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BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS - pt1 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers



In “Blessed Are The Peacemakers”, Rodney shares that this has been one of the most contentious issues our nation has dealt with in its history. The recent SCOTUS ruling concerning the overturning of Roe V Wade and the response of individuals brings the deep divisions and discontent front and center. The church should praise and rejoice because of the decision rendered, but we should also walk with humility and be ministers of reconciliation. In a world that is always on edge and struggling to control its never-ending rage, Christians are called to be peacemakers. Jesus reconciled us to the Father, and when we promote peace and reconciliation we are living like Jesus. Those who bring the wonderful message of God’s peace to the world are "peacemakers," and Jesus calls them the "children of God." God has called us to live peaceful lives. Personal peace comes from knowing the Prince of Peace - Jesus. The more Christians actively work for peace the more our world experiences the peace of God.