Talking About Everything With Harry Hawk.

What is TWIP? Talking with Lauren Koenig



This week I talk with TWIP's Lauren Koenig about travel, how people differ in their behavior while traveling, and who makes the best traveling companions.   I have noticed that as I have traveled with people whom I know well and respect… at times that feeling of respect has been replaced with anger, frustration or just  annoyance. We may be friends, family, colleagues or even lovers but well, we are not well suited to travel together.     Lauren Koenig has has noticed this problem as well.. and many other minor details I hadn’t thought about, from when someone wants to eat breakfast, to what someone wants to do in the evening. Of course Lauren hasn’t just noticed this problem, Lauren has decided to do something about. Her solution is is a “pre-launch” mode as I write this and is hopefully coming to the market soon. It is a place for people to find other folks to travel with and/or where they can book tours offered by TWIP with a “curated” group of strangers who like a dating site, have b