Talking About Everything With Harry Hawk.

New Clue 66



This is an open BLOG post to Doc Searls ( & David Weinberger ( Dear David & Doc, I heard on the Hobson & Holtz Report (Epi 790) about some feedback you received on your new clue # 66 from Richard Edelman. I'd like to offer my own thoughtful feedback. This is an open letter.   In thinking about your new clues 64, 65, & 66...    To whit, that while there maybe some area of concern with native ads, they are ethically speaking full of disclosure and the standard for them is actively evolving. The problem is not with Native Ads but with Journalism. Journalism is devoid of transparency and disclosure and self certifies that they are a profession and that their professionals are totally ethical.   Your clues (new and old) are filled with a humanistic admonition to interact as people, with people, in conversation and dialogue with transparency, openness, etc. Journalism is the "man behind the curtain" pretending to be the great and powerful "Oz of Ethics"...  Like the Great and Pow