Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

Rambo and the Case of the Kidnapped Christians



Well, we've done it. We have watched and discussed every Rambo movie over the last 30 days. I'd love to say that we learned something. Or anything, really. But that's not for me to say. I'll let you decide whether or not we learned a single thing after you listen to us sneak our way through the jungle of biceps and bandanas that is the Rambo franchise. Oh, the point of this post is to say we watched and "analyzed" the 2008 film Rambo. This is a goodie. All the gore, white savior tropes, and implied rape you can handle. Grab a cold, mind-altering beverage and get into it with us. Download it on iTunes here or enter the link below into the search bar of your favorite podcast app. Thanks for listening!  Contact us at bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com http://bulletsbombsbeers.libsyn.com/rss