First Love Yourself



Born To F.L.Y is all about educating and inspiring women to learn the value of self love. First Love Yourself came about from my personal struggles and now I want to share with other women going through the same pains that self love is priority, not selfish, as well as discuss all the motions of discovering who you really are and who you can dream to be.For more on my work, visit my website.


  • Ep 21. The Inner Wins

    31/07/2018 Duration: 08min

    Sometimes we don't feel we're achieving much in our lives because our external reality is not displaying where we think we should be, but when we can take the time to stop and reflect on the things have have achieved more within us on an emotional level, overcoming our hardships and learning to love ourselves that little bit more is probably a bigger win than we care to recognise. Be sure to take the time to celebrate the small wins, whether that's joining a gym, being brave enough to quit the job you hate ANYTHING that makes you feel that you are bettering yourself as an authentic person is a win, be sure to celebrate it as such.

  • Ep 20 - Accept What Is

    17/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    IT'S MY 20TH EPISODE; But on a side note, accepting that what we receive in our every day lives is a consequence or reward for our actions is the sure fire way to become more at peace with yourself and live a more fulfilled life. The more we attach and expect from ourselves, others and situations the more disappointed and upset we can become. By taking into your aura that acceptance and surrender to outcome is mandatory for your over all well being on all your bodys; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual then will you start to gain a broader perspective on the amazing thing that is life. Listen in, I swear alot in this one lol, but patience is a virtue and acceptance is my new philosophy. Enjoy and thanks for being here. Remember to head over to Itunes and rate the podcast if you can, i'd be grateful xx

  • Ep 19. Self Love Defined

    10/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    Self Love is becoming a title that gets thrown around alot and like alot of good things it has an influx of ideas and information, but we mustn't get hindered from it's core purpose and that's to walk your journey and learn the tools that show love and commitment to self in everything you do that leads you to a more consistent state of positive being and happiness. Lean the tools, find what works, remove what doesn't and rinse and repeat. Loving yourself is committing to learning and doing what's necessary for the duration your life, commit to that and you have already established #selflove I'd love to hear your thoughts, let me know -

  • Ep 18. Talk It Out

    04/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    What we feel may seem like nothing but it matters to you. You were given a voice to use freely for authentic expression and now is the time i'm giving you permission to stand up and use it. You are worthy of being heard and clearing out the noise in your head, this is just the beginning of the #talkitout movement so be sure to share with your friends if you find this helpful xx

  • Ep 17. Slow Down

    28/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    It's time we stop telling each other how busy we are, and learn to take some time to slow down and reflect. Busyness is like a badge of honour and unless we feel we're being busy all the time, we feel somewhat lazy and unproductive.. yet sometimes slowing down is the best way to speed up, respect yourself enough to give yourself time.. Have a listen and be inspired, let me know your thoughts x

  • Ep 16 - Relationships

    24/06/2018 Duration: 09min

    People come and go in your life as a lesson or a blessing and I felt it was necessary to touch on how ALL relationships we experience on our journey can have an impact on our lives moving forward. Neither right or wrong but listen to get a better understanding of how you can benefit and grow from all the people who show up in your life. I'd love to hear your feedback and be sure to subscribe to the podcast x

  • Ep 15 - It May Not Be Best

    04/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    We all have flat days where we feel it's too much work to achieve our goals and this is perfectly normal - what's not normal is when you're using every ounce of your being and energy to 'motivate' yourself day in and day out toward the things that may just not be best suited to you. Have a listen and i'd appreciate you jumping over to rate my podcast on the link below or leaving me a comment with some feedback TIA xx

  • Ep 14. You're Not Crazy

    28/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever had one of those days where you feel you're going a bit loopy? Like you just can't get a grip on your reality? What if I told you this is completely normal and a more common than not human experience.. If you don't believe me, have a listen for some tips and guidance on bettering your mind. We're all on this journey together, I want to support that.

  • Ep 13. Words Only Go So Far

    15/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    When you want something bad enough you need to ask yourself 2 things; 1) Am I willing to do the work to achieve this? 2) Is it aligned with my true values and beliefs? If you can answer these honestly you'll have no problem putting the actions into the words because that's where the magic lies, words only pacify you so long until you need to see a reality come into play, so are you willing to do the actions? if not are you willing to find the thing that inspires you from within... The magic lies in the actions words are nothing without it. Take a listen to my personal story as well as some passionate inspiration to kickstart your day

  • Ep 12 - Your Pain Is Speaking To You

    02/05/2018 Duration: 06min

    Did you know that your niggles, pains and illness may be more than just that? By considering going deeper within and treating the body as a whole rather than a superficial bandaid we can truly heal ourselves and become more balanced between mind and body.. Today I discuss that further, thanks for tuning in x

  • You Don’t Need To Be An Expert - Ep 11

    15/04/2018 Duration: 06min

    You don't need another certificate, you don't have to read another book and you'll never be completely ready... But that's what makes it exciting- the belief you have enough passion to deliver your message. I've been there and still go here at times, but I know my path and I just choose to follow it knowing the universe will provide.. so you can to. Tune in and have a listen x

  • Ep 10. You'll Fuck Up - Own It

    02/04/2018 Duration: 07min

    Today was just that day where I felt like I just fucked up and felt really bad about it. After taking some time to process the emotions it stirred up for me, I realised that I can let it consume me, or I can understand mistakes happen and own it as that. I chose the latter and being able to share the experience with you guys has shown me that understanding our faults as lessons and being able to share and help others is what it's really all about. Take a listen and let me know if you've ever been in this place

  • Ep 9 - You’re Not Immune To Emotions

    20/03/2018 Duration: 05min

    Even being on holidays on the other side of the world not everyday has been sunshine and rainbows... also without any warning today encourages that emotions are going to present any time or place and your external environment may not always be the root cause - it’s time to go deeper. No equipment while travelling so today’s episode is completely raw and unedited - literally straight out of bed... But either way I hope it inspires

  • Go For It - Ep 8

    28/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Today I realised I don't have anything to lose by just trying! I have all these goals and ambitions but I never know if they're going to work for me because I never put myself out there. Today I discuss why I have chosen to let go and just go for it, because in my opinion, better a 'fuck it' than a 'what if'... Could be the breakthrough moment you've been looking for.

  • Take Yourself Out - Ep 7

    18/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Take Yourself Out - Ep 7 by Self Love Podcast by Gemm C

  • Know Your Triggers - Ep 6

    09/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Today while I was walking to work I couldn't help but notice little behaviours I was going through and I had to ask what was going on? I knew these were out of the normal for me and moreso I knew they were triggers because I was anxious. Taking massive action towards the things you're passionate about in life can be scary, we become fearful because the outcome is usually unknown to us and this is a place that usually causes us to take no action whatsoever. When we trust our journey and finally take that leap forward, we feel relieved but it can defiantely bring up feelings of doubt and fear and usually instead of becoming aware of this we stay in this place of anxiety and deal with the 'triggers' that comes with it.. Whether that's picking your nails or my favourite 'emotional eating' every one of these behaviours is a method to silence your inner voice that will guide you the right way. Journaling or speaking about your feelings and becoming aware of the environment or the actions that cause these trigger

  • Treat Yourself To - Ep 5

    05/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Today we talk about how it's important to make yourself a priority once in a while. Although it's deemed upon us as being selfish, acts of self love are important in order to keep our cup full and be more helpful to ourselves and others in our day to day lives. It's not selfish, it's important - you can't fill from an empty cup

  • Ep 4 - Stop Justifying To Others

    31/01/2018 Duration: 05min

    Episode 4: Stop Justifying To Others Being a trainer, coach, beauty therapist and more, one thing I find a common habit is our need to justify, and moreso to ourselves than anyone else. It's like the story sounds fitting and keeps us safe in our comfort zone, but nothing grows there. By telling others why we aren't doing something it gives us permission to avoid taking action, but by being true to yourself without apology will yield that self directed life you always dream of. Stop the justification, do the work and see the results, you owe it to yourself to live your best life.

  • Release The Expectation - Ep 3

    31/01/2018 Duration: 08min

    Episode 3: Release The Expectation This episode is all about being present and in flow, not having expectation but doing the work for a desired outcome without judgement. This to date has been one of my toughest life lessons and I am still learning, but I find the less I resist the universe the more good and flow comes my way.

  • Ep 2. Do The Work

    31/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    Episode 2: Do The Work! This is the little voice I learnt from a good coach of mine and as frustrating as it can be at times, when I find myself floundering or feeling frustrated it's simply because i'm not putting in the action to yield the results. A bit of a hard truth but one that allows us to live a more self directed life.

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