Pastor Jacob Jurado's Sermon



Sermons from Jacob Jurado, Pastor of First Church of God, Rapid City, SD


  • Laying Down Freedoms

    21/10/2007 Duration: 31min

    We look at two passages from Matthew. One shows how Jesus offends the religious leaders without a second thought. The other depicts Jesus going out of his way, laying down his rights, in order not to offend the same people. Is there any way to reconcile this dichotomy within Jesus? Let's study the scriptures and find out...

  • shaken

    14/10/2007 Duration: 35min

    Often storms and quakes come and shake our lives. For some, these occurrences cause their lives to crumble, while for others, it becomes a purifying process. The parts that shake and fall from our lives are the things of this world, but because we're planted on a solid rock, we still stand. The things God has revealed to us and formed in us can not fall.

  • Uprooted

    07/10/2007 Duration: 30min

    God Has planted us here and desires for us to strengthen our root system and grow. What keeps us from growing and maturing in our walk with Jesus is being offended.

  • Massive Offense

    23/09/2007 Duration: 31min

    Today we look at how holding onto an offense leads to our love growing colder and colder

  • Jared To Africa

    09/09/2007 Duration: 26min

    This week Jared Sanchez came and shared with us his calling to Africa

  • The Uncommitted Jesus

    26/08/2007 Duration: 32min

    We know that the virtue of "Faithfulness" or of being "Committed" is very important to our Christian Faith, but would you be surprised if we found Jesus to be very uncommitted? This was exactly what the Pharisees labeled Jesus. Maybe the question shouldn't be, "are you committed?" but the question should be, "What are you committed to?"

  • Option B

    12/08/2007 Duration: 28min

    As Jesus began his ministry we find him calling Andrew, Simon, James and John to "Come and Follow Me". As we dive deeper into these words we'll find that Jesus is awakening a deeper dream that's deep within their hearts. He's calling them from option "b" to something powerful and inspiring.

  • The Stained Church VI (2 Questions)

    05/08/2007 Duration: 26min

    As we come to the close of this sermon series, I leave you with two questions that steam from Jesus wonderful dinner at the house of Levi. These two questions stem from Jesus response to the Pharisees when He says, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." I pray that these two questions propel our church into the will of God.

  • The Stained Church V (Love Neighbor)

    29/07/2007 Duration: 23min

    If we really want to be someone who loves God with all of our being than we must learn to love our neighbor. And so we must not confuse or use our devotion to God as justification or as a means to oppress others.

  • The Stained Church IV (The Two Collide)

    22/07/2007 Duration: 32min

    As we turn to 2nd Samuel 6, we see Michal confront David on his undignified actions. Maybe this isn't just a confrontation between a man and his wife, but maybe this is a confrontation between a man who loves God with all his being and a woman who doesn't. Maybe this is the same situation that we have experienced many times in our life.

  • The Stained Church III (Spiritual Effects)

    15/07/2007 Duration: 29min

    Is it possible that some of our good "Christian" traditions go against the will of God? Is it possible that we push aside all that God calls us to in order to hold on and observe our traditions? Do we even know the difference between our traditions and God's desires?

  • The Stained Church II (Traditions)

    08/07/2007 Duration: 37min

    Is it possible that some of our good "Christian" traditions go against the will of God? Is it possible that we push aside all that God calls us to in order to hold on and observe our traditions? Do we even know the difference between our traditions and God's desires?

  • The Stained Church (Religious Spirit)

    01/07/2007 Duration: 23min

    Jesus makes the point that there are people who think that they are His followers, who speak prophetic words, cast out demons, and heal, but He doesn't know them. How do we get to this point where we substitute religious activity for a vibrant relationship with Jesus? Could the account in Numbers 21 concerning a bronze serpent really shed light onto this for us?

  • Redemption Via Sex

    17/06/2007 Duration: 29min

    In Genesis 3 we find the relational unity God created broken in pieces. How does God provide redemption? What must be done to continue bring redemption? What does this story have to do with us?

  • Mothers Day (a moment of perspective)

    13/05/2007 Duration: 24min

    God gives us these moments of perspective to clearly show us our life and to offer a chance for repentance

  • The Tested I

    29/04/2007 Duration: 20min

    Why is God testing Abraham? Why doesn't God just search his heart?

  • Milk For Babies (Maturity)

    22/04/2007 Duration: 26min

    God has many deep truths for us, but we must be at a place of maturity before we can receive them

  • Kicking Against the Goads

    08/04/2007 Duration: 28min

    When Paul encountered the Resurrected Jesus, He found out that he had been kicking against the goads for a long time. One of the reasons: he didn't have a complete view of God.

  • You Owe Me

    01/04/2007 Duration: 21min

    Jesus speaks against having a sense of Entitlement

  • Irresponsible

    25/03/2007 Duration: 26min

    Leaving your house, job, business and for three, days without thinking about food, you go to and chase after Jesus. were these people irresponsible?

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