Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth



Amos37 goes boldly where most won't. The Truth! Covering current Church trends, Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven, Emergent, New Age Spirituality, and yes the Bible. Bible Prophecy Evangelism and much more to get the gospel out. We also cover occult influences, hollywood exposes, and loaded with free video and audio with documentation. We will try to demonstrate a biblical worldview that the bible is a living book that will both bless and shock you. Got a topic you want us to cover. Drop us a line.We also have teachings on current issues, topical,prophecy, doctrine and more. We will also include studies of books for those who like expositional teaching.Shalom, Keith


  • "George Floyd Memory Hijacked by Antifa Riots & Middle East Updates

    02/06/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    It is amazing how the Coronavirus has suddenly taken a backseat and all fear is tossed aside when the riots and looting begin.  So much for "social distancing" unless that is now simply a term that measures how far away you can be to put a brick through a business unrelated to the incident in Minnesota.  Mr. Floyd deserved better, and so do the citizens in all the states where Antifa and their minions seem to have staged "planned protests" by out of state professional instigators whose actions overwhelm the local peaceful protesters who simply want him to be remembered and honored, and for change to occur.  A world without God looks exactly like what it is becoming, and unfortunately, it will likely get much worse.  The seeds of discord were planted when the leader of a former administration assured us that "fundamental change was coming to America."  And so it has.  Wars n Rumors of wars.dBut we, as believers, have the assurance that our God has not, does not, and will not chang

  • HR 6666 TRACE BILL on John Haller's Prophecy Update "Banned-Demic"

    15/05/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    "Plandeminc?"  Probably far from it.  Apparently, many Christians have discarded reason and discernment for an emotional overreaction to the current pandemic that is devasting our families and the economy with the advent of a recent, New Age rooted video, that has gone viral online.    When evaluating any statement or position, it is imperative that we, as believers, examine the source behind the material presented, resisting the tendency to bias our reaction to it on how it makes us feel.  While we may want to believe what is being said, many times an explanation becomes a convenient answer to an unanswerable question.  We must exercise discernment and test all things...and if it does not meet the test, it must be discarded as invalid.  Such is John's evaluation of the "Plandemic" video that has been produced by some questionable persons. Don't believe us?  Wait until you see the brief excerpt of a video from one of the video-backer's websites.  If you don't see the co

  • John Haller's Prophecy Update "Be Vexed (Not Vaxxed)"

    05/05/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Coronavirus.  Quarantine.  The Constitution.  Serfdom.  Slaves.  Over 700 lawsuits have been filed since the state's began choosing business and losers, and the economy is on the brink of a disaster from which we may never recover in this crazy upside down world that seems like was transported out a George Orwell book.  Mouths speaking without discernment is the biggest problem we have, so now, more than ever, we must cut through all the chatter and stand firm on the truth.  Thanks for your continued support of this online ministry.  Next up, this week's update entitled "Be Vexed (Not Vaxxed)"On YouTube: Page:  

  • New World Order 2.0 Prophecy Update with John Haller

    27/04/2020 Duration: 01h24min

    Bible Prophecy Teacher John Haller covers another wild week in the world in the midst of a global pandemic.  April 26, 2020, a "New World Order 2.0"Fellowship Bible Chapel YouTube: Prophecy Updates: Look at Globalism in the midst of COVID-19

  • The New Abnormal: John Haller's Prophecy Update

    21/04/2020 Duration: 01h19min

    “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude.”~ Aldous Huxley, Brave New World~Welcome to the New Abnormal, where freedoms are sacrificed in the name of the public good but where discerning Christians sense and understand that these things must happen before the return of Christ.  It is a place where technology merges with totalitarianism.  It is a place where the abortion clinic remains open, is considered "essential" while churches are closed. It is a place in which the world searches for answers, but Christians are ignored and mocked when they proclaim "we have the answer."  It is a world that publicly calls for peace, while behind the scenes it is planning for conquest.    It is a world where truth is replaced by a feelingOrder by chaos, Where black is pitted against white, Rich pitted against poor, Youn

  • What is Normalcy Bias? John Haller Prophecy Update Podcast

    13/04/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    It is Resurrection Sunday, so why do you look for the living among the dead?  This week's message, "The Normalcy Virus" is another reminder that our perspectives as Christians should not change simply because the world does.  We have a Blessed Hope, in whom we implicity trust.  So despite the world being engulfed by widespread fear and uncertainty with Turkey is rattling its sabers, Oil plummeting to $20 per barrel, Maersk shipping containings sitting empty and many of the ships carrying agricultural products are roaming the high seas with no place to sell the foot because no one is buying.  Add to that social distancing and then skin dyes, a "digital tattoo" that mimic nanochipping, and we have a world that is far from "normal" as we have defined it.  But is this really different, or is it simply the process that was set in place millenniums ago that we are privileged to see play out before our eyes?    The World, our country, our states, and cities are on lockdown. But sho

  • John Haller Prophecy Update April 2020 "Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste"

    11/04/2020 Duration: 01h40min

    When a crisis hits, there are those with less than pure motives who will always step out of the shadows to take advantage.  Such is the time we are facing, as those looking to increase their stature jostle for position as everyday people deal with fear and uncertainty.  With the deaths from COVID-19 beginning to have a much bigger impact than many would believe, hospitals whose ICU's are already at capacity are burdened with were to treat the critically ill, or if to do so.  Beyond that, the question becomes, where do we keep the bodies?In a sobering message, John examines the reality of where the world stands economically and spiritually as these unprecedented times fall heavy on the people of the world.  But hold fast, brothers and sisters in Christ.  It may be that God, through this crisis, has allowed us time to focus on the most important things in life...our relationship with Him, and those closest to us who sometimes play second fiddle to what we formerly believed took the most priority in our liv

  • The Mystic Revolution with Ray Yungen

    16/07/2014 Duration: 58min

    How will the One World Religion come about, or is it here already? Ray Yungen discusses the advent of The Mystic Revolution. Mysticism is a bridge for all religions to coexist. Ray discusses how the mystical explosion is setting the stage for the One World Religion. What began in the West in the early 50's & 60's has grown up into a major force to be rekoned with. Eastern Mystical practices have been repackaged and given shiny new Christian labels. Issues discussed here are history of the Mystical Revolution, Spiritual Formation, Contemplative Prayer, Reiki, Mantras, Chakras, Energy Healing and some of the major personalities. More from Ray and his new book (Spiritual Formation & the Mystical Revolution) coming Spring 2014 Please share this information and followup on other new age/ new spirituality by following links. More @

  • Jesus Calling or is it Another Jesus Book Review

    15/12/2013 Duration: 58min

    Warren Smith discusses the wildly popular book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Learn insights into the spirit behind the voice that spoke with author Sarah Young. Are the teachings in the devotions consistent with biblical teachings or are they something else? Warren Smith a former New Ager probes the phrase " Presence" which occurs over 300 times and the New Age nuances that proliferate this popular teaching. "Smith raises Ten Concerns about the original book God Calling, which entered the Christian world in 2005, and Twenty Concerns about Sarah Young's Jesus Calling, which has more recently taken the evangelical world by storm." -Sarah H. Leslie notes. share this information and followup on other new age/ new spirituality by following links. @ Confrence Location

  • The Emerging New Age in The Church

    13/11/2013 Duration: 52min

    Warren Smith discusses the New Age and it's explosive growth in the Church. Oprah, Joel Osteen, Brian McLaren, and Rick Warren have all helped further the dreams of occultist Alice Bailey to use the Church to herald the coming of the New Age by using "…occultism awakening the mystical faculties"The woman who coined the term New Age, occultist Alice Bailey, (believing that we were on the threshold of a new spiritual awakening) said that this new enlightened age would come, not around the Christian church, but rather through it. She said the outer layers would be initially kept intact (i.e., Christian terminology would still be used) but the changes would take place obscurely from the inside.Please share this information and followup on other new age/ new spirituality by following links. @

  • Bibliology Session 35

    25/05/2013 Duration: 54min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 6 - Part 10Issues of Translations15. The development of the New King James Version (1979, 1982) Textus Receptus16. The development of the New English Bible (1973, 1978)17. The development of the New Revised Standard Version (1989)A look at The Modern TranslationsCriticisms, inter testament books. Formal & Dynamic equivalence. KJV, NKJV, NRSV, NEB, Lietral translation, four fold aim, historical, grammar, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, text. Errors that come from using bad translations and pop star authors. See site to download series. Gender exclusive, King James Only. www.Amos37.comSee: Site for Bible Translation Chart.

  • Bibliology Session 34

    14/05/2013 Duration: 57min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 6 - Part 912. The New Oxford Annotated Bible (with Apocrypha)13. The development of the New American Standard Bible (1963, 1971)14. The development of the New International VersionA look at The Modern TranslationsCriticisms, inter testament books. Formal & Dynamic equivalence. RSV, International Bible, NRSV, ecumenical bibles, NASB, Lietral translation, four fold aim, historical, grammar, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, text, See: Site for Bible Translation Chart.

  • Bibliology Session 31

    12/05/2013 Duration: 57min

    We continue our review of The making of the Authorized Version (KJV). A look at some of the verses that have been changed and the methods they used. The Hampton Court Conference,The Procedure of the Translators, The influences of the KJV, Its publication and reception, The debate over the KJV, The textual basis for the KJV

  • Bibliology Session 30

    11/05/2013 Duration: 48min

    Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 6 - Part 5Issues of Translations 8. The making of the Authorized Version (KJV)The Hampton Court ConferenceThe Procedure of the TranslatorsThe influences of the KJVIts publication and reception The debate over the KJVThe textual basis for the KJV

  • Bibliology Session 29

    18/02/2013 Duration: 46min

    Questions we will ponder in this sectionHow did the English Bible come about?What effect has Bible translations had on Protestant Evangelical Christianity?What events unfolded in church history that led to the English Bible?How did the King James Bible Develop?How to respond to those who say the KJV is the only reliable English translation?What is the difference between formal and dynamic equivalent translations of the Bible?What’s the difference between a translation, a version and a revision?Are all paraphrase translations faithful to the original text?What is meant by gender inclusive language?How is the gender inclusive point of view influencing modern day translations?Notes attached to web page for sessions @

  • Bibliology Session 28

    10/02/2013 Duration: 53min

    Bibliology: Session 28Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleIssues of TranslationsQuestions we will ponder in this sectionHow did the English Bible come about?What effect has Bible translations had on Protestant Evangelical Christianity?What events unfolded in church history that led to the English Bible?How did the King James Bible Develop?How to respond to those who say the KJV is the only reliable English translation?What is the difference between formal and dynamic equivalent translations of the Bible?What’s the difference between a translation, a version and a revision?Are all paraphrase translations faithful to the original text?What is meant by gender inclusive language?How is the gender inclusive point of view influencing modern day translations?Notes attached to web page for sessions @

  • Bibliology Session 27

    25/03/2012 Duration: 59min

    Bibliology Session 27Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 5 - Part 5 The Canonicity of the Bible•Concerns about canonicity•Books that were not immediately recognized•Jude seems to mention the apocrypha•The “so called” lost books•The fact there are different books in the Catholic, protestant and Orthodox BiblesChristian’s Bible Roman Catholic Bible Greek Orthodox Bible1 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Additions to Esther, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, Epistle of Jeremiah, Song of the Three Children, Story of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, 3 Maccabees, 4 Maccabees, Psalm 151  •Why do protestants reject the apocrypha?•There are no direct quotations from the apocrypha•The content is sub-biblicalNotes attached to web page for sessions @ www.Amos37.comPastor Conway Campbell takes us on a thorough study on the study and doctrine of the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Bibliology Session 26

    24/03/2012 Duration: 01h07min

    Bibliology Session 26Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 5 - Part 4 The Canonicity of the Bible2. The Canonicity of the OTa. Tests of Canonicity•False tests of canonicity•The age of a book•Its agreement with the Pentateuch•Because it was written in Hebrew•Because of its religious value•Because a religious community has accepted it•True tests of canonicity•Was the book written by a prophet of God?•Was the writer authenticated often by acts of God?•Does the book tell the truth about God, with no falsehood or contradiction?•Does the book have a divine capacity to transform lives?•Was the book accepted as God's Word by the people to whom it was first delivered?•Concerns about canonicity•Books that were not immediately recognizedNotes attached to web page for sessions @ www.Amos37.comPastor Conway Campbell takes us on a thorough study on the study and doctrine of the bible. Various Scriptures.

  • Bibliology Session 25

    24/03/2012 Duration: 59min

    Bibliology Session 25Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 5 - Part 3 The Canonicity of the Bible2. The Canonicity of the OTa. Tests of Canonicity•False tests of canonicity•The age of a book•Its agreement with the Pentateuch•Because it was written in Hebrew•Because of its religious value•Because a religious community has accepted itTrue tests of canonicityCatholic ViewsThe church is determiner of the canon. The church is mother of the canon. The church is magistrate of the canon. The church is regulator of the canon. The church is judge of the canon. Protestant ViewsThe church is discoverer of the canon.The church is child of the canon.The church is minister of the canon.The church is recognizer of the canon.The church is witness of the canon.•Was the book written by a prophet of God?•Was the writer authenticated often by acts of God?•Does the book tell the truth about God, with no falsehood or contradiction?Notes attached to web page for sessions @ www.Amos37.comPastor Conway Campbell takes us on a

  • Bibliology Session 24

    24/03/2012 Duration: 01h42s

    Bibliology: Session 24Bibliology – The Doctrine of the BibleSection 5 - Part 3 The Canonicity of the Bible2. The Canonicity of the OTa. Tests of Canonicity•False tests of canonicity•The age of a book•Its agreement with the Pentateuch•Because it was written in Hebrew•Because of its religious value•Because a religious community has accepted it •True tests of canonicityCatholic Views & Protestant Views are contrasted.•Was the book written by a prophet of God?•Was the writer authenticated often by acts of God?•Does the book tell the truth about God, with no falsehood or contradiction?Notes attached to web page for sessions @ www.Amos37.comPastor Conway Campbell takes us on a thorough study on the study and doctrine of the bible. Various Scriptures.

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