Fierce Feminine Leadership

[FFL 331] How To Get Comfortable Positioning Yourself As The Expert That You Are



If you’re like many female entrepreneurs - you have this love-hate relationship with your expert status. You know it’s critical to share your unique perspective and points-of-view but accepting your position as the preeminent expert in your field may feel uncomfortable or unnecessarily ‘braggy.’ Keep Reading >> So, how do you get comfortable with your expert status? How do you maintain your position in a category of one without feeling inauthentic? Today, I explain why women entrepreneurs often feel uncomfortable positioning themselves as the go-to expert in their field. I explain how cultural and social conditioning has impacted our psyche and the way we feel about claiming our expert status. I also share helpful strategies you can use to become more comfortable with claiming your expert status - without feeling inauthentic or ‘braggy.’   “Almost every woman entrepreneur starts to feel uncomfortable - or like she’s bragging - when she starts to talk about and position her expertise.” - Eleanor Beaton   Toda