Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth



Amos37 goes boldly where most won't. The Truth! Covering current Church trends, Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven, Emergent, New Age Spirituality, and yes the Bible. Bible Prophecy Evangelism and much more to get the gospel out. We also cover occult influences, hollywood exposes, and loaded with free video and audio with documentation. We will try to demonstrate a biblical worldview that the bible is a living book that will both bless and shock you. Got a topic you want us to cover. Drop us a line.We also have teachings on current issues, topical,prophecy, doctrine and more. We will also include studies of books for those who like expositional teaching.Shalom, Keith


  • The Influence of Kabbalah & Navigating Spiritual Deception Today in The Church

    19/06/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    Can Kabbalistic mysticism and New Age ideas secretly infiltrate modern Christianity? Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with Deanne Loper, the author of "Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know," as she uncovers her journey from the clutches of the occult to a transformative born-again Christian experience. Alongside Tony and Joni Stahl, we peel back the layers of how influential figures like Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey have subtly embedded esoteric doctrines into Christian teachings. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the controversial Noahide laws and the importance of vigilance in discerning truth from deception.We live in a time when false teachings are infiltrating Christian Theology at a rapid rate. This important book exposes one of the greatest threats to pure Biblical Christianity. Deanne uncovers the deception by giving a detailed description of what Kabbalah is and equips believers to recognize it in its morphed form of Christianity. The evidence shows that the go

  • New ESG laws & Spiritual Warfare in Global Economic Policies

    02/06/2024 Duration: 57min

    What if a single EU directive could reshape the global business landscape? Tune in as we unpack the new ESG law as the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and its far-reaching consequences for companies worldwide, particularly those in the US. This new legislation mandates stringent ESG compliance across entire supply chains, fundamentally altering corporate operations and partnerships. We feature insights from Glenn Beck, who argues that this directive poses a significant threat to freedom and business practices in America, urging us to consider the broader implications for international trade and regulatory environments.Next, we tackle the EU's ambitious social credit score legislation. Imagine a world where over a thousand metrics could define a company's social and economic standing. We explore the economic ramifications for the EU if it shifts its trade focus away from China and delve into the punitive measures for non-compliance with these stringent regulations. Pastor Holthaus

  • A Nuclear Showdown in The Middle East? - A Urgent Bible Prophecy Update

    28/05/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    Could the recent upheavals in Iran fulfill ancient biblical prophecies? Tune in as Bill Salus  & Tom Hughes talk about an Urgent Prophecy Update, unraveling the connections between today's geopolitical events and the scriptures from Jeremiah 49, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, and Psalms. We begin with the stunning news of Raisi's helicopter crash and the subsequent removal of key Iranian leaders, exploring whether these developments signal a divine orchestration. As Iran nears nuclear capability, we examine Israel's strategic military responses and their potential alignment with end-time scenarios.  Iran is ancient Persia & Elam in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.Drawing insightful parallels between biblical narratives and current events, we discuss the providential nature of these occurrences. By referencing Daniel 2:21, we contemplate divine intervention in the removal of Iranian leaders, akin to the biblical story of Haman's downfall in the Book of Esther. We delve into the noti

  • The Hidden Dangers of Cults in Christianity & Masonic Secrets

    19/05/2024 Duration: 01h26min

    A Classic in Apologetics on "The Distinctiveness of Christianity" and a journey through the shadowy realms of Christian Cults and deceptive doctrines with Dr. David Reagan and cult expert Dr. Ron Carlson. This episode peels back the layers of pseudo-Christian groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons, exposing the discrepancies between their teachings and historic Christian beliefs. Together, we confront the sobering impact of religious organizations that have strayed far from Scriptural truths, leading many down a path of tragic deception.In a historical look at faith and deception, Dr. Carlson shares personal stories and experiences, highlighting the importance of encouraging questions and doubts within one's spiritual journey to fortify convictions in the face of cultish allure. In a world where Cults Twist Christian Terminology to fit their agendas,  and deceive. We equip you with the tools of discernment needed to identify genuine gospel teachings. We also dive into the contentious

  • Debunking the Deception of Replacement Theology Through Scripture with Dr. David Hocking

    19/05/2024 Duration: 01h20s

    Discover how the enduring bond between God and Israel defies the Modern Myth of Replacement Theology as we engage with spiritual leader David in a riveting discussion that promises to strengthen your biblical foundations. Prepare to unravel the complexities of the unbroken covenant illuminated in Jeremiah 31 and the significance of supporting those who champion the true message of Jesus Christ, Yeshua. This episode not only shines a light on the challenges faced by dedicated teachers but also calls for a united front in both prayer and support to reinforce their mission.Amidst the trials and tribulations of history, the connection between the people of Israel and their land remains an unshakable pillar, contrary to claims of Replacement Theology. Our deep dive into Psalm 89 and Leviticus 26 affirms God's irrevocable promises, emphasizing that His grace supersedes human merit or failure. This portion of our conversation is a testament to the sovereignty of God's purpose, an anchor for believers to cl

  • Deciphering the book of Obadiah Prophecies and The Day of The LORD - History Unvieled

    01/05/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    There is an undeniable direct correlation between the US and other nations trying to divide the land of Israel as a Two-State Solution that leads to catastrophic natural and financial hurt to those nations like "The Perfect Storm" and much more.  Find out why from Pastor John McTernan.  A former Catholic childhood through the gates of atheism and into the embrace of faith, ignited by the undeniable fulfillment of biblical prophecy. "For thy violence, (Strongs H2555 pronounced HAMAS) against thy brother Jacob SHAME shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off forever...For the day of the LORD is near upon ALL THE NATIONS: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head."  [Obadian 1-10,15]"I will gather all the nationsAnd bring them down to the Valley of [b]Jehoshaphat.Then I will enter into judgment with them thereOn behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel,Whom they have scattered among the nations;And they have divided up My land."

  • Prophecy Update: Zechariah 12:3 & Jerusalem A Burdensome Stone

    29/04/2024 Duration: 01h11min

    Embark on an insightful journey through the intricate web of Middle Eastern politico-religious dynamics with guest Olivier Melnick from Shalom and Messiah Ministries. This episode promises to illuminate the pressing issues at the heart of the Iran-Israel conflict, examining the alarming recent attacks within the context of scriptural prophecy and geopolitical alliances. We navigate the delicate complexities of anti-Semitism's disturbing normalization on college campuses, highlighting the shadowy line between ignorance and sinister intention, and underscore the genuine risks faced by Jewish faculty and students amidst this growing tide of intolerance.The cultural emblem of the Keffiyeh is unwrapped, revealing its deep political resonance and the charged mantra "from the river to the sea," as we grapple with the contentious Palestinian identity and the geographic conundrums that define the region. Olivier Malmick offers a profound understanding of the international hostage crisis, scrutinizing We

  • Unveiling the Spiritual Quests Within Nature Worship and Festivals-with Carl Teichrib

    23/04/2024 Duration: 55min

    *Many pagans are spiritual seekers who are desperately deceived in a spiritual morass.  They are drawn to nature, God's Creation, without knowledge of God's great love and grace expressed to us in His Son-Jesus. Have you ever wondered where spiritual seekers find community and purpose outside traditional religious structures? Join Jan Markel and her guest, Carl Teichrib, a seasoned researcher of spiritual movements, as we explore the Transformational Events of festivals like Burning Man and Paganicon. These aren't your typical music events; they’re gatherings where souls entwined with broken-hearted spirituality or nature worship come together in search of healing and a higher calling. Carl's insights into these events will spotlight the intricate spiritual quests that captivate attendees and the critical role Christians play in these expanding horizons.The shifting landscape of spiritual beliefs is not confined to festivals alone; it's penetrating the heart of the Christian religion.

  • John Haller- Prophecy Update - Next Move the Geopolitical Tensions and The Middle East Caldron

    22/04/2024 Duration: 01h29min

    Embark on a journey through the prophetic landscapes of today's geopolitical tensions, where Israel and Iran's strife stirs deep questions about ancient scriptures coming to life. Join the conversation as we seek understanding, guided by prayer and reflection while navigating the complex realm of End Times prophecy. Olivier Melnick joins us next week to shed light on the significance of the Passover Seder and the undercurrents of rising anti-Semitism.This week's dialogue with Dumasani Washington takes a hard look at the tangled web of cultural and legal issues, from the heated debates on abortion in Arizona to the striking statistics revealing America's spiritual orientation—or lack thereof. We grapple with the UK's CAS report's findings on children with gender dysphoria and the implications for society at large. As we probe these topics, we underscore the urgency for awareness and informed action in these transformative times.Power dynamics shift as we explore the insatiable ene

  • John Haller Prophecy Update April 2024-Israel Under Attack & AI

    15/04/2024 Duration: 01h35min

    Scripture has baffled readers for years, especially when it comes to Israel. Future events involving the Jewish state seemed to be nothing but fantasy since the Jews had been scattered all over the world after 70 AD. Yet today's headlines are reflecting the very predictions contained in scripture; that the nations will turn against her, a tiny plot of land in the Eastern Mediterranean that until 1948 was an insignificant place in world affairs. Now Israel is front and center in every news media outlet, and she is under attack. As John will explain, it's no longer "what if" but "how long" before the Lord returns.See Video of John's Prophecy Update on Rumble: Us & Follow, Likes n Share helps our Reach.-Amos37 Website-Amos37 on Facebook-Amos37 on Instagram-Amos37 on Rumble-Amos37 on Gettr-Amos37 on Gab-Amos37 on Parler

  • The Dark Trinity Three Unclean Spirits in The United States

    30/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    ISHTAR is Back... O'Biden Admin swaps Jesus for ISHTAR & elevates Transgender awareness.  Get on your knees, America and cry out to God Almighty.  Then, Read Romans 1."Summed up in a sentence, this book describes how the United States, in kicking God out of the schools and public life in the 1960s, has since replaced the one True God with three ancient deities (Baal, Ishtar, and Molech), each of whom has wreaked havoc upon our culture and morality."#DarkTrinity #ISHTAR #Baal #Molech #returnofthegods #AmericaHasFallen #RepentThe Return of the gods- Video PresentationYou Can see this on Rumble:  The Dark TrinityFind Us & Follow, Likes n Share helps our Reach.-Amos37 Website-Amos37 on Facebook-Amos37 on Instagram-Amos37 on Rumble-Amos37 on Gettr-Amos37 on Gab-Amos37 on Parler

  • Details on The 2024 American Eclipse & The Bible Reviewed & The Sign of Jonah?

    27/03/2024 Duration: 01h19min

    Amos37 submits the following sermon and Biblica Paralels with Total Solar Eclipses:  There has been much talk, and much of it is unbiblical.  Today, after reading and watching, I submit that there are too many parallels to ignore.  So, we ask you to prayerfully review the prophecy update sermon with Pastor JD and all the links provided below.  And why are the rich and famous building bunkers?  Do they know something we don't?I would also add that America's outright betrayal and the UN passing another Resolution points to judgment on the USA.  (See:  As you have done teaching See Biblical Analysis of: Jonah's Eclipse Foreshadows the Fall of IsraelAn evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.  The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and

  • The Threat of Artificial Intelligence Signs Accelerating [Prophecy Update]

    12/05/2023 Duration: 50min

    *Note from Amos37: Pastor Holthaus is one of the ministries we follow, and we recommend his ministry resources for much more channel @RHCBakersfield and site links listed below. Amazing dialogue with several film clips reveals AI's careless implementation on the public. Why is AI evil and leaning to the left? Can it be controlled? Is it too late?If you would like to be added to RHC text alerts, please click here and complete your contact information. for us on:Rumble - Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield - - RHCBakersfield - Audio - Rock Harbor Church - can find Updates from Pastor Brandon Holthaus prophecy updates, discipleship lessons, and sermons to help people grow in the Lord and learn the truth.https://rockharborchurch.netFind Us & Follow, Likes n Share helps our Reach.-Amos37 Website-Amos3

  • The Whore of Babylon Visits Mt. Sinai [Prophecy Update] The Green Dragon Revisited

    01/05/2023 Duration: 57min

    Originally aired November 2022:  The Green Dragon RevisitedThe Globalists continue to push their “save the planet” false narrative on the world. In an effort to seize economic control and power, they are determined to destroy the economies of the nations (capitalism).  They are willing to allow mass starvation and death to millions by their green energy policies and by cutting the world off of fossil fuels. Recently, the UN is having its COP27 meeting this November to “save the planet,” which is really agenda 2030, with all the elites of the world, and this year it is in the Sinai Peninsula. Alongside this meeting, another group who will in attendance called the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development will go to Mt. Sinai, promote religious ecumenism, and give their own 10 commandments for people of all religions to abide under to go green and serve the Whore of Babylon. This is the most sacrilegious and satanic thing these people could do. It is an affront to God, and only judgment can come to these pe

  • ConSpirituality - The New Age Pied Pipers of Deciet

    12/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    CONspirituality - It's a big CON job on the by the dark lord, the god of this world who seeks to copy all things and pervert God and His Holy Word."But evil men and impostors shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." [2 Timothy 3:13]At best, the conspirituality movement attacks public health efforts in times of crisis. At worst, it fronts and recruits for the fever-dream of QAnon.As the alt-right and New Age horseshoe toward each other in a blur of disinformation, clear discourse, and good intentions get smothered. Charismatic influencers exploit their followers by co-opting conspiracy theories on a spectrum of intensity ranging from vaccines to child trafficking. Quickly putting themselves as the good guys... Otherwise known as controlled opposition. To what? The New Age, and that means the Old Order must go to make way for the New?Ultimately the NA will be successful through a myriad of Mystical Practices that are all poisoned by the Snake. Mystic and New Age Priestess Alice B

  • Unmasking The Counterfeit Christ of Marianne Williamson

    06/03/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Marianne Williamson skyrocketed to fame as a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show and bought everyone in the audience Williamson's book.  Then began an online class running for a very long time, establishing Marianne's spot among New Age teachers.  Today she is talking about Love, love ... Look at the quote below.  The Cross was God's amazing love for us.  New Age adherents are grossly deceived and promote a Counterfeit Christ to whom they expect and await."The journey to the cross should be the last “useless journey.”—The “Jesus” of A Course in MiraclesA Course in Miracles: The New Age Book That is Redefining Christianity and Fooling the WorldBy Warren B. SmithAnd Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.—Matthew 24:4–5In 1965, Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology, Helen Schucman, heard an “inner voice” saying, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.”1 Schucman’s

  • Prophecy Update-Converging on the Accelerator with John Haller

    27/02/2023 Duration: 01h29min

    There is a long pause as John was searching for something at around the 12min. mark...Putting the pedal to the metal does not even come close to what world events are doing to increase the rapidity and the frequency by which events are changing the world as we know it. We are approaching, at light speed, an event horizon that will be witnessed by the whole world. Are you ready?Topics Covered by John Haller in this episode:Asbury RevivalJesus Revolution MovieTech Talk & AIHousehold of Abraham Promotional ReviewWars & Rumors of WarsGlenn Beck CommentsWorld Government Summit in DubaiRumors of Black Swan EventDemon Summoning & Elon MuskThe Mukaab (Amos37 just did a new article on the symbolism)Iran Mapping Jews & Middle East News See the Video Presentation on Fellowship Bible Chaple Here:John Haller's Prophecy Update "Converging on the Accelerator"Find Us & Follow, Likes n Share helps our Reach.-Amos37 Website-Amos37 on Facebook-Amos37 on Instagram-Amos37 on Rumble-Amos37 on Get

  • We Need to Chat Prophecy Update AI & The Polycrises

    15/02/2023 Duration: 01h28min

    Prophecy Update with John Haller covers a Wide Range of Issues and Topics from a Biblical Worldview that leads to a One World Government, One World Economy, and yes to be used by a future One World Leader.   Some of the Topics Covered:-Ai & ChatGPT-Convergence of End Time Signs-Chinese Spy Balloons-Digital Id's-WEF & Klaus-Digital Currencies-Polycrisis& Much More...Video Presentation Here:  YT Fellowship Bible ChapelVideo Credit @RealFBC Find Us & Follow, Likes n Share helps our Reach.-Amos37 Website-Amos37 on Facebook-Amos37 on Instagram-Amos37 on Rumble-Amos37 on Gettr-Amos37 on Gab-Amos37 on Parler

  • Mystery Babylon Series The Rose Cross Order (Rosicrucians)

    08/02/2023 Duration: 02h11min

    Years ago,  R. Swinburne Clymer, author of the Philosophy of Fire, Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry, The Rosicrucians; Their Teachings, Mysteries of Osiris, Soul Science, and Immortality, and over thirty other works, bought a mountainous tract of land, and on this was built 'Beverly Hall,' an Assembly Hall, press rooms and libraries, and chemical laboratory which, surrounded by orchards, vineyards and rose gardens, set in terraced lawns, presents with its Collie kennels and poultry plants, a splendid combination of the beautiful and the practical."To this has been added the Mystic, for in a secluded and wooded tract of fifty acres of this land, an artificial lake was made from a mountain stream, a throne room erected, and other improvements made which would be needed for the Initiation of Neophytes in the Egyptian Mysteries."The Convocation was called to order on June first in the Assembly Hall, built over five years ago for that purpose, and the delivery of a series of lectures upon practi

  • The Infiltration of Christianity by The Father of Lies & His Ministers

    03/02/2023 Duration: 02h15min

    Now on Rumble: The Infiltration of ChristianityStunning Revelations on Deep State Penetration at the highest levels in ALL DENOMINATIONS!  And it's been happening for a very long time.It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.   [Psalm 118:8] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.  [Proverbs 3:5-6]Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord.   [Jeremiah 17:5]#apostasy #apostates #deepstatchurch #billygraham #normanvincentpeale #robertschullerSee Video Presentation on Rumble:

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