Earn Your Happy Podcast | Motivation | Self-love | Entrepreneurship | Confidence | Fitness And Life Coaching With Lori Harder

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 719:59:46
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Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationships Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3X time fitness world champion, fitness expert and cover model, turned self love junkie - lifestyle entrepreneur and author digs in shares the goods! Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to take action in your life. Tune in for an inspirational guest, a story or a "quickie" of motivation to get you out of a funk or blast you even further on your rockstar journey! Stop waiting until you are happy and go out and earn it! I promise to make sure we have some fun along the way - you can't take this life too serious. It's time to fall in love with the process and take back your control! Oh and please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps and leave us a review!


  • 205: How Science Can Help You Learn to Eat Intuitively with Kelly Leveque

    29/01/2018 Duration: 01h04min

      My guest, health nutritionist and author, Kelly LeVeque and I have been circling each other for quite a while, which makes me so ecstatic that we were finally able to connect. With an early interest in health (it was her favorite class in high school), she went to college and after worked eight years in the cancer and genetics field. During this time, however, Kelly still felt pulled to help others with their nutrition and did so as she was able. It wasn’t until a friend finally told her “enough already,” that she went back to college for nutritional coaching and has been seeing clients full time since 2015.   Kelly truly loves the science behind nutrition and uses the power of it to motivate her clients and elevate their nutrition choices. She admits that she doesn’t believe in eliminating food groups, but does stress the importance of finding the right balance for YOUR body (hint blood sugar plays a big role). We talk about several aspects of this philosophy and you can find even more of them in her ne

  • 204: Why GROWTH Doesn't Always FEEL GOOD

    25/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    Growth doesn’t feel good all the time. I’ve mentioned this before, but over the past couple months it’s been proven even more as I’ve noticed that my career and life are at totally new and different levels. Don’t get me wrong, this all feels amazing…but it’s ALL new things and quite honestly, it’s a bit overwhelming and scary. There is so much that I don’t know about where I’m at and I’ve come to the realization that I need to be OK with that.   “Allow yourself to be where you’re at. Allow yourself to be a beginner.”   This mucky, but glorious spot means more growth is on the horizon. Nothing is ever as it seems and there is always a period of adjustment. Welcome it and enjoy the ride. All those moments that feel awkward and clunky as hell? Embrace them.   “Find the lesson in the resistance.”   Sure, we could stay at the same level year after year, but deep down your spirit doesn’t want that. It craves growth and your life has unlimited levels to achieve. I mean could you imagine staying at the exact

  • 202: FAITH Means Trusting THIS...

    18/01/2018 Duration: 22min

      This past weekend, I attended an event for the network marking company I’m affiliated with it and it was incredible! Every year around this time I always reflect and am so grateful for the relationships it has brought into my life. I honestly never thought I would be part of this type of company (it took a long time and ton of fear), but despite the nay-sayers and my own initial reservations, I haven’t regretted it for a second.   So if you’re feeling fear around something and/or a pull on your soul, go for it and ignore all the background noise within and outside – I’m living proof. Trust me, after creating a podcast, network marketing and writing a book, I’ve come to trust my soul to guide me in the right direction. But in order to do so, I have to consistently keep chipping away day by day at my goals.   “Consistency trumps everything.”   If you keep showing up and learning, you will go exactly where the message on your soul means for you to go. And this often times means ignoring the protective v

  • 200: How To MAKE MORE TIME and ENERGY for Your Goals

    11/01/2018 Duration: 22min

    I don’t know about you, but I love the natural reset that occurs with a new year. It’s a way to reset our intentions and make sure our time and energy are in alignment with our goals. But often times, this extra time and energy never come around because we’ve already taken up the “extra” with anxiety and stressful thoughts that don’t serve us.   So today we’re talking about how we can get more time, energy and willpower. And the simplest (but not necessarily the easiest way) is to clear your mental space.   “Fuel the potential and focus on the possibility.”   This means no focusing on what could go wrong and only focusing on all the amazing things that could go right. Become aware of overwhelming thoughts. And when you feel those thoughts sneaking in redirect them to something positive. What would help you right in that moment? What do you need? A walk outside? A fresh cup of coffee? A talk with a friend? Making a to-do list? Whatever it is, do that. Seriously, find THE smallest thing that helps you fee

  • 198: Our PLANS FOR SUCCESS in 2018 with Chris Harder

    04/01/2018 Duration: 01h10min

      Don’t be shocked when you hear a male voice as the podcast begins – it’s just my husband Chris, who’s back for another dual podcast! Both of us have been lit over here since ringing in the New Year and we wanted to share some of our thoughts out loud regarding some of the things we’ve been working on going into 2018 (hint: new eCourse coming in the next couple months).   First and foremost, we’ve both done a lot of reassessing and have gotten really clear and laser-focused on what we want to see and do this year – individually and as a couple – both in business and in play. Find out what we’re working to get rid of and what we’re working to align ourselves with more – some things may surprise you! We’re putting it all about there in this super candid conversation – you don’t want to miss it!   --      Questions Asked in This Episode: What was something you loved that we did on New Year’s Eve? What is something you do to get clear on your goals/intentions? What are your mindset blocks? What is on

  • 196: Find The Courage To Live The Life You Were Meant For

    28/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    Can you believe it? This is my last official quickie of 2017! What a ride 2017 was. And before I get into things here, and no matter what happened, I want you to acknowledge everything that happened – good and bad – and how it’s helped you learn.   Try to reframe the word failure, because it’s not always about winning or failing, it’s about learning or… learning. Yes! Can you we agree to take the word failure out of our vocabulary? As Nelson Mandela once said, “I don’t lose. I either win or learn.”   We need the contrast to help guide us where to go next. Personally, there we several things that I hoped to accomplish or have a different outcome within 2017, but it just made me realize that those dips and darkness were needed to amplify all the good things.   “The failures just tell you what to do next.”   And it was often the opposite of what I thought. Whether you lost a business, a friendship or a relationship, you learned. We are always learning and all the things we learn only help us live in our

  • 195: How to Tap Into Your Creative Intuition Quickly with Liana Louzon

    26/12/2017 Duration: 59min

      Photographer, jewelry maker and my guest today, Liana Louzon and I go way back (more than a decade) to my fitness competition days. It’s safe to say that a lot has changed, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the positive, driven and encouraging vibe that she gives off just by speaking with her. Originally from Russia, Liana made her way to Canada at the age of 14 and shares her journey of assimilating and learning a new language. While there were times of struggle, Liana learned to tap into her intuition and has since used that very skill to forge ahead in her creative businesses – namely her jewelry company, Rocking Vibe. If you’re a creative or longing to get MORE creative, be sure to listen in to hear how Liana taps into both her intuition, gets in her “zone,” and as a result creates a springboard for creativity.   --      Questions Asked in This Episode: When you came to Canada and didn’t know the language, what was that like? When did your interest in fitness begin? Where does your immedia

  • 194: The Soul PULLS, The Ego PUSHES - Goals and New Year's Resolutions

    21/12/2017 Duration: 17min

      With the New Year a week away, goals and resolutions are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. And while this is a super exciting time of year, it can also be super overwhelming, too. Especially if you don’t feel you were successful with the previous year’s goals. So here’s what I suggest this year (and every year for that matter): Focus on RIGHT NOW, and you’ll figure out the HOW later. “It’s now about the how, it’s about knowing what you desire.” Get clear on one or two goals and make sure they’re in alignment with your desires. Nothing is set in stone so let your feelings guide you. If you’re having trouble getting clear, try sitting for five minutes or more in the morning (or whenever you have the time) and ask yourself, “What would bring me the most joy?” Additionally, “How can I serve others and still bring myself joy?” Sometimes it’s a matter of reframing and refocusing on things that already exist in your life. For me this past year, it was my online Body + Soul Program. I knew I wanted to attra

  • 193: How Pleasure Helps You SHOW UP BIGGER in Your Life and Business with Arielle Loren

    18/12/2017 Duration: 01h03min

      There are so many interesting things to know about today’s guest, Arielle Loren, I don’t even know where to begin! A former sex columnist and founder of an erotic magazine, this now marketing agency owner encourages all female entrepreneurs to empower themselves and do all the things that bring them pleasure.   Be sure to listen in as we talk about tapping into this power and how keeping honest and authentic lines of communication open with others and ourselves can help lead you to your ultimate happiness.     --      Questions Asked in This Episode: What are you doing now and how did you get there? Would you share with us what it means to you to be sexually empowered? Why are we so afraid of asking for the things that bring us pleasure? How do we set up and enforce boundaries and why do we need them so desperately? Where do you have to go in order to push yourself through the scary parts? What do you do to self-soothe yourself and give yourself permission to change? What do you do when someon

  • 192: How to Avoid Trashing Your MINDSET and Environment

    14/12/2017 Duration: 16min

    The other day I was talking with a friend about my recent trip to Nosara, Costa Rica. And one of the things we were talking about was their relationship with Mother Earth. The people there are so conscious of what they are putting out and also regulate what others bring in and take out. For example, there are very few garbage cans and even throwing away a gum wrapper was a challenge.   While this did get frustrating, I love that it forced me to be more aware of my surroundings and what trash I was carrying around or just throwing away for someone else to deal with. And as my friend and I continued to talk, we also realized that this concept ran parallel with us as humans, too.   What trash are you carrying around? Are you disposing of it in a healthy way? Are you sick of carrying it around? When you hear gossip, are you throwing it on someone else? Or are you up-cycling it into something better?   We must be more conscious of what we’re putting out into the Earth – both literally and figuratively – beca

  • 190: How To Move From INTERESTED to COMMITTED

    07/12/2017 Duration: 20min

      New Year’s is just around the corner and I know that several of you are already working on your resolutions. Or maybe you’re a goal-getter all year round – and I applaud that! However, are you just interested in your goals or are you committed? Let’s talk about the differences between the two…   Now when I say committed, I mean committed. When you’re just interested, it may feel like your committed, but in the back of your mind you’re always looking for a way out. You haven’t set a date, you’re not risking anything or putting anything on the line. You’ve still got the opportunity to get out at any time. When you’re committed – you’re all in.   “A commitment is a one million percent YES.”   Here’s how the language around it changes. When you’re interested, it’s “Someday I will…, or “I would do x-y-z, but…” You’re always seeking out excuses why you can’t without realizing it. However, when you’re committed, you use phrases like, “I will…,” I am…” When obstacles arise, you offer no excuses and instead s

  • 189: BUSTING STEREOTYPES with Plus-Size Model, TV Star and WWE Superstar Nia Jax

    04/12/2017 Duration: 49min

    Any WWE fans out there? Regardless if you are or not, you’re going to love the conversation I had with WWE and Total Divas star, Nia Jax. As a plus-size model and TV star, she is busting body stereotypes left and right and wants other women to unapologetically own who they uniquely are, too.   Tune in to hear how Nia’s journey brought her to the WWE, what she had to overcome to get there and how she uses that platform now to empower other women. --      Questions Asked in This Episode: When you were younger, was becoming a WWE star a dream of yours? Where did you have to go mentally in order to show up at your WWE tryout? What made you keep going? What would tell someone who is waiting for the perfect moment to do something? What is something that because of a no has made you stronger? What is something that you are extremely grateful for right now? Why do thinking it’s so important for women right now to use their voices and platforms? What is something you wish more people knew about you? Wha

  • 188: Relationships Are Our Biggest Teachers

    30/11/2017 Duration: 16min

      This is the time of year where little bursts of inspiration or positivity are most needed, am I right? With the hustle, bustle and stress of visitors and visiting family, it’s hard not to let it get to you at some point.   So this year I’m already switching my focus from stress to excitement. I am in control of how I feel and how I act. No matter what old beliefs pop up when spending time around family and friends, I will not let it derail my current beliefs.   I know that most of us have those certain people who criticize their lifestyle, career or habits, but don’t take the bait! You’re not going to change them and you’re certainly not going to change for them, right?   Go in with the energy that “it’s all OK,” and let all the little stuff roll off your back. Now this doesn’t give anyone permission to walk all over you, but if you can just LOVE and LISTEN a little more, and release expectations, you’re going to close out the holidays on a high note.   See what happens when you can allow, accept a

  • 186: Finding Space Amid the Chaos

    23/11/2017 Duration: 23min

      I just returned a few days ago from my third trip to the Costa Rican jungles and it was such an awesome trip – even though every time I go, I feel a ton of resistance around it. And that’s because it throws me out of my routine (and it’s a LONG journey to get there).   But here’s what this trip helped me with this round – it forced me to take time for myself. It forced me to just sit in quiet in nature (with the occasional monkey making his presence known). You see up until Costa Rica, I was a feeling a little blocked creatively, which was super frustrating because I had a talk to prepare for and an eCourse to come up with. But on the flight home – because I allowed myself the space to let that creativity come flowing back in – the ideas poured out! I couldn’t believe how easy it felt.   Now, you might be saying, “This doesn’t apply to me because I’m not creative.” Newsflash – you ARE creative!   “We are all creative beings.”   You create and put things out in the world every single day – and there

  • 185: Release Your Victim and Wake Up Your HERO with Wes Chapman

    20/11/2017 Duration: 01h07min

      I came across my guest, Wes Chapman, as I was preparing for my TedX Talk and couldn’t stop thinking about his story. With a tumultuous childhood from day one including abuse in numerous forms and being told that he was too broken to fix, Wes is walking proof that we are only who we choose to believe we are.   Now Wes has committed his life to helping others who feel or have been told they are “broken” and encourages everyone to take control of their lives, ditch the victim mentality and get into hero mode. Listen in as Wes vulnerably takes us through his journey of rediscovering his self-worth and identity and how it led him to an entrepreneurial career of helping others.   --      Questions Asked in This Episode: How do we start to tap into or figure out our self-worth? Did you have something that was holding you back and if so, how did you go about taking the steps to move past it? What is something you are most excited about? Is there anything in your life that you’re still grabbing at even

  • 184: Why EVERYONE Needs To Shake Up Their Lives

    16/11/2017 Duration: 19min

    For the past month, I’ve been feeling a lack of inspiration, and when that feeling comes up, shortly after the feelings of unworthiness and not being good enough pop their heads back in the picture. It brings back glimpses of the crushing anxiety that I once faced. I knew it was time to start bringing the joy back into my routine (did I mention how much I love routine?).   So I decided to enlist the help of a coach. I needed more than the cheerleader voice in my own head – I needed compassion from someone who’s been there.   “I don’t want all of the things I’ve wished for to be wished away because I’m anxious.”   Even though I’m happy and grateful for all of the amazing things that are happening in my life and business, I was also getting bored. In order to do that I knew I needed to shake things up a bit and change up my routine   “Even creatures of habit need to shake things up.”   But this creature over here LOVES her routine and has a ton of resistance when it comes to changing it – even if it’s

  • 182: Getting SO Vulnerable I Could Barf, Seriously

    09/11/2017 Duration: 24min

      Warning: As I recorded this episode, my palms were sweating – I can’t make this up. And that’s because as the episode title suggests, I am getting super vulnerable and super transparent. Ever since I started writing my book, I’ve been in full-on creative mode. I want to create and I crave creating – in ALL different forms. Even as I’ve been the busiest I’ve ever been, I’ve made it a priority because my ideas had to come out. “Creating the time to get creative has opened up in an insane vortex of things I want to do.”  To name a few of my creative outlets – dance, guitar and now…wait for it…spoken word. I’ve been receiving massive downloads recently that have spurred me to delve into this arena. And today, I’m going to share one of my poems with you. Look, I’m not a rapper or poet…but maybe I am?  “Who are we not to claim these titles even though we haven’t done them if it’s coming through us?” I am so grateful that I have my mastermind women, Lindsay and Danette, to act as a reminder of my soul’s wis

  • 181: Learn Your Body Type, How To Eat For It, and Why Properly Digesting Your Food and Emotions Changes Your Diet and Being with Sahara Rose

    06/11/2017 Duration: 01h02min

      If you’re a knowledge junkie like me or looking to figure out why you can’t seem to find balance in your life, my conversation with author and Ayurvedic expert, Sahara Rose will likely set off a lightbulb or two for you – at least it did for me.   Be sure to listen in as Sahara explains her personal journey with Ayurveda and how you too can gain more balance in your life by figuring out your own mind body type (dosha). It may be easier than you think!   --     Questions Asked in This Episode: Can you tell us your story and how you came to be an expert on Ayurveda? Did you find that a lot of self-healing happened when you wrote your book? What are the different mind body (dosha) types? How can we help our bodies feel better and more at ease? What is the smallest thing we can do to start shifting and noticing the ways in which we feel better? How did eating for your mind body type affect your mentally? What opened up for you? What started showing up for you when you started to change your habit

  • 178: Become The REAL You

    26/10/2017 Duration: 21min

      “The most powerful way to raise the vibration of our world is to fully honor who we came here to be.” – Kristin Ace   Today I want to talk about you becoming YOU. Not the “you” you think you should be, but the you that honors your soul – at all corners of it. So ask yourself, in what ways are you honoring your soul? Now, in what ways are you absolutely denying your soul, suffocating yourself or cutting yourself off?   Chances are that if you found more things in the latter categories you’re feeling out of alignment with your higher self, which is why with every choice we make, we must choose the choice that keeps us aligned. It’s not easy sometimes (OK a lot of the time). We typically don’t roll out of bed in the morning and feel connected. We must create the experiences that fill our souls.   I know you may be questioning what that really feels like, but trust me. You’ll know you’re following the path your soul wants you to take when you feel in flow, connected and free especially in terms of self-e

  • 176: How To Be Your OWN GURU

    19/10/2017 Duration: 17min

      Have you ever caught yourself making a decision that you didn’t whole-heartedly want to commit to? Perhaps someone gave you advice or maybe there was an expectation set months before about something.   Today’s episode is all about making decisions that you actually feel good about. It’s trusting that inner gut and knowing that you made the right call for you.   “We all have inner wisdom and you know what is best for you.”   So why don’t we use this supposed guru ability? I promise it’s there, you just have to unlock it again. I’ve learned over the years (more so recently) that if I’m not slowing down and taking the time to get clear on what’s truly right for me, I’m scattered and super indecisive.   Did you catch that? Slow down and give yourself space – both physically and mentally. (Confession… those words may or may not be more for me than you as I am taking my own advice daily.) For me that’s taking long walks, going for a run or just going somewhere quiet to connect with my own thoughts. And k

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