Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

Live, They Do



A dwindling middle class? Police brutality? It may sound like we watched a Michael Moore movie made in 2014, but the simple truth is that we watched the 1988 scifi/horror/action/comedy(?) film, They Live.  It's unfortunate that this movie came out before humanity had invented professional wrestlers who could also act. Luckily, a young Keith David holds up his end of the deal while killing aliens who rule the upper crust of the world. This film is even crazier than that sentence. Pick up a couple of cheap 40s from the liquor store down the street and join us as we discuss Rowdy Roddy Piper's improv skills, Joker tattoos, and the apparent tackiness of blue tortilla chips. You can stream/download this episode here or on iTunes here. Thanks for listening! Email any anecdotes, corrections, or muffin recipes to bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com.