. The wonder and truth of the incarnation still has an impact on your life today. You should not let this truth escape your grasps this Christmas. The incarnation is at the center of the gospel message. There is no gospel (good news) without the incarnation.

  • MOMENTUM BUILDERS - pt1 - Momentum Builders

    27/11/2022 Duration: 53min

    In “Momentum Builders” Rodney shares that God desires for you to prosper. Can you believe that? He sure does. God wants you to prosper in all your life: Family, Work, and your Church. This issues we face in life are easier to handle and solve if we have and build momentum. This is a great time of year and a wonderful opportunity for you to build momentum and change the culture or trajectory of your family, business, or help your church reach more people this next year. You need to constantly build on your momentum. How can you use this holiday season to begin a ‘winning streak’ for your family, business, or church? Momentum can inspire others to get involved, and raise their level of productivity. How long will you wait before you help your family, business, or church build momentum? You could be the person that is the catalyst that changes the story of your family, the culture of your company, or impact of your church. Leverage your holidays for building momentum. You can spend your life solving

  • REFUGE - pt1 - Refuge

    22/11/2022 Duration: 53min

    In “Refuge” Rodney shares that the believers’ life is defined by both triumph and struggle. Notice, I did not say defeat, but we do experience struggle, adversity, trials, and battles with opposing forces. Life is moments of celebration and joy, but it also can feel like a battlefield. At times we can feel like the battle is ours. At other times we can feel like we are being overrun. The psalmist declares, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” We will not fear. The devil and this world cannot overcome us, and God is in control and loves us. So, let the earth quake, let the mountains crumble and tremble, and let the waters rage and surge. We will not fear. God is our refuge, and He is here among us. His works are glorious and we as children are to “Be still, and know He is God!” God is our refuge and strength, and He is in control. So, we will not fear.

  • PRIORITY SEATING - pt1 - Priority Seating

    14/11/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    In “Priority Seating” Rodney shares that God makes people who are experiencing some challenges, or crippled by life a priority. He still gives priority attention and seating to those who are hurting. God wants to set your heart at ease. God’s intent is to show you kindness. God has overlooked your condition, and your disabilities do not disqualify you from being restored, and having a new relationship with the King. God’s promise to you is on account of Jesus. God gives blessings and grace beyond your imagine. God’s invitation to you, to relationship, and eating at the king’s table still stands.

  • PRAISE INSTEAD OF DESPAIR - pt1 - Praise Instead Of Despair

    10/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    In “Praise Instead Of Despair”, Rodney shares that we all experience feelings of sadness from time to time, but when faced with hardships, our spirit of heaviness may deepen into depression, and darker places if we feel stuck in circumstances that are not likely to change anytime soon, if ever. But, let me encourage you, the season you are in is exactly that. It is a season. This season will pass. Rather than fixate on our problems, look to the Savior who promises to rescue us from despair. The Lord will exchange our ashes of despair for crowns of dignity and celebration. The Lord is bringing you out of your season of mourning into a season of blessing. God will exchange your “spirit of heaviness” for a mantle of inner and outward praise. If you allow him, God will turn your sorrow and despair, into joy and praise. For, God is preparing to firmly plant you in Him, and his righteous will be seen in you, and it will glorify His name.

  • SCARED TO DEATH - pt1 - Scared To Death

    03/11/2022 Duration: 47min

    In “Scared To Death” Rodney shares that when you allow fear to control your life instead of following God’s voice, it can lead to the death of dreams, relationships, and fulfilling God’s will for your life. When you are “scared to death” you make deadly decisions. The Israelites when they were prepared to enter Canaan and receive the promises of God, they halted and refused to believe God had fulfilled his promise to Abraham and the Israelites. When your opinion contradicts the Lord’s promises fear is often the culprit. Your feeling of being “Scared to Death” will never lead you to a place of victory and inheriting the promises of God. What has God told you to do, but you haven’t because you are scared to death? God has a marvelous plan for your life filled with bountiful blessings if you trust him. God is faithful to his word and promises. Come into agreement with what God says and sees. What would you do and accomplish if you knew you, and what God told you to do would not fail? What aren’t you doi

  • LIVING STONES - pt1 - Living Stones

    25/10/2022 Duration: 54min

    In “Living Stones”, Rodney shares the Jesus Christ is the chosen living Cornerstone from the foundation of the world, selected by God for great honor. Additionally, you and I were perfectly chosen and hewn to fit into the spiritual temple that God is building. Our lives and inclusion into the church are laid upon the foundation of Jesus Christ as spiritual sacrifices. Those who reject Jesus as Lord find him to be a stumbling block. But, those who accept Jesus as Lord have been appointed and permanently built into the Church, as living stones. God calls you a chosen people, a royal priest, a holy nation, and his very own possession. So, show God’s goodness to the world and glorify him because of him bringing you out of the darkness of your sinful life and broken situations and into the marvelous, wonderful light of God’s grace and mercy.

  • DESERT AND DROUGHT DWELLERS - pt1 - Desert and Drought Dwellers

    18/10/2022 Duration: 44min

    In “Desert and Drought Dwellers”, Rodney shares, “Desert and Drought Dwellers” have to develop a certain kind of toughness. To survive, they have to become rugged individuals. During our times of desert and drought we must be patient and wait on the provision of God. Your personal desert and drought experience might be the way God is preserving, protecting, and providing for you. It is in those places next to our personal Kerith Brooks where we gain greater intimacy with the Lord. We are in solitude being fed the bread and meat from God’s word, and refreshed by the waters of his Holy Spirit. Yet, the means of God’s provision today may not be the means of God provision tomorrow. Regardless, God is still faithful to supply our needs.

  • KNOCK DOWN - pt1 - Knock Down

    28/09/2022 Duration: 50min

    In “Knock Down”, Rodney shares that there are significant structures not built of bricks and mortar, but in our minds. Our thoughts and thinking build an opinion that becomes an attitude, which influences our behavior, and creates a life. Some of us have a good thought life, but others might be building our life on philosophies, teachings, false doctrines, and ideologies that are opposed to Christ, and the Spirit-filled life. Some of us in the church practically live our life not considering, or outright rejecting clear biblical instructions. We’ve built a skewed Christian worldview in our mind. There is an unseen spiritual reality that is real. We need to take spiritual warfare more serious than what we typically do. Daily our minds are under assault by a barrage of images, thoughts. Many of the thoughts that cross our mind each day are not real, based in reality, true, come from God, or of the Spirit. You must knock down the thoughts that the devil would seek to build in your mind. He will attempt

  • BROKENHEARTED - pt1 - Brokenhearted

    12/09/2022 Duration: 51min

    In “Brokenhearted”, Rodney shares that the world is full of heartache. So many of the songs we sing, art we show in a galleries, pictures we show and share with one another, novels that are written, and movies we watch are filled with people who are heartbroken. Both saint and sinner - all of us experience a broken heart. The hurt can be caused by numerous different reasons. Whatever it may be, I want you to begin your healing today, in Jesus name. For David wrote in the Psalms, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirit’s are crushed.” The Lord beckons you to draw close to God, leave your worries and cares with Him, and then He will heal your wounded heart. If you are brokenhearted, begin your journey towards wholeness.

  • LORD OF THE SABBATH - pt1 - Lord Of the Sabbath

    05/09/2022 Duration: 57min

    In “Lord Of The Sabbath”, Rodney shares many people are exhausted physically from their jobs, and making a living. But, he sees just as many people who are exhausted spiritually because of they are “spiritual workaholics”. They are preoccupied with trying to earn and work their way into heaven, and a right relationship with Jesus. They aren’t resting in the sufficiency of Jesus and his completed work on the cross. A correct biblical understanding is one that builds faith upon the sufficiency of Jesus’ work on the cross and resting in the grace of Christ. Modern-day Pharisees place excessive burdens on themselves and others in an attempt to work for their salvation, and to have a relationship with Jesus. But, Jesus declared that He is “Lord of the Sabbath”. Your work and goodness is insufficient for maintaining a relationship with God. Only the Lord of the Sabbath can give you rest from your work and give your soul the rest you need. Jesus came to provide us rest from laboring to achieve our own salva

  • VICTORY AT ALL COSTS - pt1 - Victory At All Costs

    03/09/2022 Duration: 43min

    In “Victory At All Costs”, Rodney shares that winning and losing, one brings joy and a sense of accomplishment, the other can bring heartbreak and a sense of failure. The Church, a nation, an organization, a business, and a family all have one thing in common. They all face challenges from time to time. In order to overcome the serious issues we face, we need leaders, in every church, capital building, school board meeting, civic group, company from the boardroom to the assembly line, and household with a “Victory At All Costs” attitude and mindset. The world we live in is complex. Are you willing to lead your church, family, organization to victory at all costs? The types of people who see sustained success financially, relationally, and spiritually have developed a victors mindset. Start your winning streak today – “Victory At All Costs”!

  • THERE IS A MAN - pt2 - The Problem Solver

    23/08/2022 Duration: 58min

    In “There Is A Man”, Rodney shares that God wants us to be leaders and influencers in the world. God strategically places his people with unusual giftings and talents throughout the world to influence and lead others to the Kingdom of God. The world is struggling with issues and questions, but you have the answer to the worlds’ problems. The world is calling and counting on you to provide an answer. It needs you to be its problem-solver. God has given you the ability to untie the knotted thoughts and misunderstandings in their minds. Who can interpret the signs and writing of God for this generation? You are called to share and speak the words of God for this generation. Will the world say of you, “There is a man…”, “There is a woman…” who has the Holy Spirit? You have the answers and understanding to explain truth to the world needs to hear.

  • THERE IS A MAN - pt1 - There Is A Man

    15/08/2022 Duration: 56min

    In “There Is A Man”, Rodney shares that if we are going to change the culture, and bring society back from the brink of self-destruction we must influence areas of education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment, and media. God wants us to be leaders and influencers in the world. We are to be representatives of the Kingdom of God, this includes the schools. The book of Daniel reveals the words, thoughts, and deeds of an Old Testament prophet that was divinely equipped with aptitude, wisdom, and understanding. This divine gift was recognized by those in leadership and it elevated the prophet Daniel to a place of significant influence in the king of Babylon’s court. The world is in crisis. It is looking for answers to the multitude of problems it is facing. Will the world say of you, “There is a man…”, “There is a woman…” who has the Spirit of the Holy God. The world may see and sense God is doing something, but they don’t understand it. They are in distress. You have th

  • WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT - pt1 - Who Is The Holy Spirit

    09/08/2022 Duration: 57min

    In “Who Is The Holy Spirit”, Rodney shares that the Bible describes God as one God eternally existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Of the three members of the trinity, in some circles, the Holy Spirit is often forgotten and at times not esteemed as much as the other two members of the trinity. The Holy Spirit is also frequently misunderstood. God is spirit, not a material form. The Holy Spirit is not gendered. The Spirit is not a force, power, or it. The scriptures declare the Holy Spirit is God. The Spirit is the third person of the trinity and has the same attributes as the Father and the Son (Jesus). The Holy Spirit has been at work since creation and will be at the end of this age. The Spirit was active in the creation, assimilation, and preservation of scripture. He was active during Jesus’ earthly ministry and continued ministry of the church. He convicts the world of sin, gives new life to believers, indwells and infills believers. Fresh outpourings of the prese

  • GOD'S CALLING - pt1 - God's Calling

    19/07/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “God’s Calling”, Rodney shares that there is a longing in us to know what our purpose is. God has designed each of us for purpose – a calling – “a God calling”. God will providential direct your steps when you commit your whole self to him. We pray to have the mind of Christ, and insight but sometimes the way can seem blocked. Leave room for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the leading of the Holy Spirit can be as simple as a closed, or open door. How open are you to listening and following the lead of the Holy Spirit? When you say “yes” to God’s call the Holy Spirit will lead you where you are needed.

  • UPTICK DURING A DOWNTURN - pt1 - Uptick During A Downturn

    12/07/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “Uptick During A Downturn” Rodney shares that current economic conditions are forecasting rough waters ahead, but those who follow some basic money management principles can weather the economic storm that is brewing, and actually come out ahead stronger and healthier when this time of economic hardship and inflation are over. It is possible to experience an "Uptick During A Downturn". When you deal with your personal debt, commit to being honest with others in your transactions, live by the principles outlined by God in the scriptures about finances, and honor the Lord with your resources you can experience an uptick during a downturn in the economy and come out ahead.

  • FREEDOM'S CALL TO SACRIFICE - pt1 - Freedom's Call To Sacrifice

    06/07/2022 Duration: 59min

    In “Freedom’s Call To Sacrifice” Rodney shares that with great freedom and liberty comes sacrifice and responsibility. You are a steward of the freedom God has entrusted you with. How are you managing your freedom? How should Christ followers who have been set free by Jesus live in a free country? The Apostle Paul instructed the early church that they “…must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble.” We should restrain our freedom and liberty when others may be tempted and stumble in their faith walk. Freedom and Restraint (Sacrifice) may seem to be at odds, but actually it is a wonderful picture of what true freedom looks like. Because Jesus has set us free, and we are in free indeed, we are free to willingly and lovingly sacrifice so that others can be free.

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