Pastor Jacob Jurado's Sermon



Sermons from Jacob Jurado, Pastor of First Church of God, Rapid City, SD


  • Arrogant Prayer

    18/03/2007 Duration: 20min

    When Jesus tells a parable about two people praying in the temple, Jesus is addressing those who think they're righteous. Today, as we look at this parable, we'll see why the heart and attitude of that Pharisee is so destructive to God's Church

  • Faith Promise Weekend I

    11/03/2007 Duration: 26min

    Every year we have a Faith Promise Weekend in order to raise money to support different missions. This year we brought in a guest speakr: Charles Underhill.

  • Faith Promise Weekend II

    11/03/2007 Duration: 29min

    Every year we have a Faith Promise Weekend in order to raise money to support different missions. This year we brought in a guest speakr: Charles Underhill.

  • Faith Promise Weekend III

    11/03/2007 Duration: 35min

    Every year we have a Faith Promise Weekend in order to raise money to support different missions. This year we brought in a guest speakr: Charles Underhill.

  • Keep Watch With Me

    25/02/2007 Duration: 17min

    Every once in a while, while we're dealing with some heavy stuff, we need someone just to stand with us....someone just to be there....a companion. We'll turn to Matthew 26 and find that even Jesus needed someone to keep watch with Him.

  • Appendix Prayer

    18/02/2007 Duration: 16min

    16 days in the hospital because of a wicked appendix caused me much grief and pain. Somehow, in the midst of some dark days an old prayer became something powerful and peaceful.

  • See

    14/01/2007 Duration: 26min

    God Sees Everything

  • Silent

    07/01/2007 Duration: 25min

    As we return to Genesis 16 again we see Sarai bulldozing her plans into action. But my question is this: "Where is Abram?" He's oftly silent during these verses.

  • Bulldozer

    31/12/2006 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever thought that God's promises to you won't be fullfilled? Have you ever lost patience waiting for God to move and honor his word? Then maybe you can relate to Sarai....maybe you can relate to how she responded when she felt that way

  • Immanuel And The Wrath of God

    24/12/2006 Duration: 16min

    Maybe by talking about the understanding, love, and acceptance of God we miss out one something important. Romans 1:17; Matt 1:22; Psalms 38.

  • I'll Do Anything For A Tamale

    10/12/2006 Duration: 21min

    Herod is a man that would do anything (lie, manipulate, kill) in order to further his own agenda. He values no one, but will step on anyone to get what He wants. Jesus, on the other hand...

  • Brought It Upon Yourself

    10/12/2006 Duration: 22min

    There are enough challenges and troubling situations that come our way. We don't need to bring more trouble upon ourselves by our selfish and sinful actions. Let's learn a lesson from Herod.

  • Wating For The Treats

    26/11/2006 Duration: 24min

    We start the advent by asking the question, "what did the shepherds do after they saw the Baby Jesus?" The best answer: "They went back to their sheep."

  • Crowding Around Jesus

    12/11/2006 Duration: 22min

    In Luke 8:40, we see a miracle unfold within a crowded street. There were many people crowding around and bumping into Jesus that day, but one woman had a more powerful and intense encounter with Jesus thany anybody else. Now-a-days a lot of people are still crowding around Jesus, but there are very few who come to Jesus like this woman.

  • Replaceable

    05/11/2006 Duration: 21min

    As we turn to the last chapter of 2nd Thessalonians, we struck by a passage of scripture that seems obsolete and outdated. Maybe it is not the passage that is out dated, but the Church who is operating in the wrong paradigm to understand its relevancy

  • Paris Syndrome

    29/10/2006 Duration: 26min

    It's amazing how frequently we encounter people who are oblivious to their own ugly/destructive habits. People who don't realize how annoying, scared, negative, critical, or ignorant they really are. But have you ever wondered if there's something about you that others see, but you don't. Maybe you're perception of reality is off. What does this have to do with 2nd Thessalonians 2? Listen and find out.

  • Shaking Helicopter

    22/10/2006 Duration: 23min

    In 2nd Thessalonians 1:11-12, Paul mentions a brief prayer/blessing for the Thessalonian Church. It's a prayer for the Thessalonians to be found worthy of God's calling. This isn't a prayer for them not to backslide, but a prayer that reveals something much deeper about ourselves and God's calling on our lives

  • Tell Me I'm An Idiot

    08/10/2006 Duration: 21min

    In 1st Thessalonians 5:12-13, Paul tells the Thessalonian church to recognize and acknowledge their leaders. In Hebrews 13:17, the author tells the church to submit and obey to their leaders. These are strong words that nobody likes to hear, but as we study these passages, we'll find some very impelling reasons to obey and submit.

  • I Love Peas And Apple Juice

    01/10/2006 Duration: 23min

    In our fifth week of going through the boook of 1st Thessalonians, we find Paul talking about the second coming of Christ. Apparently, the Thessalonians were terrified that those who died would not be a part of Christ second return, so Paul had to explain some things to them and inform their ignorance.

  • The Mediocre Musician

    24/09/2006 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever wondered "What does God really want from me?" or "Does God have any expectations of me?" As we continue our sermon series through the book of 1st Thessalonians, we not only find the answer to these questions, but we also find Paul challenging us in a very powerful and convicting way.

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