The Too Busy To Eat Show is dedicated to improving the lives of busy people by providing them with inspirational stories from high achievers. During each show tactics, tips, and routines are revealed to help those striving for success to reach their goals. The Too Busy To Eat founder and CEO, Greg Zuffelato is the host of the show. For more information about Too Busy To Eat go to
55: Craig Ballantyne – How to Own the Day and Control the Life You Crave to Live
03/01/2018 Duration: 28minCraig Ballantyne is a Productivity & Success Transformation Coach from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is the author of The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life — and his brand-new book, The Great Cardio Myth, debunks all the untruths you've been told about cardio being a silver bullet for weight loss and heart health. In this episode, Craig shares his journey as a writer, personal trainer, and coach. He also shares his formula on how one can own the day and take control of the life one craves. He also debunks the role of diet, exercise, and sleep to make you function at your optimal self while enjoying work-life balance. Full show notes:
054 Dara Fairman - Importance of having a Life Design Declaration
14/12/2017 Duration: 26minDara Fairman is a Time Management Strategist. She has successfully executed many workshops and one-on-one personalized productivity and time management solutions. In 2016, she launched the My Time, My Way program, which helps others to improve their time management, goal creation, and execution skills for a successful personal and professional life. In this episode, Dara shares her passion for helping others become more productive - ways to make a ‘life design declaration’ for clarity in achieving one’s goals. She also shares the importance of prioritizing optimal fitness and health to increase productivity. Full Show Notes:
053: Sean Cannell - How Healthy Lifestyle Choices Affect Personal and Business Success
05/12/2017 Duration: 35minSean Cannell is the go-to authority of building real influence with video. He teaches influencers how go further faster with social media and video. He has over 16 years of experience in online video, social media, and online marketing. Sean built multiple successful brands online including seanTHiNKs, THiNK International, THiNK Media TV, and Clearvision Media, to over 86,000 subscribers with over 30 million video views. In this episode, Sean shares his business story and his insights on how a healthy lifestyle impacts more on his life. Full Show Notes:
052: Kyndra Holley - Peace, Love and Low Carbs
29/11/2017 Duration: 26minKyndra Holley is the face behind the blog Peace, Love and Low Carb and a published author of The Primal Low Carb Kitchen Cookbook, Craveable Keto, Keto Happy Hour, and 30 Minute Ketogenic Cooking. In this episode, Kyndra shares her weight loss journey and how she used her many years in the restaurant industry and her passion for cooking to create ever changing menus for herself and to the people who wants to change their diets through her blog and books. She also shares her passion in the weight loss potential and health benefits of a real food low carb/keto way of life. Full Show Notes:
51: Miriam Kalamian - Bringing Quality of Life to Cancer Patients With a Ketogenic Diet
21/11/2017 Duration: 40minMiriam is a nutrition professional specializing in the use of the Ketogenic Diet for cancer and other metabolic diseases. She has a passion for helping others implement this diet, which comes directly from her personal experience. In 2004, her 4-year old son Raffi was diagnosed with a brain tumor; standard care therapies failed to stop the relentless progression of his disease, which made her realize she needed to switch gears and find other options. In this episode, discover how Miriam offers hope to cancer patients with the Ketogenic diet, and learn the potential Keto diet offers to bring quality of life to cancer patients and their families. Also, learn about the challenges of the conventional cancer community and why they resist Keto and other nutritional therapies. Full Show Notes:
50: Melissa Rifkin - What It Really Means To Be Healthy
13/11/2017 Duration: 34minMelissa Rifkin is a registered dietitian living and working in NYC and has an amazing perspective and background in helping people. She remotely counsels and coaches by utilizing Rise, an application she co-founded which provides daily feedback and weekly action plans for each client. She also actively curates and maintains @confessionofadietician, an Instagram account which posts healthy meal planning ideas. She truly is an educator who practices what she preaches. In this episode, Melissa shares hacks for achieving a healthy, well-balanced being. Full show notes:
49: Turning obstacles into major life successes with Rachel Martinez
07/11/2017 Duration: 33minTrauma has turned Rachel Martinez’s world upside more times than any one person should have to deal with. Instead of falling victim to her circumstances, Rachel overcame one after another. After starting a construction company, being in the Army, winning Mrs. California, and dealing with multiple traumatic brain injuries, Rachel is now a life coach. Her focus is instilling confidence and leading them to recovery and a life they never thought they could have. Background...1:45 As a child, Rachel was very entrepreneurial. On the outside, her childhood looked great, but on the inside her home was not a happy place. By her 20s, Rachel had gotten so used to overcoming that when people told her things were impossible, she felt like it had to be done. At 21 she started a construction company and was easily generating $10,000 a week. After some time running her company, she decided to join the Army and had a heart attack on the field. After an MRI, Rachel found out she had a brain tumor and left the Army. Two we
48: Pursuing a passion with Murray Carter of Carter Cutlery
31/10/2017 Duration: 47minMurray Carter developed a love for the Japanese culture at a young age. Growing up in Canada, he did not have much interaction with the Orient. His move to Japan and his decision to live there for 18 years was a dream come true. He studied the art of forging blades and moved his business to the United States. Murray lives in Oregon and is the man behind Carter Cutlery; a company that creates the highest performance cutlery. Background...1:45 Murray grew up in Eastern Canada and geographically, he did not have much interaction with the oriental culture. When Shogun, the TV series aired, he was taken by their culture and sparked a major interest. He took up martial arts, started to read history books, and really dove into the history of Japan. At eighteen, he researched the country and took off to Japan all by himself. He later met up with a karate group while he was there. Murray dislocated his knee about a month into his trip; because he was immobile, he started to read and learn the language.
47: How to avoid burnout and still accomplish your goals with Dr. Portia Jackson
23/10/2017 Duration: 26minWith a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology, with a minor in Spanish, from Stanford University, a Masters of Public Health from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and a Doctorate of Public Health from UCLA, it is safe to say that Dr. Portia Jackson has certainly worked hard! She has coaching, speaking, teaching, and public health experience all under her belt. Dr. Jackson is currently an Assistant Professor at Cal State LA and teaches classes about burnout, self-care, and resilience in professionals of color. Journey...3:00 Dr. Jackson grew up working very hard and knew from the age of 5 that she was going to be a doctor. In high school, she was taking summer chemistry courses and ended up starting college at 16. She finished college at 20 years old and couldn’t even get into the bars when she started her graduate degree! Within a few weeks of finishing her doctorate at UCLA, she had been diagnosed with a chronic illness. She continued to have health problems and had a blood clot at
46: Corporate job and poor health to great health and a thriving business with Helen Marshall
16/10/2017 Duration: 28minHelen Marshall is English born and now finds herself living in the countryside of Australia along with her husband and two children. Helen has had quite the journey to achieving a healthy life. She transitioned from a major corporate job to starting up her own business, Primal Alternative. Her success and own journey to healing is inspiring and something she is passionate about sharing. Background...2:25 Helen’s health journey started when she first heard that fat indeed made you fat. For 25 years, Helen ‘enjoyed’ salads and avoided all kinds of healthy fats; olive oil, avocado, etc. She worked as a personal trainer for years and then found herself transitioning into the corporate world with the role of a business manager for an international company. She was still following a low-fat, high carb diet along with going to the gym diligently. After being on antibiotics for acne and having children, Helen says her system simply maxed out. She could not understand why she was feeling so sick. She thought she ate h
45: Turning a passion into a successful career with Chris Freytag of Get Healthy U
09/10/2017 Duration: 33minChris Freytag is a lifelong fitness fanatic. She has been pursuing knowledge in nutrition, exercise, and wellness for over 20 years. She is the founder of Get Healthy U; a program for those looking to lose weight, eat right and feel great. Her experience has allowed her to relate to many women in all different stages of life. She understands aging, life after kids, and the struggles of being busy. The people she teaches, works with and interacts with drive her each day. Chris has been married for 25 years, has three kids and lives in Minneapolis. Background…2:05 Chris’ mom was into cooking healthy, which is where Chris first got into eating right. In college, Chris wanted major in exercise, but her professors told her that was not a major. She decided to major in journalism because of her love of speaking. At the time, gyms and aerobics were growing and gaining more traction. Chris, always being a lover of movement, got into aerobics as a side gig. She started to transition from journalism into fitness ful
44: How to balance an expanding business, raising a family, and staying healthy with Ashley Reeves
02/10/2017 Duration: 22minAshley Reeves, of Ashley’s Fresh Fix, is a wife, mother to four, blogger, health food enthusiast, and business extraordinaire. She successfully runs a blog and Instagram account full of recipes, body positivity, acceptance, and healthy food tips and tricks. Her feed is full of something for everyone; family, food, and fun! Journey… 2:00 Ashley started blogging dieting tips around ten years ago after her own weight loss journey of 70lbs! She was blogging for fun and overtime, it significantly grew. With two children and a tutoring company, it became too much to handle. However, when Instagram become popular, she started up again; sharing her tips and tricks. She found this to be quicker and easier to handle than blogging. It turned into a business when she randomly met a man who worked in social media (he was looking to buy her house!). He told her to monetize her brand, and it is a good thing she did! Since then she focuses on her social media as her full-time job. Her community is made of tons of moms a
43: Eating low carb while traveling with Lynn Terry
25/09/2017 Duration: 24minLynn Terry is the face of Low Carb Traveler, a very popular social media community. Lynn has dedicated her life to helping others find a way to be on the go yet be able to follow a low-carb lifestyle. Her website is full of creative ideas, recipes, and encouragement to help start or continue fueling your low carb journey. Journey…2:15 Lynn decided to go low carb as a way to lose weight. She had no idea that it would become a lifestyle. She had gained weight and was in chronic pain, but she is living a full life without pain! At one point Lynn had it all, but it was her worst year ever. Her weight loss journey proved to be a turning point in her life. She gained a sense of freedom from changing her life by adopting a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle. Low Carb Traveler… 5:45 Lynn loves what she does. She has a great audience and truly loves connecting with each and every person. She travels A TON and realized that if she only ate healthy at home, she would be 400lbs! Lynn decided 6 and
42: Understanding ketosis with Ketogenic Bible author, Ryan Lowery
18/09/2017 Duration: 24minRyan Lowery is the President and co-founder of Applied Science and Performance Institute. He studied exercise physiology along with exercise and nutrition. He is the co-author of The Ketogenic Bible, a book that explores scientific research concerning ketosis. His knowledge and passion towards the subject are evident through his public speaking events and has led to many academic awards. Journey…2:15 Ryan grew up in a small town in New Jersey. He was always playing sports and could eat anything he wanted, but couldn’t put on weight. For most, they wouldn’t mind this problem, but for Ryan, he wanted to put on some weight to be successful in sports. Going into college he was interested in physical therapy and soon realized that his passion for nutrition was stronger. He first learned of the ketogenic diet and ketosis after hearing it from colleagues. He’s been studying how the ketogenic diet, performance, and training techniques work together ever since. He is dedicated to bridging the gap between
41: Balancing life while pursuing success with dynamic business woman and super mom, Amanda Tress
11/09/2017 Duration: 24minAmanda Tress is a wife and a mom to soon-to-be three children, a personal trainer, and a digital marketing consultant. She runs and manages multiple highly successful businesses. Her passion is to help other entrepreneurs be successful in not only work but life as well. She has built a wonderful social media community and uses her platform to reach many women find their success. Background…1:45 Amanda is a mom of two and soon to be three; their daughter will be joining them soon! Her journey to health started in high school. She was active and fit, but not healthy. She was dealing with tons of stress, blood sugar issues, and a metabolic disorder. Even though she was an athlete, her nutrition was not good. Her family did not model healthy eating; most of her family meals were fast food. When she got to college, Amanda noticed she was the only one of her peers that was on blood pressure medicine. She became a personal trainer and started to learn more about nutrition. Granted, the nutrition education available
40: JP Sears on connecting with yourself to achieve your true capabilities
28/08/2017 Duration: 30minJP Sears is a certified Holistic Coach Advanced Practitioner and an emotional healing coach, tied together with comedy. His YouTube channel is extremely popular; the humorous videos will surely make you laugh, but they also convey important messages. He encourages clients and his audiences to connect with themselves on a deeper level to achieve their true capabilities. Journey…2:45 The comedy side of JP started in childhood. He found that if he could make people laugh, he felt a sense of significance. After high school, JP went off to college for a few months. After realizing college was not for him, he discovered that exercise was. He never thought of it as a career, but started studying exercise courses which led to his interest in nutrition. Following his interest in nutrition came ways to reduce stress. Through this, he found the art of emotional healing. He had been doing emotional healing for 13 years before making his first ‘Ultra Spiritual’ comedy video. JP uses the language of comedy to deliver mess
39: Melanie Folstad on healthy eating for kids even with a busy schedule
21/08/2017 Duration: 20minMelanie Folstad, aka @cleanlittleplates, is a mom that loves to serve up delicious, real food to her little ones. She encourages other parents to get their children on board with healthy eating as well. The methods she uses are proof that healthy ‘adult’ food can easily be tasty meals for children too. Her presence on Instagram inspires parents all over to nourish their children with real, whole foods. Journey…2:10 When she was younger, Melanie found herself struggling to embrace food and was restricting herself; like many women do. Melanie became interested in the health industry while she was in University. She learned more about exercise, wellness, and overall health and found herself in a much better place. Having kids also humbled her. Seeing her body go through such big changes encouraged her to find new ways to incorporate healthy living. Understanding food and what it does for the body has helped her get to where she is today. Clean Little Plates…4:20 One thing that sets her Instagram account apa
38: Danielle Natoni - her journey to fitness superstar and making fitness a part of your life
14/08/2017 Duration: 27min‘From fractions to fitness’ describes Danielle Natoni and her transition from being a healthy teacher to a fitness expert perfectly. This former math teacher is now a Beachbody coach, the Creative Director for Shaun T, Master Trainer, Instagram Influencer and Insanity Live Format Expert. She is a mother to two girls and wife to the husband she met on the set of an Insanity infomercial. Journey…1:45 - Danielle grew up with healthy parents and has always been into health and fitness. Being fit was a part of who she was. After having two kids, trying to finish college, working two jobs, and finding herself in tons of debt at the age of twenty-two; she realized that she needed to come up with a solution. She thought about things she could do to provide herself a steady stream of income. Danielle always found a way to pay her gym membership because that was where she found her happiness. So she started teaching group fitness classes and then got her personal training certificate to do something she loves while sim
37: Dr. Andrew Miles on how the busy person can handles stress
08/08/2017 Duration: 26minDr. Andrew Miles specializes in Chinese medicine with post graduate experience in British Columbia and advanced diagnostics and integrated medicine at the Chengdu University of TCM in China. He treats chronic pain and promotes the importance of gut health. He has been presented awards from Chinese and Taiwanese governments for his contributions to Chinese medicine. Background…2:15 - Dr. Miles’ step-dad was Chinese which is when he was introduced to the Chinese culture. At the time, he was learning martial arts and along with martial arts comes injury. That was also when he became interested in Chinese medicine. He ended up going to school for Chinese medicine in British Columbia and then continued his studies in China. He learned what it meant to be effective through tons of traveling, exposure, and mentors. Because of them, he was encouraged to close his dream clinic in order to follow them. Dr. Miles views this as a perspective shift that was bound to happen. There is no way he could have accomplished what
36: Simone Miller, expert chef and author, on cooking paleo and gluten-free
02/08/2017 Duration: 30minSimone Miller is a well-known chef that has been cooking for two decades now. She worked in a variety of restaurants growing up on the East coast. She then decided to take her talents to San Francisco and focus on being an elite chef, recipe developer, caterer, and author. Her own food intolerances led her to turning her catering company, Zenbelly, into a gluten-free, paleo-style phenomenon. Journey…2:00 - Simone started cooking at a cafe in Connecticut at the age of 19. She never thought to enter into the restaurant business; in fact she was adamant that she wouldn’t! In college she kept changing her mind about her career path; she loved food, but didn’t want it to be a career. Spontaneously, Simone moved to the Bay Area and became a personal chef and caterer. Through this time, she discovered her food intolerances, which led her to the creation of Zenbelly; a successful, gluten-free catering company. The past year or so she has stepped away from catering to focus on recipe development, cookbooks, and teachi