A comedic, enthusiastic, and sometimes cynical discussion of action movies. And beer. Lots of beer.Do you enjoy any and all action movies ranging from Commando to Taken? Is Die Hard your favorite Christmas movie? Does the idea of a pun-based one-liner right before the the hero of the movie defeats the bad guy thrill and excite you? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, this may be the podcast for you. Every week, you can listen to Josh, Trevor, and Zach discuss some great (and some not-so-great) action movies along with whatever delicious craft beer that they happen to be drinking at the time. Enjoy!
Maximum Madness
29/05/2015 Duration: 01h08minHey! Did you hear that a Mad Max movie is back in theaters, and that it is a damn good movie? Yeah, you're right, that is pretty cool. In celebration of Tom Hardy's Mad Max lighting up the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is the cinema, we decided to revisit the original trilogy. This week we began our journey into The Thunderdome with Mad Max (1979) and, as always, a few frothy beverages. Buckle up and toss on your worst Australian accent while we veer into topics ranging from Mel Gibson in leather pants to the various definitions of the word "donk". There are no rules anymore, we travel at the speed of.....fright. Download this episode here or on iTunes here. Thanks for listening! Email us at
Rambo Provides Peace in the Middle East
21/05/2015 Duration: 01h23minWell, Rambo month reaches its lowest point thus far. Rambo III is the worst Rambo movie. That is not subjective. Not only does this movie go completely off the rails, we go off with it. We get a little….uh..politically incorrect. And more than a little drunk. This is us at our sloppiest. This is Rambo at his sloppiest. We were made for each other. Just pour yourself a bucket of malt liquor as we talk about knives the size of toddlers, third-world sports, that a HIND-D? Stream and download this episode and more here and on iTunes here. You are awesome. Thanks for listening! Email us at
Back to Back Ryback
21/05/2015 Duration: 01h09minAs it turns out, the legend of Casey Ryback was too much to be contained in a single film. To get the closure that we very much needed, we watched Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. Oh boy. Uh. Let’s just say that we had fun with this particular movie. If you want to hear far too many Ryback-based puns and one minor Joel Schumacher Batman tangent, this is the episode for you. Stream and download the episode here or on iTunes here. Email us at We may read it during the next podcast. Actually, we will definitely read it. Thanks for listening!
There Are No Brakes on the Porkchop Express
16/05/2015 Duration: 01h32minMan, Big Trouble in Little China is one hell of a film. If you haven't watched it, watch it now. Yeah, right now. Come back when you're done and listen to us rave about this absolute masterpiece of 80's American Cinema. This week, we increased our roster size by a whole extra person with our first ever guest, friend of the podcast, Zach Ficht. If you're a fan of tangents, this episode has 'em by the bushel. Throw on your rattiest sweatpants, pour a glass of something that was illegal in the USA from 1920-1933, and settle in to hear us discuss things like hog-tying Kim Cattrall, minor Mulan characters, and out-of-place patriotic toasts. Download and stream from here or on iTunes here. Thanks for listening! Contact the podcast at
Dredd-Locked and Loaded
09/05/2015 Duration: 01h25minThe future is scary. We will be reduced to a country of six mega-states and several mega-cities that teem with criminal scum. Luckily, we will have Judges. Judges like Dredd. God have mercy on your soul if you even so much as litter while he's on the job. This week we drank even more Michigan beer and watched the 2012 film Dredd, and it's a superb action flick. Watch it, drink something cold and illegal to serve to children, and listen to us discuss Karl Urban's chin and mouth acting skills, expensive slo-mo cameras, and mothers using gross euphemisms. Stream and download here or on iTunes here. As always, thank you for listening, and if you'd like to contact us, email us at
Live, They Do
01/05/2015 Duration: 53minA dwindling middle class? Police brutality? It may sound like we watched a Michael Moore movie made in 2014, but the simple truth is that we watched the 1988 scifi/horror/action/comedy(?) film, They Live. It's unfortunate that this movie came out before humanity had invented professional wrestlers who could also act. Luckily, a young Keith David holds up his end of the deal while killing aliens who rule the upper crust of the world. This film is even crazier than that sentence. Pick up a couple of cheap 40s from the liquor store down the street and join us as we discuss Rowdy Roddy Piper's improv skills, Joker tattoos, and the apparent tackiness of blue tortilla chips. You can stream/download this episode here or on iTunes here. Thanks for listening! Email any anecdotes, corrections, or muffin recipes to
Part Two of the First Blood of Rambo
24/04/2015 Duration: 01h14minDo you love sequels that shift 180 degrees in tone? Who doesn’t, right? Well, whether you get off on drastic shift changes or very sweaty men in uniform, Rambo: First Blood Part 2 is the exact movie for both of those very particular fetishes. Join us as we hit the halfway mark in our Rambo Extravaganza month and experience the joys of explosive tipped arrows, ham-fisted political messages, and a bow that make as much noise as a coyote caught in a wood chipper. Download and stream this episode or on iTunes here. Email us with beer and movie suggestions. And insults. Insult us if it makes you feel better. That’s how much we care. Thanks for listening!
Rybacked Into a Corner
24/04/2015 Duration: 01h02minWho doesn’t love Steven Seagal? Oh, you don’t? Hmm. How about Gary Busey? No? Well…shit. Do you like Tommy Lee Jones? You do? Excellent! He’s in this movie and he is awesome. We watched Under Siege this week and discovered that it’s actually a pretty solid flick. And that Steven Seagal only wears black. Hop aboard the USS Missouri with us as we drink our way through Busey’s teeth, 90’s boobs, and cheeky cooks. If iTunes is more your thing, we can be found right here. Thanks for listening and enjoy your weekend! Contact us for literally any reason at
Rambo and the Case of the Kidnapped Christians
24/04/2015 Duration: 01h11minWell, we've done it. We have watched and discussed every Rambo movie over the last 30 days. I'd love to say that we learned something. Or anything, really. But that's not for me to say. I'll let you decide whether or not we learned a single thing after you listen to us sneak our way through the jungle of biceps and bandanas that is the Rambo franchise. Oh, the point of this post is to say we watched and "analyzed" the 2008 film Rambo. This is a goodie. All the gore, white savior tropes, and implied rape you can handle. Grab a cold, mind-altering beverage and get into it with us. Download it on iTunes here or enter the link below into the search bar of your favorite podcast app. Thanks for listening! Contact us at
Something WICKed This Way Comes
21/04/2015 Duration: 01h18minSometimes the only pick-me-up you need is seeing bad people being ruthlessly and efficiently killed. Few movies do a better job of portraying this than John Wick. At it’s core, John Wick is a retelling of the classic story of a boy and his canine companion. With more murder. Tons of murder. If you have a hankering for some delicious, ice-cold revenge and would also like to see a 49 year-old man perform feats of athleticism that you couldn’t dream of doing even in your 20’s, watch this movie. Then listen to our professional, slightly inebriated opinions. Contact us at Thank you for listening and have a superb weekend!
Enter the (John) Matrix
16/04/2015 Duration: 01h09minArnold. Kidnapped daughters. Guns that never run out of ammo. You’ll find all this and more in this week’s episode. If you haven’t seen the 1985 classic Commando, watch it right now. We did, and it was great (according to at least one of us). Join us as we throw a few back and analyze the complex piece of art that is Commando! Apologies for the audio quality. As it turns out, Josh is not even qualified to properly plug mics into a mixer. Expect a much higher quality of sound on next week’s episode…probably.
The First of Many Bloods
16/04/2015 Duration: 01h10minThe Rambo Franchise is an action movie institution and we are going to run through all of them in order like a comically oversized hunting knife through an 80’s bad guy. In this installment, we discuss First Blood and get a little dark. Like period jokes and brief Destiny discussion dark. So put on your best thousand-yard stare, drink something cold and age-restricted, and burn down a small town with us. Email us at and we will read whatever you send on the next episode. Thanks for listening!