Talking About Everything With Harry Hawk.



Talking About Everything: A podcast with Harry Hawk. Speaking about society, marketing, food, technology, media, fun & games, education, funny stories, odd art, + everything else… New episodes every Thursday plus specials and news bulletins. Talk back on Twitter @hhawk. Harry would like to talk to you too!


  • Mobile Ad Targeting with Kimberly Glaser


    AdTech - Advertising Technology Harry Hawk talks to Kimberly about the future of advertising technology. Learn how AdTech helps build relationships between consumers and brands. Using geographic, demographic and psychographic segmentation consumers can be targeted consistently even if they own or use multiple devices. Kim Glaser talks about the features and functions built into the software.   AdTech Reaches Across Devices It can be hard to reach someone on a mobile device because they can have or use more than one device and of course more than one desktop computer as well. help to solve that problem. While also allowing consumers to opt-out, platform fosters brands innovation around storytelling. Understanding AdTech basics is important for everyone including professionals in PR,  marketing and advertising to average citizens. Ad Tech for Public Relations While AdTech can be used to push transactional "buy now" ads... Harry Hawk feels its real value is sharing impactful and

  • Educator Self and Peer Assessment with Dr. Doug McKee

    23/04/2015 Duration: 41min

    Teachers Need Peer Review Dr. McKee provides some peer assessment and evaluation of Harry's in-classroom learning. Harry recounts the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of assignments and in-class strategies. Harry is seeking broader acceptance of honest self-evaluation and embracing the failures in pedagogy that leads to learning and improved student learning outcomes. Reach Doug: Teach Better web site ( and Twitter (@TeachBetterCo) Harry's Notes: "Since the Fall of 2013 I have evolved my approach to teaching with an assortment of pedagogically diverse approaches. I have been seeking a knowledgeable peer with whom I could present a self-assessment; I believe only a frank and honest accounting of my efforts will allow me to continue to grow and learn as a teacher." Thanks Doug! On April 7th, 2015, Dr. Doug McKee took the time to listen to my self-assessment while offering suggestions, insights and lessons from his own classroom. Dr. McKee is the co-host of the Teach Better podcast (h

  • New Clue 66


    This is an open BLOG post to Doc Searls ( & David Weinberger ( Dear David & Doc, I heard on the Hobson & Holtz Report (Epi 790) about some feedback you received on your new clue # 66 from Richard Edelman. I'd like to offer my own thoughtful feedback. This is an open letter.   In thinking about your new clues 64, 65, & 66...    To whit, that while there maybe some area of concern with native ads, they are ethically speaking full of disclosure and the standard for them is actively evolving. The problem is not with Native Ads but with Journalism. Journalism is devoid of transparency and disclosure and self certifies that they are a profession and that their professionals are totally ethical.   Your clues (new and old) are filled with a humanistic admonition to interact as people, with people, in conversation and dialogue with transparency, openness, etc. Journalism is the "man behind the curtain" pretending to be the great and powerful "Oz of Ethics"...  Like the Great and Pow

  • Talking TakoYaki with Karl Palma


    Karl Cooks TakoYaki Karl Palma was the featured Chef in, "Tako NY" ~ A documentary film about Otafuku" (directed by Kris Brearton). He talks to Harry Hawk about cooking TakoYaki, opening up his own restaurant and playing the Taiko Drums. Karl has been a featured Chef at the New York, Chicago and Charleston Food Film Festivals. Karl is of Filipino decent and grew up in Southern region of New Jersey. He attributes much of his success to his relationship with the Japanese Community in NYC.   I have known Karl for a number of years and you will find he is full of passion and energy and that translates to everything he does and to everyone around him.  Related Video FILM: Tako NY - Dir. by Kris Beardon featuring Chef Karl Palma - filmed at Otafuki [] Karl talking about his balls [] Keizo talking about Ramen balls [] Food Porn "star" Larry talks about Balls [] P

  • Talking about Blogger & SEO with Mihai Vasilan


    An SEO Gig?  I met Mihai through the gig site Fiverr when I was looking for some help with the Blogger site I was creating for this podcast; the site you are currently reading. I needed help making sure all the posts and pages loaded fast, some help understanding SEO and testing to make sure that the blog worked as well on mobile devices as on desktops. Mihai was the 3rd or 4th person I tried. Everyone added a little bit of value but Mr. Vasilan had more to offer, albeit at a higher price. Mihai is a 21 year old college student studying public administration but actually earns his living blogging, and helping others with their blogs.  What is SEO? SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization -- this is the art and science of making a web sites, web pages, pictures or posts easier to appear within a search engine results on Google or Bing. There are legitimate organic ways of doing this and that is known as White Hat SEO; there are some tricks and methods which attempt to "game" the search engines; that i

  • Overtime-with-Steve-Price-about-STEM-education-and-Chain-Reaction-Artistry-_interview-au-64.mp3


    The continued discussion from part I. We talk about everything from Steve's appearance on America's Got Talent to what he wants to do with his future!

  • Talking with Steve Price about STEM Education and Chain Reaction Art

    04/04/2015 Duration: 20min

    Steve Price is a Chain Reaction Artist You may know him from America's Got Talent... Steve Price is a full time college student (Junior), and when not in school spends his time thinking about and building complicated constructions of dominoes, chemical reactions and other physical elements that once started "detonate" in one long chain reaction. Here is a great example on YouTube: Steve Price (Sprice) on America's Got Talent. Steve's web site | Steve on Twitter | Steve's YouTube Channel | Sprice Machines on Facebook Help Support STEM ED There is a lot of Science, Techonology, Enginering and Math (STEM) invovled in Steve's creations... It is a way to make STEM very real and tangible for students and of course when a chain reaction detonates it is also a lot of fun. Kickstart Steve & his 15 Friends Besides trying to support STEM Education, Steve his 15 friend will be trying to create two records. The American Domino record, plus the world record for Rube Goldberg Devices. LINK TO The Incredible Science Machine

  • Talking About Social Media with Dr. Santa J. Ono (@PrezOno)

    02/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    Spring 2015 Business leaders in the Spring of 2015 (at the most senior levels) are still not using social media tools themselves (even senior PR Pros). Yet there is plenty of data suggesting that when the C-Suite uses social tools, it helps them and their teams strengthen consumer trust in their company. The sad fact is that often C-Suite executives are unwilling to learn the needed skills or are simply just risk adverse. Game of RISK: In academic circles these same two issues are often seen as a barrier. There are some who only see social media (especially Twitter) as a tool for youthful and trivial interactions instead of for its untapped potential: a gate-free medium that can facilitate cross generational and cross cultural communications. Santa J. Ono, PhD. Dr. Ono's usage of Twitter has been recognized  as a leading example that academic leadership can harness social media to accomplish personal, professional and institutional objectives. This leadership has been recognized within the UC Community, loca

  • Judith talks about the great Hartford Circus Fire


    Judith survived the "Great" circus fire of July 6, 1944 -- it was rather traumatic for her. 1st escaping from the fire, and then returning home without the loving affection and understanding that is shown to day with young victims of trauma.

  • Mike Linksvayer, Creative Commons and Free Society

    19/03/2015 Duration: 28min

    Mike talks about the economic value of information and why the freedom of information should be valued by a free society. Mike talks with Harry Hawk about his previous role as the CTO and VP at The Creative Commons.

  • Talking About Competency Based Education at College For America with Chief Learning Architect Yvonne Simon

    05/03/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    College for America CFA) has designed a new approach to higher education based on skills learned vs. time spent in the class (contact hours). Students do not get letter grades; there is no teacher to beg for a better grade. Students are assessed with either Not Yet or Mastery. They need to fully master 120 skills to graduate. This program is affordable, and students progress through the course at their own pace, while coached by the team at CFA.

  • #FollowTheLeader with Dan Zaiontz

    19/01/2015 Duration: 30min

    Dan Ziaontz spoke to educational leaders who are using social media as part of their effort to communicate with members of their communities, governing boards and the general public. Published by M. Stoner.

  • The Naked Rowers

    15/01/2015 Duration: 20min

    Angus Malcolm tells Harry Hawk how the Naked Rowers have used nudity and social media to engage, influence, and tell a very unique story about sports and inclusion while raising "nearly £100,000."

  • Smashing Burgers 001


    My Love Affair with Burgers: Starting To Flip I've helped sell more than 100, 000 burgers and I've cooked them 5x at the James Beard House. I also won the 2008 Burger Battle of the Boroughs. This is my story about my love affair with the hamburger. I've decided to start to tell this story because on Jan 17th 2015 I'll be cooking a burger pop-up in Brooklyn. If you are reading this before that date, you can buy some tickets and taste my burgers --> Jan 17, 2015 Tickets. You can visit the Schnack Web Site which is still online, or check out the Blog. I mention the Gowanus Yacht Club in this episode, learn more here. A Juicy well cooked, medium rare slider burger (a Schnackie) on a NY Handmade Breads Brioche bun. This "Slide" ran at the local Clearview movie theater promoting Schnack burgers and meals. A view inside of Schnack designed by James Mamary the most amazing restaurant designer I've ever met. e-Flyer from the 2015 Burger Pop-up

  • PUT (People Using Television) is Down


    PUT is the acronym for People Using Television. Since Nielsen started counting broadband only homes in 2013, the broadband only category has grown to be "2.7% of the sample size." That's not a huge number but it is growing and it's bigger when they look at younger viewers where it's down about 7%.

  • Talking About Everything hangs out with Ken X Ruan


    I was joined by Ken X. Ruan and we talked about society and marketing. This episode was a test of how well we could record together over Skype, testing out Ken's Microphone, and of course getting used to speaking to each other while recording everything we said

  • Episode 0 – My 30 Second Promo

    01/12/2014 Duration: 30s

    This is my audio promo for "Talking About Everything," a podcast with Harry Hawk offers a wide range of interviews, rants, discussions and more.

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