First Love Yourself

Know Your Triggers - Ep 6



Today while I was walking to work I couldn't help but notice little behaviours I was going through and I had to ask what was going on? I knew these were out of the normal for me and moreso I knew they were triggers because I was anxious. Taking massive action towards the things you're passionate about in life can be scary, we become fearful because the outcome is usually unknown to us and this is a place that usually causes us to take no action whatsoever. When we trust our journey and finally take that leap forward, we feel relieved but it can defiantely bring up feelings of doubt and fear and usually instead of becoming aware of this we stay in this place of anxiety and deal with the 'triggers' that comes with it.. Whether that's picking your nails or my favourite 'emotional eating' every one of these behaviours is a method to silence your inner voice that will guide you the right way. Journaling or speaking about your feelings and becoming aware of the environment or the actions that cause these trigger