Bullets, Bombs, & Beers Podcast

Dredd-Locked and Loaded



The future is scary. We will be reduced to a country of six mega-states and several mega-cities that teem with criminal scum. Luckily, we will have Judges. Judges like Dredd. God have mercy on your soul if you even so much as litter while he's on the job. This week we drank even more Michigan beer and watched the 2012 film Dredd, and it's a superb action flick. Watch it, drink something cold and illegal to serve to children, and listen to us discuss Karl Urban's chin and mouth acting skills, expensive slo-mo cameras, and mothers using gross euphemisms. Stream and download here or on iTunes here. As always, thank you for listening, and if you'd like to contact us, email us at bulletsbombsbeer@gmail.com.