Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth



Amos37 goes boldly where most won't. The Truth! Covering current Church trends, Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven, Emergent, New Age Spirituality, and yes the Bible. Bible Prophecy Evangelism and much more to get the gospel out. We also cover occult influences, hollywood exposes, and loaded with free video and audio with documentation. We will try to demonstrate a biblical worldview that the bible is a living book that will both bless and shock you. Got a topic you want us to cover. Drop us a line.We also have teachings on current issues, topical,prophecy, doctrine and more. We will also include studies of books for those who like expositional teaching.Shalom, Keith


  • Bibliology Session 22

    23/12/2011 Duration: 01h06min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 5 - Part 1The Canonicity of the BibleQuestions we will answer regarding canonicity of the Bible•What is meant by canon, canonicity and canonical?•How do protestants reconcile a 66 book canon? •Who decides which books should be canonical?•What are some of the tests in considering books to be a part of the canon?•What are some false views regarding canonicity?•What factors led to the recognition of the OT canon?•How do Christians respond to books like the DaVinci Code?•Is it true that other inspired books were withheld from the canon

  • Bibliology Session 21

    22/12/2011 Duration: 01h04min

    Bibliology: Session 21Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 4 - Part 13 The Inerrancy of the Bible4. The errors of the healing of the blind. 5. The errors of what crime Christ was crucified for. 6. The error of Matthew 2:23Notes attached to web page for sessions @ www.Amos37.comPastor Conway Campbell takes us on a thorough study on the study and doctrine of the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology Session 09

    10/09/2011 Duration: 30min

    Anthropology: Session 09 We cover the differences between men and women and the way God created us to be one in Christ. We are unique and made to work together. Pastor looks at some of the biological differences. Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology: Session 07

    04/09/2011 Duration: 01h03min

    Anthropology: Session 07 Man begins to become the nations Genesis 10 (Table of the Nations) and the organized Rebellion against God in Genesis 11. We see Tower of Babel and the original formation of the first attempt at a One World Government, One World Religion apart from God. Nimrod becomes a type of the future antichrist and Gods purpose in all this.Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology: Session 08

    04/09/2011 Duration: 23min

    Anthropology: Session 08 Relationships between men and women in the Church. Many questions to the revelation of the New Testament on the role of men and women. Leadership and teaching and the various views that are out there today. Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology: Session 06

    26/08/2011 Duration: 52min

    Anthropology: Session 06 Man after the flood. Man continues his plunge into sin post flood as the world has dramatically changed but mans heart has not.Definition of the word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man.Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology: Session 01

    25/08/2011 Duration: 59min

    Session 01: Anthropology: Definition of The word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man. A nine part series with Pastor Conway Campbell. Part of our Theology Section.

  • Anthropology: Session 03

    25/08/2011 Duration: 01h04min

    Anthropology: Session 03 Original Sin, It cannot be overstated the importance of this event. This is the worlds problem. Sin. It all started going wrong here in Genesis Ch. 3Definition of the word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man.Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology Session 02

    25/08/2011 Duration: 52min

    Anthropology: Session 02 divergent views of man. Gnostics, Hedonism, Modalism & others. Man is body, soul & spirit.Definition of the word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man.Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Anthropology: Session 05

    25/08/2011 Duration: 57min

    Session 05: The effects of sin & degradation of man on the culture and God steps in and judges man's sin in the epoch of Noah's flood. Genesis 7. Important to understand since the Lord Jesus told us to that His Second Coming was associated with the days of Noah. Anthropology: Definition of The word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man.A nine part series with Pastor Conway Campbell on the doctrine and study of man.

  • Anthropology: Session 04

    25/08/2011 Duration: 52min

    Anthropology: Session 04: Imputation of sin to all mankind through Adam to Cain & Abel. Genesis 4. Law, Wrath, Grace and God's righteousness to redeem man from the fall are all in view in this session.Definition of the word anthropology comes from two Greek words, anthropos which means "man," and logos, which means "word."  Therefore, anthropology means the word or discourse about man, or the study of man.Pastor Conway Campbell takes us on a 9 Part Series on the study and doctrine of man in relation to the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Rapture Series: Session 05

    25/07/2011 Duration: 01h05min

    Session 05 in our study on The Rapture of the Church. Today we look at Typology of the Jewish wedding system found in Genesis 24. We see the Trinity at work modeling Abraham, Isaac, & The Servant arranging for a wife for Isaac out of a Gentile nation. We also look at the parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25 and look at Ephesians 5 the Great Mystery of the body of Christ & Marriage. The Rapture is a purifying doctrine that keeps the Church watchful. Shalom, Keith

  • Rapture Series: Session 06

    25/07/2011 Duration: 01h05min

    Session 06: The Feast of Trumpets connection and the cultural idioms associated with this 5th feast of 7 listed in Leviticus 23. Christ Jesus fulfilled literally the first 4 feasts on the very day and hour with the Death (Passover), Burial (Unleavened Bread), Resurrection (First Fruits) and sent the promise of the Holy Spirit to give birth to the Church on Pentecost! Wow! The last 3 Feasts speak of the rapture, Israels restoration (Yom Kippur) and Millennium (Tabernacles). The idioms associated with this feast is, Wedding of Messiah, The Hidden Day, Awakening Blast are just a few we will discuss. The Rapture is a purifying doctrine that keeps the Church watchful. Shalom, Keith

  • Rapture Series: Session 04

    08/07/2011 Duration: 01h05min

    Session 04 in our study on The Rapture of the Church. Today we examine the Jewish Wedding System and the six stages that parallel the Church (Bride of Christ) & Jesus (The Bridgegroom). 1. The Arrangement, 2. The Preperation, 3. The Fetching of the Bride (Rapture), 4. Wedding Ceremony, 5. The Marriage Supper, 6. Home of the Bride. A great study on the richness of Gods word in light of the Jewish Wedding customs and culture of the original understanding. You will be blessed in this study. A ture understanding of the fetching of the Bride of Christ John 14:1-6 is a purifying doctrine that keeps the Church watchful. Shalom, Keith

  • Rapture Series: Session 03

    02/07/2011 Duration: 01h17min

    Session 03 in our study on The Rapture of the Church. Today we examine who is eligible for the Rapture of the Church. What is the Church. We will examine the bible and contrast the true Church with the false Church found in Revelation 2:18-3:12. We show that not all Churches will make it. Some will be judged in the Great Tribulation and some will be purified and some will be Raptured. We biblically define the Church Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 2:11-3:12, Acts 1:5, 2;1-4, Romans 11:16-24. A ture understanding of the fetching of the Bride of Christ John 14:1-6 is a purifying doctrine that keeps the Church watchful. Shalom, Keith

  • Rapture Series: Session 02- Two Phases

    29/06/2011 Duration: 01h02min

    Session 02 in our study on The Rapture of the Church. Today we examine that the Second Coming will be in two phases. First the Rapture of the Church. 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4, & 2 Thessalonians 2. Will be sudden and without warning. The Second Coming Revelation 19:11-16 (Parousia) Where every eye will see Him. We look at how the prophets foretold of the First and Second Coming in the same verses in Isaiah 9:6-7,11:1-10, Zechariah 9:9-10. And the Lord Jesus Himself in Luke 4:18-20 seperates His first and Second Coming by only quoting half of the portion of Isaiah 61:1-2. This stumped the early religious leaders as does the Second Coming is also in two phases: The rapture and second coming are similar but separate events. Both involve Jesus returning. Both are end-times events. However, it is crucially important to recognize the differences. In summary, the rapture is the return of Christ in the clouds to remove all believers from the earth before the time of God’s wrath. Shalom, Keit

  • Rapture Series: An Introduction Session 01

    26/06/2011 Duration: 55min

    Session 01 An introduction to the Rapture of the Church. What is it, is it biblical, why study it and how dow we study it? Bible teacher Keith McKenzie takes a look at the various views and says most issues are cleared up when we take a good look at our Hermeneutic (Theory of Interpretation). A Historical Gramatical look at what the bible says. Much is lost in not knowing the original Hebrew & Greek and their culture. What questions should we ask, what was the original culture and customs like and who is involved? We introduce some cultural idioms and where this study will take us. We review the abuse of date setters like Harold Camping and many others in the recent past. It matters what you think about the End Times. Shalom, Keith

  • Chrislam: Exposing Compromise

    25/06/2011 Duration: 01h16min

    A special prophecy report: A new move of Ecumenical Syncretism of blending Christianity with Islam. What is it and where did it come from? Why we should avoid it? What does Islam teach about Jesus or the Isa (Islamic) version of Jesus that Ecumenical Pope Rick Warren invoked? We compare scripture with scripture to see the spirit of antichrist which opposes the gospel of Gods Son. 1 John 2. We warn the flock of God of this unbelievable ignorant move to clearly a deception to move Christians into further compromise among many liberal and new evangelicals. Ephesians 5:11: Bible teacher Keith McKenzie gives a stinging rebuke and passionate expose of the move of false prophets and teachers of doctrine of demons 1 Timothy 4:1 . Shalom, Keith

  • Bibliology Session 20

    23/06/2011 Duration: 54min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 4 - Part 12: The Inerrancy of the Bible12. What are some of the alleged errors in the Bible?•Alleged errors in the New TestamentBlind Bartimaeus accounts in Mark 10:46, Luke 18:35Mark 10:46: And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging...Luke 18:35: And it came to pass, that as he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the way side begging...Pastor Conway Campbell examines this and gives the critics solid answers.

  • Bibliology Session 19

    23/06/2011 Duration: 56min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 4 - Part 11The Inerrancy of the Bible11. What are some of the alleged errors in the Bible?•Alleged errors in the New Testament•The errors of Matthew 13:32•The error of how Judas’ died•The error of how Judas’ died•The error of who bought the field•The errors of the triumphal entry accounts•Did the disciples steal the donkeys?•Who it was that obtained the animals•How many donkeys were involvedMatthew 21:2 "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me.Mark 11:2 "Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one yet has ever sat; untie it and bring it here.Luke 19:30 saying, "Go into the village ahead of you; there, as you enter, you will find a colt tied on which no one yet has ever sat; untie it and bring it here.•How many animals did Jesus ride onMark 11:4-7 They went away and found a colt

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