Gracelife Sarasota

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 197:56:55
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Sermons from GraceLife Sarasota


  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.12- Mordecai's Good News

    15/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Isn’t it fun to be the one announcing good news? To see the thrill in someone’s face because of news you shared? When was the last time you had the privilege of sharing amazing news with someone who wasn’t expecting it? How did you feel when you saw their joy, the relief, the spark of hope in someone’s eyes as they received it? Good news can be so powerful! It can lift burdens, renew hope, even change someone’s life, even save their life! Can you imagine a scenario of having good news for someone but choosing, for whatever reason, to keep it to yourself? Wouldn’t that be kind of sick, even evil? Chapter 8 is the moment of the grand resolution of the whole Esther story. It serves as a powerful reminder of what we should do with the keys to deliverance and the message of greater hope we’ve been given.

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.11- Evil's Demise

    08/09/2024 Duration: 25min

    Have you ever looked at the world around you and wondered, why does evil seem to be winning? Hypocrisy, injustice, corruption, doesn’t it seem like darkness is constantly gaining ground & closing in around us? We’re confronted daily w/what seems like the wicked prospering while the righteous suffer. There’s a psalm for that: (Psalm 73:3,12-14) For I was envious of the prosperity of the proud and wicked...look at these men of arrogance; they never have to lift a finger - theirs is a life of ease; and all the time their riches multiply. Have I been wasting my time? Why take the trouble to be pure? All I get out of it is trouble and woe - every day and all day long?"

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.10- The Wicked Humiliated

    01/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    Don’t you love it when your plans or strategies come together? Especially when the outcome is super important? It's very rewarding! You feel intelligent, in control, powerful! It confirms your high opinion of your wisdom & foresight! Even our selfish, ambitious, lustful, unrighteous plans that hurt others provide this intoxicating illusion of control. While it’s good to strategize and plan, we must remember that control is often an illusion. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, our plans fail—sometimes spectacularly. And when they do, that feeling of being in control can be replaced with humiliation, helplessness, powerlessness, and sometimes even fear. Imagine the devastating humiliation when plans you were so confident in fail so badly, they cost you everything. The humiliation of plans gone wrong is something many will face on the Day of the Lord. Esther 6 gives us a powerful lesson about the peril of placing our trust in human plans, especially plans that are inspired primarily by

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.9- Faith & Wisdom

    25/08/2024 Duration: 29min

    "Reverence & awe for the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me, your days will be multiplied, and years added to your life." - Proverbs 9:10-11 Do you know people who seem prone to making unwise choices? Have you ever felt like you might be one of them? Why do people make the same silly mistakes repeatedly? While others seem to be able to learn from their mistakes? This kind of wisdom, or lack of it, reveals a deeper issue, a lack of trust in God’s sovereign plan, so we take over. What about people who seem to consistently display wisdom to make courageous, faithful, obedient choices. Why do some people possess heavenly wisdom while another seems trapped in foolishness? The kind of wisdom you consistently display has little to do with intelligence, talent, or resources. Instead, it reveals how much you trust in God’s sovereign power & plan, perhaps more than you’re willing to admit. Esther 5 presents a powerful contrast between these two

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.8- Praying & Crying Out

    18/08/2024 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever been so distraught, anxious, distressed and distracted you couldn’t eat or sleep? Maybe you were worried about your bills or you lost your job, or a huge costly catastrophe that came upon you. Maybe it was a legal decision from the judge, a medical diagnosis from your doctor, or other potential, looming bad news. Maybe it was just immense grief and sorrow over losing someone you love, a spouse, or a parent, or a child. All of us have faced devastating events in our lives, leaving us feeling helpless, that exposed our frailty or vulnerability. But these heavy moments provide the most stark of contrasts between the faithful & rest of the world. Without eternal hope, life is pretty much about grabbing what you can, and enjoying peaceful moments between bad news. But for followers of Jesus, these moments present an opportunity for our greatest expressions of worship to God.

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.7- Enduring Satan's Schemes

    11/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." - John 15:18-19 Have you noticed the world seems to hate Christianity? Does this hostility towards Christianity frustrate you? Are you easily discouraged, or enraged when culture or government seems to conflict with the Kingdom of God? No matter the political persuasion, there are American Christians who are confused, perplexed & angry at society. As a pastor, I observe an American church infected with a destructive, spiritual pandemic of anxiety, fear, and even anger. Christians on both political sides are anxious, even angry at the prospect of who might be president in 6 months. Outraged or confused by SCOTUS decisions ranging from gay marriage on one side, to overturning Roe v. Wade on the other. We get worked up in culture wars, like the reenactment of Da Vinci’

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No. 6- Mordecai trips

    04/08/2024 Duration: 26min

    Do you know what these are? Call it what it is. Ugly. Just look at them! This “art” is at best “questionable!” Everything is out of proportion. They are stick figures. Coloring outside the lines. Some don’t even resemble anything! But someone somewhere thought they were precious enough to take a picture and put it on the world wide web! These are obviously posted by people who love the kids who made this refrigerator art. To them these are beautiful. They love them, cherish them, and put them up for everyone in the house to see! To anyone else, these are worthless. Now before you say, “Pastor Joe that is mean!”, how long would you keep it up on your fridge if you didn’t love the kid? The story we will look at today in Esther is like this analogy of a parent loving ugly refrigerator art. We’ll learn that we can be grateful for how God used Esther & Mordecai without ignoring their terrible choices.

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.5- Refrigerator Art

    28/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    Do you know what these are? Call it what it is. Ugly. Just look at them! This “art” is at best “questionable!” Everything is out of proportion. They are stick figures. Coloring outside the lines. Some don’t even resemble anything! But someone somewhere thought they were precious enough to take a picture and put it on the world wide web! These are obviously posted by people who love the kids who made this refrigerator art. To them these are beautiful. They love them, cherish them, and put them up for everyone in the house to see! To anyone else, these are worthless. Now before you say, “Pastor Joe that is mean!”, how long would you keep it up on your fridge if you didn’t love the kid? The story we will look at today in Esther is like this analogy of a parent loving ugly refrigerator art. We’ll learn that we can be grateful for how God used Esther & Mordecai without ignoring their terrible choices.

  • Baptism Sunday @GraceLife Sarasota

    21/07/2024 Duration: 33min

    (DEUTERONOMY 27:4-8) When you’ve crossed over the Jordan, use these stones & some plaster to build an altar on Mount Ebal to the Lord your God. Don’t use tools, build it with your hands! You shall offer burnt offerings on it to the Lord your God, make peace offerings, & have a feast there. You shall rejoice before the Lord your God. And you shall write on the stones all the words of the Law.

  • The Legacy of the Desperate w/ Pilgrim Benham @ GraceLife Sarasota

    14/07/2024 Duration: 30min

    God often uses our desperation to showcase his glory & power.

  • Dr. David Sutton @ GraceLife Sarasota

    07/07/2024 Duration: 32min

    "All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." - Matthew 5:37

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.4- Everybody Loves Esther

    30/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    What kind of church would GraceLife be if everyone was like Ganon or Chris? Stunning, good-looking, great personality? Would our church be bigger, and more appealing? Would more people be drawn to Mt Lockwood Ridge? Listen, people like Chris, Gannon & myself, we are so tired of carrying that burden of being who everyone loves. Obviously, joking about Chris, But seriously, have you ever thought about how diverse & creatively God has made us all? There isn’t another person in our church close to a Raz, or Curley. There’s only one Jen, Brent, or Bob Cluckey. There’s nobody like Todd, Cean, or Jackie. No two GraceLifers are alike at all! Yet we are united under one Gospel. We need each of them, each of you, with every quirk, oddity, peculiarity, and diversity, to be what makes GraceLife so special. God’s creativity in our church is critical. We can’t accomplish His plans on Mt. Lockwood Ridge without each one.

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.3- Drama at The Party

    23/06/2024 Duration: 32min

    Raise your hand if you have ever made an unwise, foolish, or just downright sinful decision. Have you experienced earthly consequences from those choices so severe that you felt there was no way back? Have you ever wrestled with the potential earthly, spiritual, and eternal impact your own free will has had on others? When we make bad choices, can our choices disrupt God’s plan of salvation not just for us, but for others? This concept has been one of the most polarizing, controversial theological debates within the church for 2,000 years. The human heart has this natural desire for independence & autonomy. But free will comes with a cost as well, right? We all cherish human free will don’t we? The right to make our own decisions, to choose our own path. Every follower of Jesus has struggled with the burden of how our decisions bring consequences on us and others. It’s the tension of trying to grasp how human free will can exist within the framework of God’s sovereign grace. Today&

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.2- The Most Powerful Man in the Word

    16/06/2024 Duration: 31min

    How many of you have ever played chess? What are the two most important pieces on the board? The King & Queen. These two pieces are all-important; everything centers around them, and where they are dictates the flow of the game. These two pieces on the chessboard are controlled by the players, who move, direct, & use them for their own strategies. But outside the game, off the chessboard, they are pointless trinkets with no power or value. Imagine playing Monopoly, trying to use the queen to move to whatever property you desired, without the dice. It would be absurd, right? Your opponent wouldn’t allow it because the queen has no power in the game of Monopoly. Do you realize that’s exactly what earthly power and authority are really like? Like a chess piece under God’s control? Just as the queen is powerless in Monopoly, earthly rulers have no ultimate power outside their own realms. Earthly rulers like the one we will learn about today, may seem powerful within their own kingdoms, but th

  • The Unseen King (Esther) No.1- The Big Picture

    09/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    Have you ever felt like God was missing? You believe in God, you have faith, but you can’t see Him in your situation? We have faith, but we can’t help the fact that we feel this way as if God has gone silent & He’s nowhere to be found. We’ve all been there. We’ve been perplexed, suffering, frightened, in pain, and maybe even devastated by loss & pain. It’s one of those moments in life you just can’t see what God is doing. Even praying doesn’t seem to help ease it. Usually, because we cannot see the big picture, God is doing things beyond our comprehension. But we also know from God’s Word, He IS there! He knows how every detail is part of His grand plan of redemption. That’s the essence of the Book of Esther, a cherished story in Jewish history that’s overlooked by church leaders. There is a profound message of God's presence, hidden, but working behind the scenes to ensure His will is fulfilled. It’s a story about the preciou

  • Why God's Word Is Reliable

    02/06/2024 Duration: 36min

    Before we begin our new series in Esther, I wanted to take a week to talk about GraceLife’s stance God’s Word. With so many new faces, I think it’s important to take one week to explain why we do what we do here. A biblical church is characterized by unwavering confidence and trust in the Bible as the ultimate source of truth. A biblical church, which there are several in Sarasota, believes God’s Word is supernaturally inspired and infallible. Any good, biblical church will declare that they believe scripture is inspired, reliable, accurate, and preserved by God. But our belief and trust in God’s Word should be based on more than just blind faith. After all the stakes are high. If we’re going to have complete trust in God’s Word, shouldn’t we understand why? This isn’t the Easter Bunny There are compelling reasons why God's Word is reliable, miraculous, and worthy of our hope, trust & reverence. In fact, the Bible, the Word of God we have today, i

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.22- Healing & Restoring, Pt.2

    26/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Look at the person next to you. Imagine for a moment you saw real signs this person was clearly drifting from God. Maybe you became aware of obvious signs of sin or immorality. Maybe gathering with us had become sporadic. If it's someone in recovery, perhaps you are seeing evidence their recovery is shaky or wobbly. Maybe you have witnessed very inappropriate conversations or relationships with members of the opposite sex. Maybe you’ve had theological discussions with them where it seems they are drifting away from the one true Gospel. Most of us would act one of 2 ways....we mind our own business, or we get arrogant and respond too strongly. My question for you is this. How far would you be willing to go to try to bring your wandering brother or sister back? How committed would you be to help them be restored to obedience & full community with God’s people? Did you know your willingness to help restore a wandering brother or sister is a critical test of your ropes of faith? Restoring straying C

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.21- Healing & Restoring, Pt.1

    19/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Do you know people who just seem to have a special gift and commitment to pray for other people? If you’re like most of us, like me, several names quickly come to mind, and one of them isn’t your own! These are people we turn to, because it just seems they take prayer seriously. Their prayers seem to have power. They always seem to be much more interested in praying for others before they pray for anything for themselves. Why are some people better than others at prayer? Are they just special, more spiritual, more godly than the rest of us? I have never met someone who has this gift of praying for others that was always angry or fighting with other Christians. I’ve never heard “He/she really loves praying for other people, but man they sure are mean when they aren’t praying!” I haven’t met many people like this who were cocky about their prayers, bragging about how powerful their prayers are. People like this just seem to understand how their prayers don’

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.20- Prayers, Praise & Oil

    12/05/2024 Duration: 31min


  • Test Your Faith (James) No.19- Be Faithful To The End

    05/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever wondered if your faith is strong enough to endure real persecution & suffering because you follow Jesus? I’m not talking your garden variety 1st world American “bad day”, I’m talking about real suffering. Do you have what it takes to be faithful to Jesus no matter what circumstances life might visit upon you? Have you ever come to a place where you just weren’t sure that your faith was strong enough? Do you wonder if you personally have what it might take if your loyalty to God & His church was really tested? The answer is, no! No, you don’t. In fact, no human who has ever lived has had that kind of faith. So, wait, now what? Yet all through scripture, we’re commanded to have that kind of durable, steadfast faith, no matter what we face. So, what does this mean? What do we do with a seemingly unreasonable command, that’s humanly impossible to keep? That’s precisely the question we’ll wrestle with together, as we explore the ne

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