A podcast about books, comics, movies, games, and pop culture. You know, Nerdy Things! Hosted by Kevin, Jules & Tim!
Huge Announcement - Nerdy Things Gaming
01/01/2019 Duration: 02minWe have launched a discord server to help connect gamers, check it out at
Episode 81 - Harry Potter Book 7
06/12/2018 Duration: 47minThis is the fourth episode in our Harry Potter month leading up to "Fantastic Beasts 2: Yes, there's really 3 more coming". In this episode we talk about Book 7/Movie 7/8. Check it out! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 80 - Harry Potter Book 6
11/11/2018 Duration: 39minThis is the third episode in our Harry Potter month leading up to "Fantastic Beasts 2: Is Johnny Depp still Grindewald?" mid-month. In this episode we talk about Book/Movie 6. Check it out! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 79 - Harry Potter 4 & 5
03/11/2018 Duration: 53minThis is the second episode in our Harry Potter month leading up to "Fantastic Beasts 2: Why are we still calling it that?" mid-month. In this episode we talk about Books/Movies 4 and 5. Check it out! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 51 (Re-release)
03/11/2018 Duration: 01h58minThis is a re-release of a previous episode. We're doing Harry Potter all this month, in this podcast episode we talked about the first three movies and books. If you haven't already listened check it out! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 78 - Bad Times at the El Royale
19/10/2018 Duration: 01h19minBad Times at the El Royale. It's a movie. Is it good? Yes. Is it bad? Maybe also yes. Check it out, we talk about why you should see it and how bad a person you are if you haven't already! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 77 - Maniac
05/10/2018 Duration: 01h07minManiac is on Netflix. This trippy show was worthy of an episode. If you haven't seen it, you're not living your best life. Get on it! We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 76 - Sons of Anarchy and The Mayans
21/09/2018 Duration: 01h16minThe Mayans has come to FX. The spin-off to the Sons of Anarchy. We had to talk Sons, Mayans, Beauty and the Beast, Hellboy, and everything in between. We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 75 - Fall 2018 TV Line-up
07/09/2018 Duration: 01h12minIt's TV season again on the Nerdy Things Podcast. We talk once again about upcoming television shows, what we're looking forward to, what we're not, and really drill down into the weird things that keep our attention. We talk about Netflix shows, Hulu, NBC, ABC, Dick Wolf (it's a real guy, I promise), New Girl, Football, and a bunch of other bullshit. We are now a part of the Famous Original Podcast Network, check out for more great podcasts by some of the best podcasters that will respond to us on twitter. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 74 - 80's and 90's Sitcoms
24/08/2018 Duration: 01h30minThis week: Sitcom nostalgia from the 80s and 90s. It's been a couple of weeks since I left Jules and Tim alone to do an episode and they did the sitcoms of the 70s. I didn't want to miss out on MY favorites in the 80s and 90s though, so here we have it, the definitive list of ALL of the sitcoms EVER. *absolutely not all of them ever. Not even all of the best. Just as many as we could remember. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 73: The Meg
17/08/2018 Duration: 01h08minThis week: "The Meg". I know, I know, it's been a while and we come back with THIS? Trust us, you need this movie. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
NTP Extra: Christopher Robin Non-Spoiler Review
10/08/2018 Duration: 15minJules watched the new Winnie The Pooh movie! Is it good? Should you go see it? Will you cry? Take a listen to his spoiler free review here! We will be returning to your regularly scheduled podcast very soon, thank you so much for sticking with us! Visit for merch, podcast info, and more!
What Did We Just Read SNEAK PEEK!
27/07/2018 Duration: 20minHello everyone, no new episode this week. We do however have a sneak peek at a new project Kevin (@nerdyties) has been working on with his wife. It's called 'What Did We Just Read?' It's a podcast based on the love of books, and the fact that we love completely opposite styles of books. Each month we're forcing the other to read a book that is normally outside of what would be on the reading list, and we're going to talk about it at length in a followup podcast episode! This first episode is about the book 'Illuminae' by Kaufman and Kristoff. Jenny is making Kevin read it because she LOVES it. It's a young adult sci-fi book, part of a trilogy, and should be something Kevin loves! Feel free to reach out to us with thoughts at 978-78-NERDY(63739) or by email: or Nerdy Things podcast will return in two weeks with new episodes and don't forget to check for episodes of Nerdy People Play D&D, SA Sounds, and Everything
NTP Extra: Sorry To Bother You Non-Spoiler Review
20/07/2018 Duration: 21minWelcome to another NTP Extra! This week Jules rides solo and talks about the new movie Sorry To Bother You directed by Boots Riley. Take a listen and we can't wait to be back next week for another Nerdy Things Podcast! Get exclusive content, merch, and info on ALL of our podcasts on the Network over at
Episode 72 - Ant-Man and the Wasp
13/07/2018 Duration: 01h08minThis week: Ant-Man and the Wasp. Yeah, that's right, we watched it for you. I mean, we were going to anyway. It's a Marvel movie. What did you expect? Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
NTP Extra: Hereditary
06/07/2018 Duration: 28minThis is the first NTP Extra! Again, we will be doing the regularly scheduled Nerdy Things Podcast bi-weekly and give you extra content like videos, audio, blog posts, etc. in the off week! This week Jules talked with @MattFiction about the horror movie genre and the movie Hereditary! Don't forget to check out our website for all things Nerdy! Find Matt online! @MattFiction, ,
Episode 71 - Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
29/06/2018 Duration: 01h36minThis weeks episode brings a bunch of things. We talk Moviepass and the AMC debacle, we talk Sony screwing up Spider-Man, and we take on Jurassic Kingdom Fallen World for the main topic. Subscribe on Android Subscribe on iTunes As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we've also shared on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and
Episode 70 - Incredibles 2
22/06/2018 Duration: 01h29minThat's right, this week we tackle the topic of the family that can't seem to defeat THE UNDERMINER! The Incredibles. 2. The second movie. It's here. We review it. Check it out. Find us on social media @nerdythingspod and visit our website for podcast news, merch, and more!
Episode 69 - 60s/70s TV Sitcoms
08/06/2018 Duration: 01h13minThis week the Nerdy Boyz are without Kevin this week, but the show must go on! Join Jules & Tim as they discuss 60s/70s tv sitcoms and the nerdy news for the week! Find us on social media @nerdythingspod and visit our website for podcast news, merch, and more! Nerdy News Links this week: LEGO Movie 2 trailer: How To Train Your Dragon 3 Trailer: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Trailer: Peter Jackson’s Mortal Engines Trailer: BumbleBee Trailer: Jim Carrey TV drama “Kidding” trailer:
Episode 68 - Solo: A Star Wars Story
01/06/2018 Duration: 01h55minOur topic this week is the movie 'Solo: A Star Wars Story'. I love Star Wars, of course we had to talk about this movie. Nerdy News: Sesame Street sues Happy Time Murders Was is the tag line? Or the silly string jizz? Amazon officially revives The Expanse for season 4 Jeff Bezos loves this show. Andrew Lincoln is leaving TWD He's joining the rest of us that left years ago. Fallout 76 announced. Some dude on Reddit had to drink a bottle of hot sauce because of it. Nintendo announced Pokemon coming to the Switch It was only a matter of time. Pokemon Quest is apparently a thing though not much of a thing