Dame It All To Hell

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:39:55
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Tired of being surrounded by sexist nonsense every day? So are we! Pour a glass of your fav and listen in as gal pals Tracy (a devoted Republican) & Kelly (a die-hard Democrat) dish about sexism in politics, business, and pop culture in their weekly NSFW podcast. Pick a side but beware, the side you pick may surprise you! Tell us all about it on social: @DameItAll


  • Punches, Productivity and Millennial Thinking

    31/05/2019 Duration: 32min

    Throwing Drunk PunchesThe Dames kick this episode off with a punch. They discuss a lawmaker who punched his wife in the face when she took too long to undress for sex. The Dames agree that hitting a woman is not right but what if a man to strike a woman after she strikes first?  The Button! But Who’s Going to Cook Dinner?Coming from somewhere outside the US, a woman did not let a man tell her what to do! The Dames recall an article about a woman whose fiancé used economics as a cover for his sexism. He gave her an ultimatum to either stay at home and let him work, or take a job. The Dames applaud her for taking the job and encourage women to never let a man hold them back. Feminism + Millennials = ?Is feminism pushing millennial women into college and careers? Is it also harming the institution of marriage? The Dames share an article that argues that feminism is having a harmful influence on millennials. The Dames get heated and argue whether millennial women are working, or choosing to stay home because they

  • Robots, Sex Swings, and Uncomfortable Men

    24/05/2019 Duration: 30min

    Robots = SexistSiri and Alexa are popular robots but are the people building them sexist? The Dames conduct an experiment to see if Siri will answer them in a submissive voice that some argue is a trait that women have. This leads to the question is a gender bias built into the artificial intelligence of these robots?The Button! Sexist Awards in SpainThis segment focuses on the participants of a squash competition in Spain. The female participants were awarded vibrators, and waxing and callus removal kits. The Dames speculate about what the equivalent prizes for men would have been, maybe a sex swing or shave kit? The squash competition participants argued for the change in the discrimination of women in the sport!Male Ally: Random Twitter GuyThis man sent out many tweets highlighting gender politics and identity; pointing out that women have more patience than men and created hypotheticals about men enduring the sexism that women have for the past 240 years.Men Feeling UncomfortableThe Dames touch on a surve

  • Sex Strikes and New Guidelines

    17/05/2019 Duration: 37min

    #SexStrike By Alyssa MilanoEpisode #75 begins with Alyssa Milano calling for a sex strike due to the new abortion laws that are being implemented in some states. The Dames ponder whether Milano's call could hurt, rather than benefit, the feminist cause. It also leads to a discussion between The Dames about the double standard that comes with women's traditional responsibility for preventing pregnancy, and the choices that both sexes make.The Button! Women Encountering AdversityThis week’s The Button! segment discusses the recently released American Psychological Association’s (APA) new guidelines “to help therapists who treat girls and women”. The Dames share the new guidelines, which sparks a conversation about traditional masculinity in men and expectations of childbirth and marriage that many women are left to work out for themselves.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Apologies and Agreements

    10/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    Feminism IdeologiesThe Dames discuss the evolution of feminism. They talk about how feminism should not be considered progressivism in this day and age. Both Dames agree that women in high corporate positions need to be celebrated despite their ideology. One Dame admits that maybe she needs to rethink arguments that she chooses on behalf of feminism and why she does it.The Button! Moore Ridiculous SexismThis week’s The Button! segment is about Steven Moore saying that women do not have a place in sports. He states that women should not be referees, or even sell concessions! The Dames ponder if this comment he made is satirical in nature or if it is really a view that he holds.Gender Sacrifices and ExpectationsThe Dames present an article that speaks about millennials going into marriages without having expectations of gender roles. They explore both sides - having gender roles versus not. Marriages always have push and pull but where does the benefit of sharing things in the household lie and where do the pre

  • I Could Keep Up With You

    03/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    One of our Dames starts this episode off with a personal story about being hit on in front of her husband - how she handled it, and how it made her feel.Beating Trump - Woman or Man?The Dames tackle a tough question, who can beat Donald Trump in the upcoming campaign trail of 2020? They discuss a few articles that pose the question of whether it is better to back someone who can beat Trump or who someone who would be the best president. The Dames also consider whether women voters will get behind a woman candidate after the failed presidential run of Hilary Clinton, and who will ultimately excite voters.The Button! The Future of Young Girls’ FuturesHold on tight, The Button! this week gets The Dames fired up. The women get heated when discussing if it is realistic in this day in age to tell girls that they can be anything they want to be. One of The Dames believes this is setting girls up for failure, while the other thinks that girls need to be encouraged to do what they want. However, they both come togethe

  • It’s The Sexism, Stupid

    26/04/2019 Duration: 31min

    Touching: Appropriate or Not?Joe Biden’s habit of touching of hair and shoulders has the Dames talking (again) about physical contact. They explore what is appropriate and what isn’t, and discuss the option of speaking up when one does or does not like to be touched (even handshakes and hugs!). It is well known that physical touch is a human need, so The Dames pose the question: What does it mean for social interactions in the future that women often don’t want to be touched?The Button: It’s The Sexism, StupidThis week’s sexist talk is all about media coverage of women presidential candidates. Sadly, this topic is not going away anytime soon. However, the Dames point out that it is a circular problem: In order to get media coverage you have to be dominating the polls, but in order to dominate the polls you have to have media coverage. How can a woman succeed at both?Beto Entitlement BullshitThe Dames discuss a recent article in the Boston Globe titled “Woman’s Prayer”. The prayer is written from a woman’s per

  • Good Morning Washington Crashes Dame It All!

    19/04/2019 Duration: 39min

    Good Morning Washington Joins The DamesThis week, The Dames are joined by Autria Godfrey and Eileen Whelan from Good Morning Washington! Eileen has been a Meteorologist at Good Morning Washington for seven and a half years, while Autria has been a Reporter and Anchor for eight. The Dames and their guests discuss overall appearance on television and how male executives often determine what they should wear and how their hair and makeup should be styled. It leads to a conversation about men's tendency to ask women if they are "old enough" for their job, strictly based on appearance.The four women explore a recent development: two women anchors on the desk of Good Morning Washington and other major news shows. While there has been uncertainty in the news industry about whether two women can hold their own, the guests and hosts agree: the biggest critics of women news anchors are often actually older women.  The Trail: Sexism Mixed with AgeismA recent article by the New York Times identifies a difference between

  • Drugs and a Double Standard

    12/04/2019 Duration: 28min

    Double Standards Strong with Cardi BCardi B, who has openly admitted to being a stripper and a prostitute in the past, has recently confessed to drugging and robbing men. The Dames discuss this as a double standard - if a man were to confess to this he would be surrounded by controversy, however, Cardi B has not been. The Dames argue that men typically drug and rape women, versus drug and rob.The Button: “Uncle” Joe Biden’s [In]Appropriate ActsThe Button this week is all about “Uncle” Joe Biden and his tendency to rub women's shoulders and touch their hair. The Dames discuss benevolent sexism - the idea of men patronizing women and creating highly uncomfortable situations. One of the Dames gets quite worked up on the idea of a man opening a door for a woman; is it a chivalrous act or demeaning?Increased Sexism within the Marijuana IndustryWithout advertising standards within the marijuana industry, many have turned to the old saying: “Sex Sells”. In states where pot is now recreationally legal know this and a

  • Spacesuits & Sports Bras

    05/04/2019 Duration: 27min

    NASA’s Lack Of Smaller Suits Leads To All-Women’s Space Walk CancellationIt is episode 69! The Dames talk about how an all-women’s space walk was cancelled and their spots were given to men because there were not enough space suits to fit the women. One of the Dames is left completely speechless that this was even allowed to happen at NASA.Sports Bras & Sexism On The FieldSports bras are causing issues at Rowan University. The Dames get heated and can’t believe the Rowan University head football coach objectified two women while they were running around the track in sports bras while the football team was practicing. The Dames agree that the outrage from the coach consisted of sexist comments and debate gender equality. The Button: Sexism and the Right of “No”The Button segment this week is about a government official, Baudet from the Netherlands. He said that women "do not want you to respect their ‘no’, to respect their resistance. The reality is that women want to be overwhelmed, dominated, yes; want t

  • The Elizabeth Holmes Effect

    29/03/2019 Duration: 34min

    Elizabeth Holmes & Her Effect on FeminismIn this episode, the Dames tackle lean-in feminism. Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the company Theranos, used everything available to her, including her looks to land investments for her company that was developing a medical test that turned out to be fraud. The Dames leaning-in.  It was successful for Elizabeth but can anyone lean in? Also does the fact that she leaned in and her product was fraudulent hurt the women’s movement to be strong bosses? The Button: Sexism in Medicine & The Turn to Natural CuresIs sexism in medicine driving women to utilize dangerous natural cures is the question asked in this week’s Button. It leads to an interesting conversation about vaginal steaming. Sexism & Dress CodeRelaxed dress code is becoming a new thing.  However, is it better for men or for women?  Men are excited about it but many women feel it is a trap as there are too many options regarding what is considered professional. The Dames get a bit heated on this to

  • Beto O’Money & Conway Tweeting

    22/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    Beto Breaks a RecordThe Dames kick this episode off with Beto and the record amount of money the middle-aged, white guy was able to raise in the first 24-hour period after he announced his run for the presidency. Kelly and Tracy know that anyone believes they can run for the presidency in this day in age, but how sexist is it that men raise the most money and get the best media attention? It seems women must prove themselves qualified to be president and men don’t.The Button: Boys Club at the Grand CanyonThis week’s Button centers on an openly gay female superintendent who was appointed head of the park rangers at the Grand Canyon. You guessed it...the men she oversaw wanted her out and ultimately filed a complaint. Even though an investigation eventually cleared her, she ultimately resigned. You might be surprised by how Tracy and Kelly react.#MeToo on Wall StreetOn Wall Street, #MeToo is often overshadowed by he-said, she-said situations. The Dames explore the workplace consequences of consensual and forced

  • Pay Gaps and Grey Areas

    15/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    Pay Gap with Female Soccer PlayersIt should come as no surprise that in this episode, the topic of female soccer athletes making far less than their male counterparts is front and center. The Dames argue that if there was a push among large corporations to back female sports then there would be an increase in revenue resulting in bigger paydays for the female athletes. The Dames pose the tough question, is it sexist to watch men in a sport over watching women play the same exact sport?The Button: The World Without SexismThe Button this week revolves around the question, “what would a world without sexism look like?” The Dames find themselves arriving at the conclusion that a world without sexism would allow females to find their voice and space. It would grant them the opportunity to try and fail without judgment.Gillibrand and a Grey AreaThe Dames recognize that there is a grey area between a dick move and sexual harassment. The recent accusation against Senator Gillibrand not handling a sexual harassment co

  • Life As A Modern Mom

    08/03/2019 Duration: 37min

    We Need Men’s Help to End Toxic MasculinityToday’s episode beings with one of our Dames favorite topics, toxic masculinity. The Dames mull over having good men on the side of women feminists. Surprisingly, they both agree that it can be beneficial to females and possibly help men break down toxic masculinity at the same time.Life as a Modern MomThe Dames chat with guests Bethany Johnson and Margaret M. Quinlan about their book, You’re Doing It Wrong!: Mothering, Media and Medical Expertise. Their book is rooted in the journey of motherhood from conception to early toddler and how many outside influences are at work on women and mothers in today’s world. The Dames and the authors touch on a variety of ideas from the book like how women of today are similar to those from the Victorian Era. They also discuss the amount of access women have in today's world but their inability to utilize it all due to varying constraints.The Button: Woman Cyclist Stopped in RaceThe Button this week stars a cycling race in Belgium

  • The Saga of Bitchy Bosses

    01/03/2019 Duration: 31min

    Anthony Weiner is Out of PrisonAnthony Weiner has been released from prison after just 15 months in. The Dames are all over this. Weiner was originally locked up for sexting various women, including a 15-year-old girl. The Dames question the severity of the punishment in comparison to the crime and they explore the balance between encouraging young girls to have a positive relationship with their body without influencing their mind. The Oscars Broke Records The Oscars broke records this year. A record number of women (15 total) won awards including the first African American woman to win in Costume Design. The Dames give praise to the overly positive speeches on behalf of the winners and agree that the Oscars had a different feel to them this year.  The Button: The Dames Discuss “Bitchy Bosses”The Button in this week's episode revolves around the idea that women bosses are more bitchy. There is an expectation in the workplace that a woman should be a “doer” but with more empathy than their male counterparts.

  • Punch Him In The Penis

    22/02/2019 Duration: 25min

    Study Shows Women in Power Equals Fewer DeathsDo more women in government positions mean better public health? The Dames examine a recent study released that found that when more women are in power there are fewer deaths overall. . The Dames ponder if this is due to women putting their focus on different priorities than their counterparts and if the results of their efforts are fewer deaths.  Klobuchar and the Flying BinderAmy Klobuchar has the Dames conflicted, especially Kelly. Klobuchar is a Democratic Senator from Minnesota who recently announced her candidacy for the presidency. She has a reputation of being a “tough” boss and there are reports of her throwing office supplies at an employee. With a caring public persona and employees that have both loved her and disliked her, should her temperament overshadow her achievements? Is she a crazy lunatic or a caring individual? The Dames are torn and ask if she was a man, would this discussion even be taking place?The Button: Girls’ Behavior at SchoolThe Butt

  • A Delicate (But Strong) Ball of Pink Yarn

    15/02/2019 Duration: 38min

    Women & The GrammysWomen dominated the Grammys and the Dames took notice! Today’s episode kicks off with their discussion of the show and all the power women there, from the host to the performances to the winners. It was all things women and the Dames know it’s time to get on the train.Justin Fairfax & Sexual MisconductYet another man has been accused of sexual misconduct. This time it’s Virginia Lt. Governor, Justin Fairfax, with multiple accusations against him. He’s calling for due process because he believes all of the “encounters” were consensual. The Dames pose the question: Why is the first response to accusations not “I’m sorry, I thought it was consensual?” Is there arrogance behind a man who chooses to run politically knowing the incidents that have taken place in his past?  A Debate Over PixarPixar launched a new short film, Pearl, about a woman (represented by a ball of pink yarn) who goes to work in a place where her colleagues are only white men. The short film is tackling the idea of t

  • Criminal Justice Fail

    08/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    Tracy & Kelly are on a serious note with this episode.A Victim Fights BackThe Dames dive into a highly publicized sexual assault case they believe was not handled properly by the courts. A D.C.-area woman was assaulted while on a run but the man who committed the crime got off with a misdemeanor charge, 10 days in jail (at his convenience), and probation. When the woman found out her attacker was not complying with his sentence, she took things into her own hands and publicized his behavior. The Dames examine how the criminal justice system failed her and the injustice surrounding the entire case.Perceived Pain Between Girls & BoysGender bias beginning at an early age is the topic of The Button. A study conducted to determine how people perceive pain experienced by boys versus girls concluded that stereotypes begin at an early age. The Dames discuss (but don’t entirely agree on) what that means for gender bias.Nevada Makes HistoryWay to go Nevada, the first state in US History to have women holding th

  • Can't Read My *Resting Bitch Face*

    01/02/2019 Duration: 32min

    This is an exciting week on the show as The Dames are stepping up their game and re-launching their brand. Make sure to check out all of our new stuff on social media!Can You Tell Someone They Have Resting Bitch Face?Resting bitch face has The Dames up in arms. Apparently, some women are having “grin lifts” done to fix their resting bitch face. The Dames agree that this is an extension of the sexist expectation on women to look and act a certain way. It drives Kelly bananas and Tracy, while she claims to have an epic resting bitch face, thinks that people just need to stop telling women how their faces look.Diversity Issues at Prestigious Paul, Weiss Law FirmIntentionality is something that is lacking from elite law firms and new partner class. The Dames discuss how there is a lack of women partners in law firms and, when they do exist, they are given the generally “womanly” roles. Why can’t men plan cocktail parties? NYC Restaurant Nello Cutting Back on Call Girls?The Button this week revolves around a resta

  • Down With The Pink Tax!

    25/01/2019 Duration: 24min

    It may come as no shocker but it is still cold as f@#! outside. On your favorite podcast that tackles sexism big and small, the Dames cover the 2020 Presidential Race, a new study with surprising findings regarding mothers and sisters and the infamous Gillette ad.Women in the 2020 RaceThe Dames start this episode on a high note. More women are entering the presidential race on the Democratic side, and that is grounds for some excitement and possible change. With more women entering the race, Kelly and Tracy argue that this could lead the presidential race to become a human choice versus a gender choice.Female Family Members Leads to Conservatism?This week’s Button is a puzzle for the Dames. New research shows having daughters makes men and women more Republican and having sisters makes men more conservative, sparking one crazy conversation. Interestingly, it goes from the idea that men’s ideologies are driven by the females in their lives, to the notion of “women and children first!” into lifeboats on a sinki

  • My Snow Is Bigger Than Your Snow

    18/01/2019 Duration: 29min

    Kelly and Tracy have survived “Snurlough” in DC!Iceland Aims to End the Gender GapThe Dames start this episode off with examining Iceland’s new law to put an end to the gender gap 2022 by paying men and women in the same job position equal amounts. Tracy is unsure, thinking this new law may backfire on women already in higher paid positions. Kelly ponders if qualification should be the only basis on hiring for a job. Is this law a solution to a worldwide sexist problem?The Button: Banned Vibrator!A Robotic Vibrator that was banned at the Consumer Electronic Show is the hot topic of the Button. Kelly is having a hard time keeping her shit together while Tracy tells her about the vibrator, a sex robot, and some virtual reality porn. Once Kelly is able to get it together, the Dames bounce around the idea that women’s sexual independence may be frightening for men.A First for Female MarinesFor the first time in history, a platoon of female Marines will be training alongside their counterparts at a joint bootcamp.

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