Revd Michael Angley Ogwuche is a preacher of the Gospel since 1987. He believes the Bible is Gods word and therefore sees it as an indispensable critical tool for the navigation of this circumference call Earth. He also believes that the Gospel should not be circumscribed by any means but must be preached through every channel including PODCAST. (Isaiah 61:1)
Re-igniting Your First Love for God - 07:11:2019, 22.42
10/11/2019 Duration: 23minBased on (Revelation 2:1-7) “Re-igniting Your First Love for God” invites listeners to be aware and take responsibilities for their actions within the body of Christ. This is because Christians are responsible for the spiritual condition of the Church and moral decay of our society as a consequence of being indifference. Like the Church at Ephesus Christians can do well to take the advice of Jesus Christ by returning to their first love.Music Credit: Daniel Shiells / Mike Newbon - Father I Place into Your HandsWilliam Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season
A personal encounter with Jesus Christ - 03:11:2019, 15.00
03/11/2019 Duration: 23minBased on Luke 19:1-10 “A personal encounter with Jesus Christ” calls the attention of believers and non to the story of Zacchaeus a chief tax collector who desired to meet Jesus Christ and as a result was honoured to host him. It is also about the readiness of this perceived sinner-man to make his wrongs right. (a virtue that is infrequent today) This story is a real example of what true repentance should be. I hope and pray that this podcast blesses you.Music Credit:William Augusto: Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence Child of God: Kathryn Scott
The Irrepressible Widow - 20:10:2019, 22.43
20/10/2019 Duration: 23minBased on (Luke 18:1-8) The Irrepressible Widow like many stories in the Bible brings a new dimension to us and to encourage believers who are reluctant to bring their appeals to God in prayer to rekindle your confidence in God with the understanding that it is God‘s pleasure to grant us our prayer requests in His time as He makes all things beautiful. I pray that this Podcast Blesses you.Music Credit: William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season Jones Beene: Calling Glory, Don't Give Up
The Authentic Act of Thanksgiving to God - 13:10:2019, 18.46
13/10/2019 Duration: 28minBased on (2 Kings 5:1-3,7-15c and Luke 17:11-19) “The Authentic act of Thanksgiving to God” invites believers in Christ to consider the importance of thanksgiving that is from the heart. Naaman the Army Commander and the foreign ex-leper recognised the importance of thanksgiving and returned back to show their gratitude to God for healing them and for restoring their dignity free of charge. The Lord Jesus Christ commended this very act of thanksgiving and blessed the ex-leper more. There are lessons to learn from these grateful people. Let us also remember that the fact that Jesus Christ died for us is enough reason to give thanks to God. I pray that this Podcast will Bless you as you consider what God has done, what He is doing and what He is going to do free of charge in your life in the Name of Jesus Christ.Music Credit: William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season We Thank Thee - Jim Reeves
Called to be a Regular Witness for Jesus Christ - 06:10:2019, 16.05
06/10/2019 Duration: 21minBased on (John 1:40-51) “Called to be a Regular Witness for Jesus Christ” invites all followers of Jesus Christ to take their rightful place within the mission of God as witnesses that does not require expert witness training. The business of winning souls for Jesus Christ is every Christian’s business and not just the ministers. Philip learnt this lesson early in his ministry with Jesus Christ that all that is needed is to attest to the truth in the most simplistic manner as it is the work of the Holy Spirit to do the convicting. “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” And "Come and see." A simple testimony is what is require. I pray that this Podcast blesses you.Music Credit: William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season John L. Bell - The Summons (Will you come and follow me)
A lost Sheep and a missing Coin - 15:09:2019, 14.44
15/09/2019 Duration: 21minBased on Luke 15:1-10 “A lost Sheep and a missing Coin” reminds Christians of the mission of Jesus Christ on this side of eternity. Throughout his earthly ministry he was found to be crossing the imaginary lines drawn by the religious leaders of his day, this welcoming approach is replicated many times in the New Testament but for the Pharisees it was a step too far for a Rabbi. Jesus responded in two parables, the two parables reveal God’s character, His grace and his love toward sinners and the purpose of searching is to find them so that on return there will be great joy in the presence of God. While Christians are encouraged not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, they are to show compassion for lost souls for which Jesus Christ came to die for. I pray that this Podcast blesses you.Music courtesy: (Soaking In His Presence Instrumental Worship)William Augusto(I once was lost but now I am Found)
Counting the Cost of Discipleship - 12:09:2019, 18.50
12/09/2019 Duration: 25minBased on (Luke 14: 25-33) ‘Counting the Cost of Discipleship’ invites Pneuma Podcast listeners to examine closely what Jesus Christ meant by denial and counting the cost in order to qualify for discipleship mantle. Counting the cost first like in any project will help every disciple of Jesus Christ to overcome future difficulties that may occur along the way, especially challenges that will directly impact on the basic principle of faith in Christ. It is my prayer that this podcast blesses you.Music: Special thanks to...William Augusto -Soaking In His Presence Instrumental WorshipRay Boltz - Take Up Your Cross
Crossing Over Unto the other Side” - 05:09:2019, 23.11
05/09/2019 Duration: 22minBased on Mark’s Gospel Chapter 4: 35- 41 “Crossing Over Unto the other Side” invites listeners to be dissatisfied with their present unfavourable circumstance into the fullness of God’s plan and purpose for their lives. We pray that this podcast will bless you.
Seeking the Margin - 01:09:2019, 23.33
01/09/2019 Duration: 26minBased on (Luke 14:1, 7-14) “Seeking the Margin” invites listeners of this Podcast to seek the margin rather than the centre of society’s class distinction and to identify with those who are disadvantaged and also to demonstrate genuine hospitality that is intentionally directed towards those we are uncomfortable with or who may be different from us. When people are deeply moved by the love we share with them, their lives are changed. I believe this to be our mission, a mission to change the world of injustice to a place where justice reigns supreme as we allow his will to be done here on earth. It is my prayer that this podcast blesses you.Music Credit:William Augusto: Soaking In His Presence (Instrumental Worship)John L. Bell: The Summons (Will you come and follow me)
Grasshopper Philosophy - 23:08:2019, 18.37
25/08/2019 Duration: 33minBased on (Numbers 13: 26-33) Grasshopper Philosophy presents us with a vivid examples of those who have spent the rest of their lives in mental quagmire and as a result reduced themselves mentally and physically to Grasshopper mentality. “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” We can however, begin the process of deconstructing those negative structures from our lives and reconstructing it with positive mental attitude that is founded in Christ Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith. I pray that this Podcast will bless you.Music: William Augusto - Instrumental Worship, soaking in his presence a new season Michael Reid - I am Pressing on
Steward of the mystery of God revealed - 18:08:2019, 13.47
18/08/2019 Duration: 24minBased on Colossians 1:24-29 and 2:1-15, “Steward of the mystery of God revealed” is a succinct look at the Apostle Paul’s uncompromised approach to the developing heresy in the Colossian Church Community, a situation that had the propensity to cause greater spiritual harm to the body of Christ at that time. This podcast is an invite to the Church today to be aware and approach similar situation with the same vigour. I pray that the Lord will help and guide us against any such machination of the enemy.Podcaster: Revd Michael Angley OgwucheMusic: Produced by William Augusto: Instrumental Worship Soaking in His PresenceCharlie LeBlanc: Christ In You! (Hosanna! Music
The X Factor of Faith - 11:08:2019, 15.20
11/08/2019 Duration: 23minBased on (Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16) The X Factor of Faith) invites listeners of this podcast to consider the heroes of faith accounted in the passage, what it was that kept them focused on their journeys of life. I believe it was their X factor, the ability to believe in the immaterial, intangible and the incompressible, you too can have the X Factor to be counted among these great saints. I pray that this Podcast blesses you. Music Credit: William Augusto: Soaking in His Presence (Instrumental Worship) and Tim Godfrey: So Good. Bible reading Courtesy: Copyright holders, please get in touch if you have query.
The Rich Wise Fool - 05:08:2019, 12.45
05/08/2019 Duration: 24minBased on (Luke 12:13-21) “The Rich Wise Fool” invites listeners of this podcast to reflect on the parable of Jesus Christ regarding our understanding of resources allowed us by the special grace of God. Such understanding will stimulate us on how we view our possession as God’s and not ours to keep and knowing that what is most important is not our earthly inheritance or material wealth but indeed what is heavenly. I hope and pray that this podcast will encourage wholesome thinking among Jesus’ followers going forward.
Burdens are lifted at Calvary - 25:07:2019, 18.51
25/07/2019 Duration: 21minBased on (Isaiah 53:1-10) “Burdens are lifted at Calvary” invites listeners of this episode to consider the implication of Isaiah 53:1-10 on the authenticity of the finished work of Calvary where Jesus Christ lifted our burdens. There is therefore no need to carry any burden at all, if only we understand that what Jesus Christ did on Calvary’s Cross was for us. I pray that this podcast blesses you.
Distracted By Many Things - 21:07:2019, 15.10
21/07/2019 Duration: 20minBased on (Luke 10:38-42) “Distracted by Many Things” invites listeners to examine their intentions for serving God in the midst of avoidable distractions that has become the norm in our technology infested society. There is no denying that we live in a world that is full of distractions; these distractions are affecting our ways of life, our relationships with other mortals and above all our relationships with God our Creator. The story of Martha and Mary challenges us to see the need for a conscious focus on Jesus Christ and that services to God must not replace personal interaction with God. I pray that this podcast blesses you.
Compassion- The Act of Demolishing Racial Injustice - 14:07:2019, 17.54
14/07/2019 Duration: 19minBased on (Luke 10: 25-37) Compassion: The act Demolishing Racial Injustice invites listeners to reflect on Racial Injustice in our world today; drawing from the narrative of the Good Samaritan in the Book of Luke. Although many of us know what Racial Justice is in principle but in practical terms and in all honesty do, we really believe the equality of all race? In the next few minutes I would like us to reflect a little more about what it means to be just within the human family. There are many factors that contributes to racial inequality in our world today; chief of them all is the feeling of superiority by one race against the other.
Powerlessness, Powerful and the wonder of the Power of God - 07:07:2019, 20.56
07/07/2019 Duration: 26minBased on (2 Kings 5:1-14) “Powerlessness, Powerful and the wonder of the Power of God” invites us to consider how God chooses unlikely vessels to fulfil his purposes. In the key text for this podcast are the accounts of those who are powerful and yet powerless and those who are powerless but powerful even without platform to exercise them. Sometimes our God does not work through or need the permission of the movers and shakers of this world. He chooses to use nameless individuals to make things happen. The healing of Naaman may not have happened if the “powerless people” the unnamed and unknown ones did not let God. I want you to know today that you and I are in the frame of the picture that God is painting so do not be shy to exercise your intrinsic power of God.
Lesson from Oliver Twist - 30:06:2019, 16.32
30/06/2019 Duration: 24minBased on (1 Timothy 6:3-11) and Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist “Lesson from Oliver Twist” invites listeners to consider the life of contentment with what is needed more than anything else rather than what is wanted as God promised to supply needs not wants. Oliver Twist and friends just needed more gruel to stay alive and not to feed their greed. “godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1 Timothy 6:6)
Come Follow Me - 18:06:2019, 22.59
18/06/2019 Duration: 22minBased on (Matthew 4:18-22) “Come follow me” invites us to reconsider answering the call of Jesus Christ. The call to follow is a theme that runs throughout the scriptures right from the beginning, God has been in the business of calling people to covenant relationship with him in one way or the other. Adam and Eve were called to steward Eden and replenish the Earth, God stepped into their world in a very special way as he fellowshipped with them in the cool of the day. (Genesis 1:28,3:8) The call to follow is a strong indication that God is serious about calling people into his very special purpose, God wants to call us too even when we don’t feel ready or worthy of his calling, yet he calls us. The call to “follow me” is clarion and unconditional, it doesn’t show the responder any material direction this is because Jesus Christ the caller is himself is the direction, he is the navigator, navigation and the destination hear this, Jesus said in (John 14:6) “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one c
In the Centre of God's Plan - 14:06:2019, 15.06
14/06/2019 Duration: 22minBased on Exodus 3:1-15, Matthew 16:21-28 and the “Hiding Place” by Corrie ten Boom, “In the Centre of God’s Plan” invites listeners to consider their special places in within the plan of God as Moses and Corrie were. You may not necessarily feel you are better placed to fulfil God’s calling, but God feels you are as aptly demonstrated by these stories. I pray that this podcast blesses someone.