Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth



Amos37 goes boldly where most won't. The Truth! Covering current Church trends, Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven, Emergent, New Age Spirituality, and yes the Bible. Bible Prophecy Evangelism and much more to get the gospel out. We also cover occult influences, hollywood exposes, and loaded with free video and audio with documentation. We will try to demonstrate a biblical worldview that the bible is a living book that will both bless and shock you. Got a topic you want us to cover. Drop us a line.We also have teachings on current issues, topical,prophecy, doctrine and more. We will also include studies of books for those who like expositional teaching.Shalom, Keith


  • Genesis 1-11 Session 01

    25/09/2010 Duration: 29min

    Session 01 of our discipleship course. Bible teacher Keith McKenzie introduces our mission to cover all the major doctrines introduced in the first eleven chapters of the bible. Enjoy!Session 01 we tour the gospel of John to establish the importance of trusting God's word and faith.

  • Genesis 1-11 Session 03

    25/09/2010 Duration: 27min

    Session 03 we look at Hebrews ch. 11 Faith's evidence as we start the very first verse of the bible we come to a fork in the road already. You can choose faith or we can take a liberal view that will dilute the word of God. It is by faith we understand that God established the creation. Great study for new believers and those who want to understand the essentials of the Christian faith.

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