If you are ready to claim your power and change the world, then join women empowerment expert Eleanor Beaton for Fierce Feminine Leadership. Each week, Eleanor shares inspiring interviews with powerful women in business, along with practical tools and tricks you can use today to step into your power, smash your glass ceiling and take your seat at the tables where the big deals and decisions are made.
[FFL 329] The Two Types of Knowledge
28/03/2019 Duration: 17minHow would you know if the knowledge you acquired is reliable? You rely on proof and empirical evidence that supports the validity of such knowledge. However, there are those who argue that intuition and ideas that have yet to be proven are as valuable and credible as the knowledge that has already been studied, accepted, and verified in the past. So, which among the two should you prioritize to acquire that will make you a better leader? Keep Reading >> Today, I share the two types of knowledge and define each, how different they are from each other and how society perceives them. I explain the relevance of valuing the knowledge that you have as well as the ones that you bring into the marketplace. I also share the significance of integrating this knowledge and why it’s critical to value yourself in the process. “Your best, most creative, most original humanity-advancing ideas will not survive long enough for you to prove them if you don’t learn to value and trust your inherent knowledge.” - Eleanor B
[FFL 328] What to do When You get Pushback After Setting a Boundary
27/03/2019 Duration: 11minLike any other worthy venture, having dreams and nurturing them comes with a cost. There are crucial things you need to do - or learn how to do - to not only be able to reach your full potential but also to ensure that your direction leads you to the realization of those dreams. As you protect your time, set priorities, and set boundaries, you also need to learn how to deal with pushback.
[FFL 327] Next Level Time Management for Women Entrepreneurs
26/03/2019 Duration: 32minTime management can often be one of the most challenging aspects of being a high-level entrepreneur. Female entrepreneurs are often described as having ‘superpowers’ in regard to how they manage their time while running their business and raising a family. But there is one reality that you - as well as the rest of the world - need to deal with: there is only - and always be - 24 hours in your day. Keep Reading >> The innovations in technology have drastically helped driven women free some of their precious time. But how do you make things happen in your business without taking for granted the equally significant aspects outside your business realm? Today, I take you behind the scenes of how I organize myself and my day. I discuss why I call my time management process “Draconian” as well as why you need to pause and consider the top three values that are most important to you. I also share strategies that will encourage you to take action whether it’s to set new boundaries or consider new ways of managing
[FFL 326] Consistency is Queen
21/03/2019 Duration: 13minAs an entrepreneur leading a team, you know that the work ahead is not only challenging but also rewarding. The work you do is not easy, and you work hard to generate the best results. If there’s one thing that produces results that’s equally important as the talent you and your team have, it is consistency. Keep Reading >> On this episode, I share why consistency is queen when it comes to building a successful career and business. I discuss why being consistent is as important as having talent and how to assess your level of consistency. I also share what happens when you apply consistent effort in your work and the crucial role it plays in world-class performances. “Consistency produces results.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: How to be an articulate speaker without notes What is much more important than your talent The common denominator among Beyoncé, Brene Brown, and other world-class influencers in their industry How to assess your consistency level Wha
[FFL 325] Outstanding Business Communicators Do THIS
20/03/2019 Duration: 06minRemarkable communicators do not have a problem with bringing a strong message to the market. But if you are like other entrepreneurs whose core skills are in other areas, sending your message out there can be a daunting task for you. Articulating what you want to say and expressing them clearly are vital skills that can be learned by any willing entrepreneur who wants to have a more significant impact in their industry. Keep Reading >> On today’s episode, I share how to be an effective communicator as a female entrepreneur. I share the foundational skill that all leaders have from a communication perspective as well as the steps that will help you convey your big message to the marketplace. I also share how to simplify your communication so you can distill and focus your message - skills every outstanding business communicators have. “Becoming a fabulous communicator in business is actually a series of different skills that you’re trying to practice individually.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on th
[FFL 324] Curiosity is a Strategy with Shama Hyder
19/03/2019 Duration: 35minShama Hyder is the marketing genius behind Zen Media, a global digital marketing and PR firm dedicated to helping brands stay relevant, become more social, and connect with their customers in the digital age. She is the author of The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue. She was named as one of the Top 10 Voices in Marketing by LinkedIn for two consecutive years as well as one of the Top 30 Under 30 Movers and Shakers by Forbes. She conducts workshops across the country and around the globe on leadership, millennials, entrepreneurship, technology and other related topics. Keep Reading >> Shama joins me today to share the role that curiosity played in her success as an entrepreneur and a marketing genius. She explains the link between being an immigrant and her viewpoint about entrepreneurship as well as how the mix of libertarianism and strictness in her household impacted her desire to cultivate her passion. Shama also shares the hilarious
[FFL 323] Why I Tell Women Entrepreneurs to Write Everyday
15/03/2019 Duration: 12minThere are many ways to establish your reputation and credibility - not only as an entrepreneur but also as a thought leader in your industry. With the different options out there, writing has been a proven method of achieving authority, authenticity, and reliability. While some women entrepreneurs may not be skilled at expressing their thoughts in the written word, it is never too late to learn a new skill or hone an existing one once they discover the benefits and advantages of daily writing. Keep Reading >> On this FB Live episode, I explain the significance of a piece of advice I always give to women entrepreneurs, which is to write every day. I discuss how crucial it is to develop the practice and habit of consistent writing as well as how you can become a great writer. I also share the four-step process on how to take your message and bring it to the marketplace - a process that I will discuss in-depth in my upcoming workshop: Your Million Dollar Message. “You don’t think your way to clarity aroun
[FFL 322] If Your Message Is Not Clear Your Business Is In Partial Paralysis
14/03/2019 Duration: 32minAs a fierce woman entrepreneur, you are one of the amazing women who contribute to the growth of your industry and community by bringing excellent products and services into the marketplace. To have an even greater impact within your circles, your message needs to be unambiguous and crystal clear. Without this clarity, it is difficult to set you apart from the competition and be viewed as the thought leader you are destined to be. Keep Reading >> On this episode, I explain how your business becomes partially paralyzed if your message is not clear. I discuss some content that I will be teaching in my upcoming workshop Your Million Dollar Message that will equip women entrepreneurs on how to outserve, outsell, and out-position their competition with a crystal-clear message. I also share the different human wants to align your message with as well as the next-level messaging secrets that - once mastered and implemented - can take your business off partial paralysis. “Until your message is clear, your busi
[FFL 321] Women Entrepreneurs Beware of the 4 Dark Horsewomen of the Apocalypse
12/03/2019 Duration: 31minWomen entrepreneurs want to have a more significant impact on their clients’ lives and businesses, their industry, and their community. To create transformation in these areas, these women combine success and significance. If you’re a growing woman entrepreneur who wants to take your business to the next level but catch yourself exhibiting any of the four ‘evils’ as an entrepreneur, you need to pause and immediately assess yourself.
[FFL 320] Here's EXACTLY What You Need to Show to Position Yourself as Simply the Best
07/03/2019 Duration: 18minWith so much fake news flooding the Internet, it is no surprise that people are disappointed and distrustful. Since our society has been conditioned to distrust leaders, influencers, and everything that comes from the Internet, it is a challenge for entrepreneurs to position themselves as the best in the marketplace. Fortunately, as business leaders, you have the opportunity to mend the social fabric that holds society together while you position yourself as a primary voice in your industry.
[FFL 331] Winning Her Business With Bridget Brennan
05/03/2019 Duration: 40minBridget Brennan is the CEO of Female Factor, a strategic consultancy company focused on female consumers where she helps businesses drive more sales and increase their competitive advantage through market research, strategic marketing, and sales and customer experience training. She is the leading authority on women consumers, a Forbes contributing writer, and the author of the highly-acclaimed book Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World’s Most Powerful Consumers as well as the upcoming book, Winning Her Business. She frequently holds speaking engagements for large organizations and conferences, presenting keynotes on topics related to sales and marketing as well as customer experience and trends.
[FFL 318] Coco Chanel, Oprah, and Brené Brown Have THIS - Do YOU?
28/02/2019 Duration: 12minOprah Winfrey, Brené Brown, Coco Chanel - these are women of influence that exude power and authority. They have impacted their respective industries in remarkable ways and many women yearn to be like these powerhouse women. Wealthy. Influential. Well-known. Is it possible for a woman entrepreneur to have such effect to the point of impacting their clients’ lives, and ultimately, their community? Keep Reading >> On this episode, I discuss what Coco Chanel, Oprah Winfrey, and Brené Brown have in common and how this common denominator affects not only the scope of their influence but also the growth of their business. I explain the bottom line to a woman entrepreneur’s growth and development as well as the fuel that transforms them from being unknown and unheard of into a distinguished name and influential voice in their industry. I also share how you can be wealthy, influential, and well-known as well as the details on the upcoming workshop for powerhouse women entrepreneurs who want to boost their business
[FFL 317] Will You Do What Others Won't Do?
26/02/2019 Duration: 12minTips, ideas, and must-haves on how to be a winner entrepreneur in your industry are all over the Internet. Having that winning mentality, a positive attitude, and working with the right people are some of the common tips in achieving the goal of being an award-winning entrepreneur. While there’s nothing wrong with following these pieces of advice, the bottom line is whether you have the courage to do what other successful entrepreneurs in the game are not willing to do. Keep Reading >> On this episode, I explain how being willing to do the things that others won’t do, can help take your business to the next level. I discuss the critical mindset you need to thrive and get ahead of the competition as well as the necessary questions to ask yourself to determine the future of your career and your business. I share the core differences between those who are willing to discover how far they can go and those who are unwilling to explore their potential. I also share the two things that can be in very short suppl
[FFL 316] The Fed Up Factor - Why You Need to Find It
21/02/2019 Duration: 16minIt is unquestionable that persistence and hard work are some of the characteristics that make an exceptional and bold leader. While having these characteristics can be beneficial, these same traits can also be the very weaknesses that prevent you from taking your business to the next level. Your passion can turn into overscheduling and overcommitment that lead to the number one problem most female entrepreneurs face today - lack of focus.
[FFL 315] 8 Figure Women Entrepreneurs - 5 Key Differences
19/02/2019 Duration: 26minProgress requires effort. In business, however, continuous improvement does not necessarily equal to continuous exhaustion. Doing everything within your power is a great way to try to achieve that eight-figure revenue but knowing what to do and what not to do will make a tremendous impact on your financial gains. More importantly, it impacts the future that you and your family can have as you reach your dream of having a lifestyle business. Keep Reading >> On this episode, I discuss the five key differences between a six-figure entrepreneur and an eight-figure entrepreneur. I explain the difference between building an empire and being imprisoned by your business as well as some actionable insights from conversations that happen around the eight-figure entrepreneur table. I also share the benefits of understanding how eight-figure entrepreneurs build and grow their business as well as how you can up your game and ensure that the business you’re building is creating a financial fortress for you and your fami
[FFL 314] Unconscious Bias -- This is So Embarrassing
14/02/2019 Duration: 13minDo you ever wonder about the underlying factors that contribute to your promoting someone? Or what leads you to trust another colleague more than another? While there are various answers to these questions, it is no surprise that our preconceived beliefs and notions that have been deeply ingrained in us inevitably influence how we see others and our circumstances. Keep Reading >> On this episode, I dive into the five different unconscious biases that people, including myself, commonly commit. I humbly share how I showed unconscious bias in the past as an example of how we have these biases no matter how hard we train to stay away from them. I also explain the significance of seeing these biases so we can bring them to light and determine how we can change them for the betterment of ourselves as well as our company culture. “There are two types of people in the world - those who walk around with unconscious biases and those who lie about them.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Pod
[FFL 313] Why I Advertise on My Podcast
12/02/2019 Duration: 14minBefore the invention of the Internet, advertisements and commercials played a crucial role in the existence and survival of commercial products, professional services, and network companies. Today, advertisements are still as valuable as they were in the past as evidenced by their ever-enduring presence on different media channels such as CNN, The New York Times, and MGM - big companies who could have thought of other ways to grow financially but still chose to include advertising as part of their marketing plan. Keep Reading >> Today, I respond to a listener’s feedback on the show and explain why I advertise on our podcast. I take you behind the scenes of how we produce the weekly shows that have impacted tens of thousands of women around the globe. I also share the strategic purpose of the show as well as why I value your feedback of why we take advertising on our show seriously. “Putting a show like this together is a big financial commitment that is made by myself and by my team members.” - Eleanor
[FFL 312] How to Escape the Good Enough Plateau
07/02/2019 Duration: 14minAs a fierce feminine leader, is “good enough” really good enough? You may think things are going okay, but deep inside you feel that there's more you can do, more impact you can make, and more significance you can introduce to your clients as well as your industry. If you are currently struggling with the “good enough” plateau in your career, take heed and be motivated to move beyond your comfort zone.
[FFL 311] Growth Mindset - Why You Need to Value the PROCESS (Not Just the Results)
05/02/2019 Duration: 03min“Practice makes perfect.” We often hear parents say this to their children who are training in sports, learning a new skill, or taking lessons in the arts. We see the value of the process - patience, discipline, and hard work - that needs to be instilled in our children, but we fail to see that this same set of values also apply to us if we desire to be high-performers in our industry. On this episode, I share what decades of research says about high-performers as well as why it is crucial to value the process and not just the results. I also discuss the different types of growth mindsets that tremendously impact not only the way you see processes and outcomes but also the way you see yourself and progress as a high-performing leader. “High performers are made, not born.” - Eleanor Beaton Today on the Fierce Feminine Leadership Podcast: What parents usually say to their children who are pursuing a new endeavor Walking the talk about instant gratification Examples of a fixed mindset approach
[FFL 310] The Surprising Key to Being Bold
31/01/2019 Duration: 18minBoldness has many names. Some people say it’s all about confidence. Others say it’s about courage. There are those who say it’s about being dauntless. While boldness has different faces, the ability to not pass judgment when bad things happen plays a significant role in being bold. It’s called mental toughness.

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