A podcast about books, comics, movies, games, and pop culture. You know, Nerdy Things! Hosted by Kevin, Jules & Tim!
Episode 7: Voltron vs. Power Rangers
30/03/2017 Duration: 01h12minWe really get into the debate between which is better, Power Rangers or Voltron. We have seen the new Power Rangers movie (spoilers stop at 41:48), Jules and special guest Alex have seen a ton of the Power Rangers TV Show, and Tim and Kevin have watched Voltron for years. We also tackle a couple of outlandish conspiracy theories, like that Eminem died in 2006 ( and that Taylor Swift is a clone of a satanist (
Episode 6: Movies Based On Books
23/03/2017 Duration: 01h02minThis episode Tim and I go in the field (the breakroom at work) to talk to Jules about our favorite snacks when watching movies, and our favorite books made into movies. Beauty and the Beast awakened something naughty in Tim, and we awaken something spider-man related in Jules.
Episode 5: Villains
16/03/2017 Duration: 01h07minThis episode we were lucky enough to have Tim back from last week's Nintendo Switch reveal. We explore some of our favorite villains, and narrow it down to the best of the worst!
Episode 4: Nintendo Switch
09/03/2017 Duration: 51minThis episode, we have a special guest, Tim, the only guy I know that bought the Nintendo Switch! We're going to talk all about what we love about it. Zelda. We're going to talk about Zelda. AND OTHER THINGS.
Episode 3: Unravel Time Travel
02/03/2017 Duration: 50minIn this weeks episode, we discuss time travel in movies, books, and TV shows. Which ones get it right, which ones get it wrong, and which ones we don't care if they do or don't because they're awesome either way!
Episode 2: All Things Lego
23/02/2017 Duration: 43minThis episode, we look at Lego. The toys, the games, the shows, the movies! I declare my completely rational fear of Chip from the live action Beauty and the Beast, Jules gets hit on by Rufio, and we try not to spoil the Lego Batman movie.
Episode 1: The Pilot Episode
16/02/2017 Duration: 53minIn this, the pilot episode of the Nerdy Things Podcast, we talk about pilot episodes of our favorite and least favorite tv shows, and introduce ourselves to the listeners. We'll talk a little about Game of Thrones, Prison Break, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Breaking Bad, and many others! Join us, and let us know what you think! I mention in the episode a book from Amazon, the title of the book is "In Times Like These" by Nathan Van Coops (