Doopcast - Philadelphia Union



All about the Philadelphia Union. By supporters, for supporters.


  • 2014 Ep 8 - Seattle

    08/05/2014 Duration: 42min

      It was pain in the rain again, as after taking a surprise lead the Union back four were once again all at sea as Wheeler continues his torturous metamorphosis from one norse God, Thor, into another in the form of Loki. Now according to Wikipedia Loki “sometimes assists the gods and sometimes causes problems for them” - sounds about right, mind you the same source also claims that John Hackworth is a professional soccer coach.... and that one I am not too sure of. Want more on The U?  Checkout

  • 2014 Ep 7 - Montreal

    02/05/2014 Duration: 52min

    Change stuff up and yet... Same old same old.  Maybe the players aren't the one who need to change.

  • 2014 Ep 6 - RSL / RBNY / Houston

    25/04/2014 Duration: 49min

    Rest in peace, Eric.  We miss you. Please donate to cover any expenses for the Shertz family at the following page:

  • 2014 Ep 5 - Chicago

    10/04/2014 Duration: 45min

    Let Down in Chi-Town   With The Union making like Cesar Milan and dropping another lead we now have more ties than Men's Warehouse, and despite what that frankly creepy-looking guy says in their ads, I do NOT like the way we look.   Against the Fire the midfield's performance was more disjointed than Justin Bieber's private plane right before a police raid, but on the bright side we did score two goals in one game, and from two different midfielders no less, as just like SEPTA the Union are apparently determined to make do without any strikers.     For the best writing on the web regarding all things Philadelphia Union check out

  • 2014 Ep 4 - Montreal

    03/04/2014 Duration: 46min

      Perhaps it was fitting that on the same weekend that 'Noah' hit the silver screen a man who is almost as old as that guy rained on our parade as Amobi looked as frozen and still as his bobble head defending that shot from old man DiVaio. Union killer, Justin Mapp once again dampened the spirits of the hardy souls in attendance and with Maidana turning in another damp squib of a performance and the coaching staff unable to adjust, the question I have to ask is this... Is it possible for Hack to look like a fish out of water and be out of his depth at the same time?

  • 2014 Ep 3 - Crew

    27/03/2014 Duration: 48min

    Time to hit the panic button, folks.   With Jack Mac fluffing his lines worse than Stuttering John the boys in blue gave up two goals that were softer than the Bimbo bear the fans were left moaning and groaning more than that 'special' soundtrack we heard. And in a performance more eye-opening than that Beethoven scene from A Clockwork Orange, Leo Fernandes is asking tougher questions than Marty & Rust in a Louisiana interrogation room, it's the DoopCast brought to you in association with    

  • 2014 Ep 2 - New England

    20/03/2014 Duration: 52min

    In a game of many surprises, perhaps the greatest surprise of all was that we only scored one goal.  Either way it was great to be back home and even better to leave with three points.  The lads break it all down and answer your questions and comments.

  • 2014 Ep 1 - Portland

    13/03/2014 Duration: 51min

    Hipper than Nicki Minaj and Beyonce's thighs stapled together, it's The DoopCast, brought to you in association with   What is old is new, as the U got off to a great start and we all dared to dream of a famous win on the west coast only to have a draw snatched from the bearded jaws of victory.  How did the new boys look in midfield?  Could the rejigged back four cope?  Find out what Richie, Pat, and Dan have to say and even Keano is back for a good old fashioned rant.   What could be cooler than that?

  • 2014 Ep 0.5 - Preseason Pt. 1


    Back in January we used to dream about it every day, Could the Edu deal really happen, Or would the Don make that dream fade away? At the draft we started singing, All that Garber heard was boos, The FO drafted and traded a group and here they are, Kickin it just for you.   Now Mo's in Philly will we win? Is the power in MLS on an east coast swing? Sons of Ben goin off, If we're too hard you're too soft.   The lads are back to run the rule over the trades / signings / draft and any other FO moves worth talking about.  Here's hoping The DoopCast is in better preseason form than some - we don't want to get cut!

  • Boxing Day 2013 - Merry Cruzmas!

    26/12/2013 Duration: 03min

    Just a quick song to wish all our listeners a Merry Cruzmas.  The adapted lyrics won the Doopie award for 'Best Post' and as they were so good we just had to record a musical number to celebrate.  Here's to a healthy and prosperous New Year for all our isteners.

  • 2013 Doopies - The Awards Show

    21/11/2013 Duration: 01h17min

    So another season is in the books and it is time to hand out our awards for the best and brightest from our boys in blue.  We cover pretty much everything you would expect, plus you, dear listener might even walk away with the post of the year. So never mind the hype about Messi or Ronaldo and the ballon d'or… Let's keep it real and hand out the award that is harder to find than tarmac on a PPL parking lot and rarer than a Keon Daniel forward pass, it's the Doopies for 2013.

  • 2013 Episode 34 - Montreal / SKC

    02/11/2013 Duration: 44min

    So the Union's season sputtered to an end like Bugs Bunny declaring the the the the that's all folks!  Come to think of it… Huge front teeth?  Nonchalant attitude?  Enjoys the same, monotonous diet? Makes sense that Hack is the leader of the Looney Tunes gang.  There's Pepe Le Pew Le Toux,  Tasmanian Devil Danny Cruz, Antoine Road Runner, Short-Tempered Yosemetie Sam as Connor Casey, I guess the joke's on us if we expected anything else from the U than a pie in the face.

  • 2013 Ep 33 - DC Utd

    17/10/2013 Duration: 56min

    What the what?  If anyone can explain that lineup to us, please send it in written on the back of a pair of size 11s Copa Mundials by Adidas.  Then we can use those boots to try and kick some sense in to Hack and his coaching crew.  We can't wait for the next great tactical innovation. Still, all is not (quite) lost and at least Jack broke his drought.  It is never boring following this team, that's for sure.

  • 2013 Ep 32 - TFC / River Cup

    10/10/2013 Duration: 47min

    It seemed to be opposites weekend at PPL park.  Kleberson actually got on the field, with a goal that was more pin-point than an acupuncture session, there was a sending off FOR the Union and not against us, the Sons of Ben were seen holding a cup and NOT drinking from it, and Stormin Gorman was chatted up by a pretty girl.  The world has truly gone mad, so allow the lads to try and make some sense of it for you…

  • 2013 Ep 31 - SKC

    03/10/2013 Duration: 49min

    Hey - what are you all complaining about?  You were fed up with Hack running the same old same old lineup out there, weren't you?  Careful what you wish for, I guess.  After actually coming away with three points (we scored a goal !!) is Hack a tactical genius and we all just can't see it, or did we just get really, really lucky? You decide.  If you need some help the lads will break it down in their own inimitable style.  Hell, Pat was so giddy with three points that he couldn't stop singing.  Speaking of which, if that is going to happen every time we win I think I will be okay with missing out on the playoffs!

  • 2013 Ep 30 - Houston

    20/09/2013 Duration: 47min

    Just like a James Bond martini our lineup was shaken but nothing stirred, with Hack in the role of Q, dispensing secret weapons such as playing our assist leader as a striker or Fabinho as a winger.  Now we are in more danger of failing than Jason Aexander is in trying to convince anyone that that hair piece looks good  So if we miss the playoffs will it be the ejector seat for John?  because while he may not end this movie like Bond and shag the bird I think we can rely on Hack to at least screw the pooch…

  • 2013 Ep 29 - San Jose

    12/09/2013 Duration: 39min

    The Peter Principle is a proposition that states that the members of an organization where promotion is based on achievement, will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability.  Hmm… maybe it should be called the John Principal.  Am I being too harsh on Hack?  Perhaps he suffers from The Dunning–Kruger effect where unskilled individuals lack the mental ability to recognize their own mistakes.  The Doctor is in, so come and lie down on the DoopCast couch…b

  • 2013 Ep 28 - Montreal

    05/09/2013 Duration: 38min

    Literary alusions aplenty as the lads try and make sense of the Impact game.  Was it a technically astute plan or was it just a lack of ambition giving us a bore draw? You, dear listener must decide.

  • 2013 Ep 27 - New England

    30/08/2013 Duration: 44min

    Erm... Whaddaya say after a game like that?  I don't really know but I do know what you don't say.  You don't blame the referee.  Despite fussy refereeing (I mean really, you don't expect a bald guy to split hairs) The U were architects of their own downfall by failing to recognize and pick up runners.  It was a terrible performance so maybe this Jekyll and Hyde team will rebound with a stunner on Saturday.  Here's hoping. Please consider supporting a great event on September 14th - The Shane Kelly Soccer Showcase Memorial 2013.  Four games will be played at Northeast High between the top high school teams from the Public and Catholic league.  Admission is $5 and supports a very worthy cause.

  • 2013 Ep 26 - NJ Pink Cows

    22/08/2013 Duration: 38min

    Just like a killjoy police officer, the Union stopped yet another streak.  Usually our trips to the bed pan are just like a broken pencil… and are pointless.  But this time it was different. The back four was outstanding as they provided more coverage on the pink cow's forwards than all the gel did on Kyle Martino's hair, and just maybe this point might be as famous as the extended digit of William Penn on top of city hall (which absolutely does NOT look like his willy from a certain angle!)

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