Dame It All To Hell



Tired of being surrounded by sexist nonsense every day? So are we! Pour a glass of your fav and listen in as gal pals Tracy (a devoted Republican) & Kelly (a die-hard Democrat) dish about sexism in politics, business, and pop culture in their weekly NSFW podcast. Pick a side but beware, the side you pick may surprise you! Tell us all about it on social: @DameItAll


  • Women Can't F#@%ing Say That!

    11/01/2019 Duration: 42min

    We join the Dames today on your favorite podcast covering sexism as they enjoy wine in a can. Hold on to your britches because Kelly and Tracy get feisty with each other in this episode, and agree there are just some things they will disagree about until they’re dead.Congresswoman Tlaib CursesThe Dames begin by talking about the statement Congresswoman Tlaib from Michigan made on Swearing-in Day that caused an uproar. She said, “We are going to impeach the motherfu@#$!.”  Kelly argues that it’s sexism - a double standard for women.  A man (Trump) has used the same language and gotten away with it. If you can’t beat him, might as well join him, right? Tracy thinks that Talib has tarnished all the achievements that came with her election to office. Get yourself some popcorn; the discussion gets heated and entertaining.Courage to Run Back at ItFrieda Edgette joins the Dames to discuss Courage to Run, a nonpartisan 5k run/walk based in D.C., and its path for 2019. Courage to Run is growing and plans to use the po

  • Male Ego In The Way

    04/01/2019 Duration: 30min

    Welcome to 2019! New Year, same shit. The Dames dive into a story about why women in power are called “difficult”. They discuss the double standard women in power face compared their male counterparts, and agree that women should turn the situation into a positive rather than dwelling on it.  Ready or not, the Presidential campaign season has begun. Kelly thinks it’s epic that Elizabeth Warren is the first candidate to get her campaign rolling. Tracy may not be too fond of her, but she can’t deny the awesomeness of the first candidate being a fierce woman. The Button is back! The Dames wish they had some wine to cheers to a peaceful protest that took place in India. Shortly, after New Years, millions of women joined together to form a chain to protest the sexism and oppression of women in their country. The Dames discuss whether the “Me Too” movement will become a global movement for women?A Keira Knightly quote has Kelly and Tracy talking about the male anatomy. An interesting discussion ensues out of the id

  • Baby, It's Cold (and Stormy) Outside

    21/12/2018 Duration: 28min

    Join the Dames for their last episode of 2018! They are fully invested in the holiday season and ready to spread some holiday cheer.Our Dames begin by discussing Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump. They speculate about whether a sitting president will go after a pornstar for money awarded to him in court. Kelly and Tracy mutually agree that at this point Donald Trump is practically bulletproof. Aaaannnnd...this is where all agreement in this episode ceases.Harvey Weinstein’s newest move in the courts to get a sexual assault case dismissed kicks off the Dames’ disagreement. Tracy poses the question that if people f*@# up do we allow them to change and come back to function in society? Kelly is quick to suggest that their place in society should be limited to a host position at TGIF. Things continue to get heated when they talk about the classic (misogynist?) holiday song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” What is the true meaning behind the song; is it about a girl just wanting to get laid or a man trying the rape her? F

  • We Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty

    14/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    The Dames are feeling like Hollywood stars today! They’ve had full hair blowouts and have a shit-ton of make-up on for their video debut—all so the world can see a different side of them...but you’ll have to wait for that.You know it is going to be a good show when Tracy starts by saying “this is going to be uncomfortable.”The Dames are at odds over an article in Politico Magazine about what it’s like to be a female political consultant. Tracy argues against its anecdotal bias and “whiney” sound of the article, while Kelly’s stance is that it has to be anecdotal—it’s women’s stories, after all. Tracy gets sensitive (for a change) as the Dames discuss different aspects of the business that historically, has been primarily male-based. Is that fact based on sexism or a lack of women helping women? One thing our Dames agree on is the game needs to change!Tying into the previous topic, Kelly introduces an article that Steph Curry wrote discussing how men and dads need to step up for women and join the fight for wo

  • Tracy has a Breakthrough and Kelly's Head Explodes

    07/12/2018 Duration: 29min

    Our Dames are at it again, tasting (and chugging) some wine. Kelly could care less for Tracy’s foo-foo bottle of Cabernet and instead goes for a cheap Pinot Noir.Tracy shares a story about dresses (in Brazil) that record groping, to expose the harassment women often face in nightclubs, which sparks a conversation about the “touch-and-grab” so many men try. The Dames hope they’ll try this project in Washington to see how different the results would be.Next topic: Has “feminism” become a dirty word? Believe it or not, men who claim they suffer from sexism appear to have different views on this topic than Kelly and Tracy. Naturally, Kelly’s reaction to the conversation is more Pinot in her glass. Wonderbra is in The Button! this week. Celebrating its 25th anniversary of giving women built-in boobs. Kelly tells Tracy about a game her husband and her play to guess whether people they see in public are Republicans or Democrats?Tracy recalls the overachieving Melania Edwards as she relates a beautifully sarcastic re

  • 66% Best Friends

    30/11/2018 Duration: 24min

    It’s so cold in DC that Tracy almost wore a fur coat and there are toy polar bears climbing up a fake library wall in the studio building. Christmas has officially arrived in Washington.Today the Dames are talking Bipartisan friendship. Is it something that can exist in this day and age, with the state of our politics? How can you make it work? Is it as simple as not being a douchebag?Kelly springs a quiz on Tracy: Are they 33%, 66% or 99% close as best friends? The quiz also reveals a topic Tracy loves to talks about in explicit detail.In The Button!, the Dames address answers to the question “Why do you need two laptops?”  Seemingly a simple question—until they reveal the asshattery behind it.Tracy, never hesitating to make the conversation more interesting, reveals what she always makes her husband pack in his carry-on. We bet you’ll never guess. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Women Are Equal But Not Equal

    23/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    Women can do anything men can do, including trek across Antarctica. The Ice Maiden team, six women from the British army, did just that.The Button! surfaced sexism by the Chicago Tribune regarding one of the five women running to be mayor of Chicago. The social media headline on a piece about Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza read, "If Boss Madigan and Rahm Emanuel conceived a daughter, she’d be Susana Mendoza." As Chicago Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington puts it, "To portray an accomplished, savvy woman with 20 years in politics as the Frankenstein monster love child of two men is as sexist as it gets."This leads to a larger discussion: Even though times are changing, some men still credit women's successes to the men they've known and compare everything women do to how a man would do it. As evidence, Kelly shares the story about a progressive man who couldn't seem to speak of a colleague in anything but pronouns and asks the question, "Is a deeply internalized sexism bubbling to the surface now that o

  • Babywearing for the Win!

    16/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    Kelly is freezing this week in North Dakota while Tracy enjoys a beer (not wine? Gasp!). The Dames get along and agree when discussing Michelle Obama’s new memoir, Becoming, and they ask, “Did Michelle Obama’s fashion style pave the way for future first ladies?”Tracy reveals that she once wore her daughter to a business conference when the Dames discuss a meteorologist who her weather report while babywearing. Babywearing for the working mama win!In the segment now known as The Button! a Tokyo Medical University was found to be changing men and women applicants’ scores to make the admission of men higher, because women leave their jobs temporarily to birth children. How bad is the stigma surrounding woman having babies in the professional world?Finally, Tracy and Kelly talk about what they plan to do if their husbands die before they do. As women, aging may be hard, but the Dames have a bulletproof plan to make the best of it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • 2018 Midterm Election Wrap-up

    09/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    The Dames are suffering from post-election exhaustion but are really excited about the historic number of women elected to Congress, Governor, and other high-level positions all across the country. Congratulations women!Everything isn't rosy, however, as a new report out of the UK shows that sexism in the workplace is worse than previously thought. Worse still, 28% of women considered women to be less qualified for leadership roles than men (along with 45% of men). Tracy and Kelly consider the implications of the report and what women can do to change it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

    02/11/2018 Duration: 34min

    This week the Dames jump right in and discuss a new survey about sex that shows Democrats and Republicans don't just disagree about politics, they have very different sexual fantasies. The results are not what they expected. Spoiler: Both Dems AND Repubs fantasize about sex with Bill Clinton. Waah?Tracy treats Kelly nicely by bringing in the white wine...which isn't all that good...as they commiserate over a Chicago Cubs shirt Tracy bought her daughter that apparently offender classmates. Neither of the Dames understands that at all, especially the teacher's fail.In this week's Google Sexism Button, a Forbes article on How To Use Sexism To Your Advantage. The conclusion: Lean The F*@k In!  Apparently, that doesn't work for women candidates, who report that they get told they don't have the right "body parts" to be elected. Still, the Dames agree that women running for office feels different now than it did in the past.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Confidently Strong and Comfortably Soft

    19/10/2018 Duration: 29min

    Should people be pushing societal boundaries or are traditional roles okay? Tracy and Kelly disagree...unsurprisingly. This week's episode is brought to you by googling "sexism" and clicking the "News" tab. That leads to a hilarious conversation about "man size Kleenex" and "The Gentleman's Sandwich".In politics (and Crazy Shit People Say), Kelly takes issue with North Dakota's GOP Senate candidate Kevin Cramer's characterization of #MeToo is a “movement toward victimization,” and Tracy does not disagree...mostly. On a positive note, Natalie Portman's comments about toppling the patriarchy get the Dames all fired up.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Science Says We Have To Be Friends

    12/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    After a few weeks of the emotional rollercoaster dealing with challenges to women's role in our country's future, Tracy and Kelly spend this episode enjoying being friends, because science. Did you know that science says women get actual hormonal benefits from their girlfriends, and that women who swear are more loyal and trustworthy? Friends can even make you less likely to catch a cold.This is one of the happiest, funniest episodes the Dames have ever done. We hope it makes you happy, too!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Men are Scared? Welcome to Our World.

    05/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    Tracy on the road and, sadly, doesn't get to drink wine with Kelly and Richard. Apparently, coconut milk coffee isn't the same.The national conversation about Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation has changed from why it's important to believe women who experience sexual assault to why it's important to protect men from false accusers. Seriously, what the fuck?Tracy points out that just 28% of rape and sexual assault are committed by strangers, so maybe women should stop being so afraid of walking to their cars at night and start being willing to spray mace in the faces of the men they know. If men are afraid to say sexual things to women, to touch women, or to behave in any way that may result in them being accused of bad behavior...that's a GOOD THING! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Who stays quiet 35 years? F*cking everyone!

    25/09/2018 Duration: 31min

    It's all so fucking heavy, so let's start "drinking with the wine"! Maybe not the best wine this time...but one of the best episodes EVER.The Dames get right into it and agree that Brett Kavanaugh was a complete douchebag when he got drunk as a teenager, and spend some time considering how rape culture starts really early in people's lives. Tracy points out that no one asks why men rape, just why women did whatever they did., and wonders whether good men realize how many of their female friends have been assaulted.Then she reacts...atypically...to Trump's tweet. And Kelly loves her for it.Hang on for a wild ride, Damers!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Supreme Justice and Yeti Pubes

    21/09/2018 Duration: 36min

    It's all about Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford but we throw in a little Stormy Daniels tell-all just for fun. Also, more Pinot Noir!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Sports & Entertainment at 7am

    14/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    Did Serena Williams lose the U.S. Women's Open Final to Naomi Osaka because of sexism or bad sportsmanship? The Dames do not agree. Does Asshat Leslie Moonves, former CEO of CBS, deserve a $1.2 million severance package? The Dames most certainly agree. Sadly, this was recorded too early in the morning for wine-tasting, so maybe we'll do whiskey shots next week.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Tracy is a Gemini and Kelly Loves a Bagel

    07/09/2018 Duration: 37min

    Feels like home, with everyone back in the studio for a hosty good exploration of gendered language, tweets for the ladies, and Louis CK's "comeback". All that and two very different Sauvignon Blancs in this week's cerebral, silly, awesome episode!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Courage To Run Redux

    31/08/2018 Duration: 31min

    With Tracy on the road, Kelly spends this episode with Frieda Edgette talking about the Pink Wave and women running for office. Frieda's initiative, the Courage To Run race in D.C. and across the country, is the nation's first nonpartisan run/walk and premiere party celebrating the rising wave of women getting civically active and running for office. If you haven't signed up to participate, do it today! All that and Serena Williams in tutus!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You Suck, Indiana

    24/08/2018 Duration: 31min

    The Dames welcome the amazing Domonique James, founder of Politics With Purpose and board member of College to Congress, to drink chewy red wine and talk about how sexism impacts women's lives even when they don't necessarily see it. They dig into a new economic study that suggests attitudes toward a woman where she grows up have a lasting impact on how financially successful she as an adult.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Dirty, Dirty Pinot Noir

    17/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    In this lively episode, Tracy hears the dumbest f#cking things she's ever heard several times. Kelly quizzes Tracy on wine geography and Tracy demands bigger pours.Omarosa may be a badass, but how the hell did she get into the Situation Room?Millennials may think feminism has already won. Kelly, who calls herself a millennial, disagrees.Is giving no f#cks really an art? Maybe only to millennials.Spiderman doesn't look that good in a thong, and French women are tired of postcards that imply every French woman is on a beach in one.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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