Revd Michael Angley Ogwuche is a preacher of the Gospel since 1987. He believes the Bible is Gods word and therefore sees it as an indispensable critical tool for the navigation of this circumference call Earth. He also believes that the Gospel should not be circumscribed by any means but must be preached through every channel including PODCAST. (Isaiah 61:1)
Because He Lives we can face tommorrow - 22:03:2020, 16.44
22/03/2020 Duration: 24minBased on Matthew 28:1-10 “Because He Lives, we can face tomorrow” encourages listeners of this Podcast of the potency of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to help us overcome our fears in trouble times. The death, burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ accomplished our salvation, it is our atonement, our reconciliation, our peace in trouble times on earth and blessed assurance on the other side of eternity. “Do not be afraid”. I pray that this Podcast blesses you. Shalom! Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Soew Rose: Because He Lives, we can face tomorrowDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Coronavirus- Faith over Fear in the Land - 15:03:2020, 15.47
15/03/2020 Duration: 22minBased on Acts 27:33-44 “Coronavirus: Faith over Fear in the Land” is an encouragement to believers in Christ Jesus to allow their faith in God to help them overcome the fear that is in the land because when the whole world is hopeless, we are burdened to bring hope in our community. Jesus Christ promised to be present with us in every way. Therefore, just like the Apostle Paul in his shipwreck experience, we must stay calm in the midst of the trouble that this broken world bring us. I pray that this Podcast blesses you. Shalom!Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Portrait of Hope: Carry MeDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
You are called to Bless your City - 08:03:2020, 17.03
08/03/2020 Duration: 23minBased on Jeremiah 29:1-7 “You are called to Bless your City” invites listeners of this podcast to consider the central message of Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon. Strangely enough Jeremiah’s prophetic letter gave detail of how they must conduct themselves in the strange land where they found themselves. Sometimes the simplest option would be to live on the edge of this life because of the fear of the known and the unknown but this letter commanded the exiles to be productive, participate in the life of the city they live in and pray for its welfare. We too can take cues from the message and position ourselves to bless and be blessings in our own exile. I pray that you find comfort in this podcast in Jesus’ Name Amen.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Kevin Mayhew- An Army of ordinary people (Instrumental) Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Rejoice in the presence of God - 01:03:2020, 18.36
01/03/2020 Duration: 20minBased on Psalm 16:1-11 “Rejoice in the presence of God” invites listeners to consider the message of Psalm 16, a Psalm that is also known as the Golden Psalm is a very beautifully crafted song, an account of lasting satisfaction in the presence God. The world we live in is full of distress of every form but this psalm is unquestionably a place of refuge for any child of God going through life’s surgery as it calls us to rely on God more than anything else. I pray this Podcast Blesses you.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Kim Walker- Walk with me Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Freedom from Graveclothes - 23:02:2020, 16.49
23/02/2020 Duration: 24minBased on John 11:17- 44, “Freedom from Grave Clothes” calls believers to consider the story surrounding Lazarus’ death burial and resurrection. Implicitly, believers can fall into the trap of focusing on the seeming impossibility of a situation that they fail to see possibilities even when is obvious as it was in the case of Martha. Martha believed in the metaphorical futuristic resurrection of Jesus Christ, but Jesus was right there and was talking about what was possible in the immediate. Even when resurrection happens, the possibility of remaining bound by graveclothes can be a factor in the life of the believer. My prayer is that someone finds comfort through this podcast. Shalom!Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Nick Alfanni: Four Days lateDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
The Value of the Journey - 16:02:2020, 19.16
16/02/2020 Duration: 25minBased on 2 Corinthians 11:24-26, ‘The Value of the Journey’ is a reflection on the journey believers in Jesus Christ must make on this side of eternity. Many preachers I included have preached countless sermons highlighting the importance of the destination of our Christian journeys but this podcast draws our attention a little bit to the process because it is through the process that the destination is achieved, which means that the journey is equally as important as the destination. I hope and pray that someone finds some encouragements in this message Podcast.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Michael Reid- I am Pressing on
Where Is Your Faith? - 09:02:2020, 16.26
09/02/2020 Duration: 22minBased on Luke 8:22-25 'Where Is Your Faith?' is simply an invite for us to look at the importance of faith as we seek to follow Jesus Christ and having that kind of faith that is necessary to overcome all the challenges that life throws at us so much so that we do not become overburdened and begin to lose faith in God. The old Devil may be permitted to take all of our worldly possessions away but one thing he cannot take from us unless we willfully hand it over to him is our faith in God. I pray that this Podcast blesses you. Shalom!Music:William Augusto: Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Kim Walker Smith: Walk With Me" Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Taking Charge of your Turbulence in life - 02:02:2020, 19.23
02/02/2020 Duration: 18minBased on James 1:1-6 “Taking Charge of your Turbulence in life” Reminds Christians of the importance of how we respond to trials and temptations in our walk with God. The Apostle James challenged us to Consider our sufferings as pure joy, because it produces perseverance in the end. Just as aircrafts suffers turbulence during flight and survive, similarly I also invite Christian not to be afraid of their turbulence because we are built to weather through life’s turbulence so as to survive. I pray that this Podcast bring you comfort in Jesus’ Name.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Ray Boltz: Through it AllDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Called to Harmony in Christ - 26:01:2020, 18.21
26/01/2020 Duration: 27minBased on (1 Corinthians 1:10 -18) ‘Called to Harmony in Christ Podcast’ is about the need for the body of Christ to make conscious effort to embrace unity as it is the fabric by which the Church of God is built on Earth is built. The Lord Jesus Christ prayed for Unity in (John 17:21) However, our struggle today is how we make this passionate prayer happen within the Body of Christ away from the numerous labels we have today. My prayer is that listeners of this Podcast will be the answer to the prayer of Jesus Christ. Shalom!Music:William Augusto - Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) - There is A Place of Commanded BlessingsDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Recasting your Commitment to the Lord - 19:01:2020, 16.28
19/01/2020 Duration: 24minBased on Joshua 24:14-21, ‘Recasting your Commitment to the Lord’ is an invitation to Believers in Christ to consider the unique opportunity they have to recommit themselves to the Lord, taking cue from Joshua’s passionate appeal to the people of Israel to do likewise.For Christians, the memories of the day they encountered Calvary should be a great inspiration and catalyst for them to examine their relationships with Jesus Christ and make attempt to recommit their lives to Him if they find themselves lacking and I think that that is the whole point of this Podcast. May the Lord help us all to do what is right and to make our ways right with Him today in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Matt Redman: I will offer up my lifeDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
In the Shadow of Cherith - 11:01:2020, 21.06
11/01/2020 Duration: 23minBased on 1 Kings 17:1-9 ‘In the Shadow of Cherith’ brings to life the fascinating experience of the Prophet Elijah in the Brook called Cherith, his obedience and willingness to remain in the Shadow until he is told otherwise. The one important lesson to learn from the story is obedience and dependency on God to provide our needs even in the shadow when no one knows or care about us. The will of God can never lead us to where the grace of God is not sufficient. God already had the provisions in place before the need arise. I pray that this Podcast blesses you.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) I Will Trust: Elevation WorshipDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Great joy for all people - 06:01:2020, 16.15
06/01/2020 Duration: 22minBased on Luke 2: 17 – 20, “Great joy for all people” call on Christians to reflect on the actions of the Shepherds after the angelic visitation and their subsequent Resolve, Response, and Reverence of the Christ-Child. Christmas did not just end on ‘Christmas day’ because the message of Christmas lives on after Christmas. In the same way let us resolve to live for Christ this 2020, not only by keeping faith but by telling others about faith in Jesus Christ because all that’s left after Christmas is to tell others of the “Great joy for all people”, which is the coming of Jesus Christ into our space here on this side of eternity; our works are incomplete until the message of salvation has been shared. I pray that the Lord blesses you this year. Shalom!Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Where is God after Christmas - 29:12:2019, 15.41
29/12/2019 Duration: 25minBased on Matthew 2:13-23 ‘Where is God after Christmas’ is an invitation to consider the problem of evil in this world in the light of the story of Mary Joseph and baby Jesus, how they had to deal with rampaging Herod even though they were all in the centre of God’s plan. This Podcast gave no answer to the Problem of evil but shows how God preserved and protected the Christ-Child and his parent in the face of prevailing evil. God can also do same for you in Jesus’s Name Amen.
Divine interruption - 22:12:2019, 20.35
22/12/2019 Duration: 23minBased on Matthew 1:18-25 Divine interruption is a reflection on the experiences and interruptions of the lives of Mary, Joseph and the prelude to birth of the Christ-Child, but more than that it is about us becoming more open and receptive to the interruption of God in our lives as we seek a deeper walk with Him. Divine interruption should not be seen in a negative light because it happens when God is interested in you as conduit for his purpose. I pray that this podcast will bless you in Jesus’s Name Amen.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental)Michael W. Smith: Ancient WordDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Unmanaged Expectation - 15:12:2019, 15.34
15/12/2019 Duration: 24minBased on Matthew 11:2-11 “Unmanaged Expectation” is a reflection on the unmet expectation of John the Baptist by Jesus Christ. When in prison, John expected Jesus Christ to come and have him released but that didn’t happen. Like every human being John doubted his previously confession of Jesus’ identity because he failed to manage his expectation about the character and the designation of the Messiah. By doing so he relegated the mission of God to the dimension of his own expectations, failing to understand that we do not have the capability to encapsulate God’s plan in our prefabricated container. I pray that this Podcast Blesse someone.Music:William Augusto: Background Instrumental The Norton Hall Band: “My Hope and Stay: Hymns Project, Vol. II”Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
The Herald of his Coming - 08:12:2019, 18.47
08/12/2019 Duration: 30minBased on Matthew 3:1-12 “The Herald of his Coming” is an Advent reflection on the message of John the Baptist as a herald for Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the birth of the Christ Child it is also a time to get ready, and to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ the second time because the first Advent is in past and the second is yet to come. I pray that this podcast blesses you.William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season Whitelight Media Production- “He's coming back again" by the Youth of Portoroki.
Maranatha: a Classified Info - 01:12:2019, 16.30
01/12/2019 Duration: 25minBased on Matthew 24:36-44 “Maranatha: a Classified Info” call the attention of listeners of Pneuma Podcast to the need to seize the opportunity that Advent present us, to focus more on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ which is the reason why he came before. However, we are confronted with the problem of chronology and periodization because the date, and time of Maranatha are “a classified information” known only to God. (Luke 19:10) Since we are oblivious of this information, we must do all we can to stay prepared so as not to be caught unaware when Jesus Christ returns. I pray that this Podcast bless you. Maranatha!Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Song by Sovereign Grace Music: O Come, O Come, EmmanuelDisclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement intended.
Father, forgive them. - 24:11:2019, 17.55
24/11/2019 Duration: 24minBased on Luke 23:33- 43 “Father, forgive them” invites listeners of this Podcast to consider the manner that Jesus Christ accomplished his ministry on earth by taking his rightful place as the King of kings whose chief weapon is forgiveness. Jesus Christ approached his humiliation and suffering from a place of understanding that those persecuting him were ignorant. Jesus Christ looked beyond the physical appearance of his persecutors; to be able to forgive we must also look beyond the person. We must therefore endeavour to cultivate the habit of forgiveness because Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour forgave all those who accused him, those who erroneously charged and condemned him, those who ignorantly mocked him, those who nailed him to the cross and those standing by. I pray that this Podcast bless you.Music:William Augusto – Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental) Divine Hymns Channel: God Forgave My Sin In Jesus' Disclaimer: All music used belong to the copyright owner credited. NO copyright infringement in
Standing Strong in Perilous times - 17:11:2019, 14.41
17/11/2019 Duration: 25minBased on the Gospel of Luke 21:5–19 Standing Strong in Perilous times is a clarion call to all believers in Christ Jesus to take seriously the signs of the end time not by predicting the date of the second coming but by being fully prepared for the event. This preparation include persecution that Christians may suffer as a result of following Christ. The signs are there for all to see, false prophets everywhere, natural catastrophes events are on the increase, nations are rising against nations and the world is seriously being engineered against GOD but there is hope if we stand strong. Jesus said, “these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Music Credit: William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new seasonMichael Reid - I’m pressings on