The Too Busy To Eat Show

49: Turning obstacles into major life successes with Rachel Martinez



Trauma has turned Rachel Martinez’s world upside more times than any one person should have to deal with. Instead of falling victim to her circumstances, Rachel overcame one after another. After starting a construction company, being in the Army, winning Mrs. California, and dealing with multiple traumatic brain injuries, Rachel is now a life coach. Her focus is instilling confidence and leading them to recovery and a life they never thought they could have.  Background...1:45     As a child, Rachel was very entrepreneurial. On the outside, her childhood looked great, but on the inside her home was not a happy place. By her 20s, Rachel had gotten so used to overcoming that when people told her things were impossible, she felt like it had to be done. At 21 she started a construction company and was easily generating $10,000 a week. After some time running her company, she decided to join the Army and had a heart attack on the field. After an MRI, Rachel found out she had a brain tumor and left the Army. Two we