Talking About Everything With Harry Hawk.



Talking About Everything: A podcast with Harry Hawk. Speaking about society, marketing, food, technology, media, fun & games, education, funny stories, odd art, + everything else… New episodes every Thursday plus specials and news bulletins. Talk back on Twitter @hhawk. Harry would like to talk to you too!


  • New Cases for The Amiga A1200 — A Kickstarter Project – TAEP Ep 33


    New A1200 Cases From New Moulds   I spoke with Philippe Lang of the A1200 Team about their licensed effort to create new cases the venerable Amiga 1200. They are offering the original color, optional colors and even limited edition colors. Made from 3 moulds, the "kit" includes a top and bottom shell, plus new trap doors, and even some hidden mods that will make it easier to work with 3rd party upgrades. The case will support all revisions of the A1200 board and can also support the Raspberry PI if you are just looking for a retro case. The Kickstarter runs until Nov. 1, 2015 and is looking to raise 125,000 Euros. The most affordable option is just to get new trapdoors and other related parts, and screws. They have put a lot of time and thought into this effort and you can see the Kickstarter page for all of the details. They can't offered them without any of their own self built parts, but some sponsor packages include set of coffee mugs with the Amiga logo, the checkmark, and the bouncing ball.

  • DJ & Scientist Alexander Str3am — Extended Conversation


    DJ Science Guy - Kickstarts HIP DJ Channel Talking About Old Men Alexander Str3am is a DJ who lives in Virginia. He is also a research scientist. To kickstart his YouTube channel he did a collaboration (Collab) with popular gay YouTuber Davey Wavey... where he talked about his husband who is much older than himself. Part 1: How To Start A YouTube Channel Harry and Alex talk about how to grow a YouTube channel. This initial part of the interview first appeared on the FIR Podcast Network. The over time discussion which starts about 23 minutes in, is released here "raw and uncut." Part 2: Overtime Dicussion... marketing, EPs and Life as a YouTuber In over time Alex and Harry talk about relationships, marriage, and Alex's work on a forthcoming EP. Harry also gives Alex a mini Inbound Marketing tutorial.    I have highlighted Alex’s channel because it helps demonstrate the power of a single well placed Collab. Other channels have engaged in dozens and even hundreds of Collabs. Alex reports a Collab typically conve

  • The early days of YouTube with Adam Schleichkorn


    Adam Schleichkorn and Harry Hawk talk about the early days of YouTube, the power and lure of the MCN (multi channel networks), and the fight today between YouTube and Facebook.

  • Farming with Youtuber Tommy Alderman


    Join Harry and Tommy for a farm fresh 1 hour and 40 minute conversation that will leave you wanting to quit your marketing job so you start a farm (just so you can create the marketing for it).  While being interviewed by Harry Hawk Mr. Alderman expressed interest in Podcasting and has subsequently created a podcast. It is clear that he has a spirit of exploration and is eager to try and experiment with new modes of communication.    Links:Alderman Farms on PinterestAlderman Farms on FacebookAlderman Farms on Google+ The first 20 minutes of this episode appears on the FIR Podcast Network as BUILDING FENCES WITH YOUTUBE YC EPISODE 0001 --  this episode of Talking About Everything is the entire conversation nearly raw and uncut.   

  • Overtime-epi21-Mike-McEuan-talking-about-PPC-and-CPA-promotions-for-business-and-students-au.wav-auphonic-64.mp3

    02/07/2015 Duration: 24min

    Meet Mike... In the world of Inbound marketing were quality content rules the roost, you might think that paid advertising and those who earn their living buying or selling ads might feel competitive pressure but Mike makes it really clear that the best place to focus the starting point of a digital promotion is amazing organic content. Mike makes it clear you should be working with your sales staff and agreed with me when I talked about the value of the PR team in terms of storytelling and audience building. Mike sees organic content as part of the validation or optimization process that every digital effort needs. That is, organic content validates both the message and the audience and proves that there is an alignment between that customer base (or persona) and the message you are delivering. Mike suggests that you would be wasting money if you start promoting before you have validated your approach. I would add this could go even further in that you should also be testing out the landing page(s), and a

  • Talking About Online Ads (PPC) with Mike McEuen

    02/07/2015 Duration: 19min

    A few weeks ago I spoke with Michael (Mike) McEuen about how to buy and optimize online advertising. Mike really knows this topic because he has worked on all sides of paid advertising triangle. He has been on the sell side with Gannett Papers, on the AdTech side with the company AdStages, and today he is on the buying side at DoubleDutch. In the world of Inbound marketing were quality content rules the roost, you might think that paid advertising and those who earn their living buying or selling ads might feel competitive pressure but Mike makes it really clear that the best place to focus the starting point of a digital promotion is amazing organic content. Mike makes it clear you should be working with your sales staff and agreed with me when I talked about the value of the PR team in terms of storytelling and audience building. Mike sees organic content as part of the validation or optimization process that every digital effort needs. That is, organic content validates both the message and the audience a

  • 1st recording on linux within my Chromebook-auphonic-64.mp3


    This mini episode was produced with my existing mixer and MXL microphone; pulled into the Chromebook via USB-B. I recorded and edited in Audacity 2.05, and exported as a WAV file. This summary and all post production was done in Auphonic accessed from Ubuntu using the Chromium browser. From Auphonic this episode was directly released to iTunes.  

  • Talking About the Power of Facebook with Dennis Yu


    Talking With Dennis About Reach on Facebook You will hear a lot of people "projecting" their opinions on Facebook's motives for offering paid reach and the reports that organic reach is down. To most it is a conspiracy theory; Dennis (and I) believe that the truth is far different; that Facebook is putting users first and quality organic content still has amazing reach. Here what Dennis has to say about how to use Facebook to target, message and communicate with your customers, partners and prospective clients. Dennis Yu is the CTO and co-founder of BlitzMetrics. You can read more about Dennis and BlitzMetics at or find Dennis on Twitter @DennisYu

  • Danny Meyer, Patrick Martin & Jean Paul remember Josh Ozersky


    Josh Ozersky was a friend of mine.. and he was not always present in my life but he was always a presence. He introduced me to 100's of people, from the famous to the infamous. He invited me to a competition where I won the best burger award, and so many other things.   In this interview you will hear from Union Square Hospitality head Danny H Meyer (@dhmeyer), Jean-Paul the Executive Chef at Blue Smoke (@chefjean_paul ), and Patrick Martin (@MartinsBBQ) a champion winning BBQ guy from Nashville Tn. (and one of Josh's best loved BBQ joints).   Robbie Richter (@RobbieRichter) and I spent the morning of Saturday June 13th walking through the Big APple BBQ talking to folks who were willing to share their memories of Josh. We interviewed Dozens of folks thanks to Robbie's ability to open doors.   This is the first in a series of short releases and a full length episode will come out in due course. You can think of this as a miniseries about memories of Josh! As Josh often said when asked about eating vegetables

  • PPC Part 2


    I am the ATM, Advertising Testing Manager -- Brian Lenney is our resident Wordsmith and the guy who made my last post.. really pop... When I write I take too long.. Brian has the knack for high quality and fast. Early in the process Brian put together fine, curiously well crafted and curated collection of copy... The first one I call WOLF... This podcast is extended content for my 2nd post.

  • What is TWIP? Talking with Lauren Koenig


    This week I talk with TWIP's Lauren Koenig about travel, how people differ in their behavior while traveling, and who makes the best traveling companions.   I have noticed that as I have traveled with people whom I know well and respect… at times that feeling of respect has been replaced with anger, frustration or just  annoyance. We may be friends, family, colleagues or even lovers but well, we are not well suited to travel together.     Lauren Koenig has has noticed this problem as well.. and many other minor details I hadn’t thought about, from when someone wants to eat breakfast, to what someone wants to do in the evening. Of course Lauren hasn’t just noticed this problem, Lauren has decided to do something about. Her solution is is a “pre-launch” mode as I write this and is hopefully coming to the market soon. It is a place for people to find other folks to travel with and/or where they can book tours offered by TWIP with a “curated” group of strangers who like a dating site, have b

  • PPC Part 1


    I am the ATM, Advertising Testing Manager -- I spent a lot of $$$ last month, I took a lot of chances, tried a lot of things... and the results may surprise you! This is a multi part series talking about what I'm doing, pulling out lessons and opening up my work to the community for discussion and feedback. Find the post on Inbound(Org)

  • Talking with Nathan Thursfield the boy with super model nose-auphonic-64.mp3


    Nathan Thursfield has transformed his face with a nose job, which by itself isn't that remarkable. Yet, because he choose to have his nose remade to look like the Katie Price, a UK Reality TV star and model the media has grabbed a hold of Nathan's story. I wanted to speak with Nathan about his own journey and learn more about the story behind the story, and learn about what makes Nathan live, love and prosper. I am incredibly proud that Mr. Thursfield had the courage of his convictions to make the changes to himself that has helped boost is confidence and grow his happiness. Still I'm amused that the media has made so much of what amounts to a simple nose job, Nathan however has an interesting and compelling journey. During the interview we talked about the Diane Sawyer interview with Caitlyn Jenner who still was identifying as Bruce. He is hard to juxtapose the life long struggle of Caitlin with a teenager who was able to come out and come into his own without waiting decades... but I think is a sign of our

  • Talking with Ken Ruan about Taco Bell and Techno Failure


    Harry Hawk and Ken Ruan talk about Taco Bell, Apps, subway system key cards, self driving cars, electric cars, and the Internet Of Things.. talking about how each of those inventions adds to the richness of our lives, and yet, can take away from us some of the freedoms we once had, or at worst, exposes us to some very long tail risks. A few times a year Harry and Ken fire up Skype and talk about some current issue in society... This sixty minute conversation is all focused on fast food, fast cars and technology failures. From a Taco Bell app that took an order when the store was closed, to a car that has a sensor problem that prevents the brakes from working we are surrounded by amazing technology that presents serious long term (aka long tail) risk.   This episode is a bit longer and a bit more rambling than typical but it's a real genuine conversation and we invite you to listen in. From ordering fast food from your smartphone to cars that brake for themselves or refuse to brake (when asked) our world is a

  • OT Conversation with Everette Taylor re: Students, Growth Hacking and Life


    Everette Taylor Jr. (@Everette) started marketing while he was 18 yo and attending college. To date he has worked with some of the "net's" most famous brands, marketing experts and today is the CMO of Sticker Mule. If you enjoyed EP16 Everette Taylor talks about online sales and growth hacking then check out this contined conversation... new topics and greater depth!  It's clear that Everette's personal journey in college lead the way to his success. Everette was head of Growth at Growth Hackers and today is the CMO at (@StickerMule).   Everette's journey from student, to marketing expert really just follows his own passion, for learning, trying, experimenting and do more of what works and less of what doesn't. In this 48 minute and 56 second overtime conversation we talk about everything from the companies he has worked with, the tools he uses, and the nuts and bolts of optimizing an ecommerce site. Please subscribe on iTunes, or Stitcher Radio -- your honest review is appreciated

  • Karen-Freberg-talking-about-students-and-social-media.mp3

    21/05/2015 Duration: 42min

    A special BONUS show. Harry Hawk talks with Dr. Freberg about students and social media. How she teaches social media, and how students react to "having" to use social media as part of a classroom activity or as homework, and how that differs from using it with their friends. Karen also talks about how she teaches communications and PR and includes some of the social media lesson plans and exercises in her courses. Dr. Freberg uses Twitter, SnapChat and Facebook in her classroom. Harry and Karen also mention University of Cincinnati President Dr. Ono and his stellar use of Twitter. Dr. Karen Freberg teaches communications, PR and Social Media at the University of Louisville. She is @kfreberg on Twitter. #HighEd

  • Everette Taylor talks about online sales and growth hacking

    21/05/2015 Duration: 19min

    Everette Taylor Jr. (@Everette) started marketing while he was 18 yo and attending college He was an intern at United Way where old school marketing flourished. Everette helped them implement some digital marketing and with tangible results for United Way and his own personal brand. It's clear that Everette's personal journey in college lead the way to his success. Everette was head of Growth at Growth Hackers and today is the CMO at (@StickerMule). Everette's journey from student, to marketing expert really just follows his own passion, for learning, trying, experimenting and do more of what works and less of what doesn't. In this 20 minute episode we talk about everything from the companies he has worked with, the tools he uses, and the nuts and bolts of optimizing an ecommerce site. There is a 48 minute and 56 second Overtime episode for those who want to hear more of our talk. Everette talks more about growth hacking and about students and personal branding. Everettte feels that all st

  • Part_1_Karen_Freberg_talks_about_crisis_management_and_teaching_social_media_and_personal_branding-auphonic-64.mp3


    Harry talks with Dr. Karen Freberg who is an Asst. Prof. At University of Louisville  in strategic communications  and an adjunct Prof. Online in the graduate Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. I'm excited to talk with Karen about the use of targeted social and socially curated published content as it applies to crisis communications, PR, and reputation management. I'm also interested in talking about how students can make use of social media tools for their personal branding, and her insights on the value of students engaging in the process of crisis management planning for their personal brands. Prof. Freberg has active research in public relations, reputation management, social media and crisis communications.   

  • Karen Freberg talks about teaching social media and crisis communication


    How do collge age students "take" to social media studies? They might think it is easy but according to Dr. Freberg, "it's the hardest course they will have to take." It's one thing to snapchat with your friends, it's a totally different matter to be the public interface for a brand. Harry talks with Dr. Karen Freberg who is an Asst. Prof. At University of Louisville  in strategic communications  and an adjunct Prof. Online in the graduate Marketing Communications program at West Virginia University. I'm excited to talk with Karen about the use of targeted social and socially curated published content as it applies to crisis communications, PR, and reputation management. I'm also interested in talking about how students can make use of social media tools for their personal branding, and her insights on the value of students engaging in the process of crisis management planning for their personal brands. Prof. Freberg has active research in public relations, reputation management, social media and crisis comm

  • Cruising: 1970 Chevy Impala 350 Custom Coupe


    Many lessons were learned at the wheel of my custom coupe. Coupe of Pleasure This one is blue; mine was Gray.. and probably has simplier rims, and no wheel well covers. .. and only a single exhaust. You can see the iconic "Notch" in the rear deck lid and if you can image, the rear and front of the car were of a similar length.. and there was plenty of room in that car to get into trouble. I got mine for $900 in 1977 with about 95,000 miles on it. That car took good care of me, and got me into and out of a lot of trouble from fire and ice, to snow, skiing and amazing full 360 degree skids.. I really learned how to pull myself out of a skid in that car.. let me tell YOU! Which Car Is Mine? It's hard to know (or really remember) what exact model (power train) I had. I recall the car had a 10.5:1 compression but there isn't anything in the specs at that size.. and I recall it was a 2 barrell carb so in the episode I have probally indicated the wrong engine configuration. I think this is the car I had -->> My Imp

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