Gracelife Sarasota



Sermons from GraceLife Sarasota


  • Test Your Faith (James) No.8- More Than Hearers

    28/01/2024 Duration: 28min

    How do you think the American church is doing with providing opportunities for people to hear the Gospel? Can you think of any other time in church history with more creative, engaging, resources of biblical content. We have thousands of conferences & seminars offering fresh perspectives on how to connect with God on a deeper level. We have seminaries online & in person. Amazon carries books on every topic, subject, or book in scripture. Over the last few decades, we’ve platformed world-class speakers in ways that have made them ubiquitous. We have YouTube, podcasts, and bible apps, we gather, download, press play, & hear the Gospel multiple times a day. And what about our worship experience in the American church compared to any other time in church history? At any time, you can press play on highly skilled, highly produced incredible songwriters who make great music. We’ve mastered ways to provide engaging, comfortable, convenient opportunities for people to hear. Yet the vast majority of thos

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.7- Human Anger

    21/01/2024 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever heard someone claim their anger is “righteous”? I’ve got an example of my righteous anger this week. Last Wednesday, driving to church down Tuttle, I came to the best-designed intersection in human history. You know the one where there’s a red light for Ringling, then 26 inches further is a red light for Fruitville Road? A beloved fellow motorist cut me off at Ringling, He made it through the light, forcing me to wait on red. I prayed, “Heavenly Father, don’t let Fruitville turn green before, so I may pull up beside to instruct in righteousness.” God answered my prayers. I pulled up, directing the driver to roll down his window so I could declare my truth. With GraceLife hat in full view, he complied. For the full 90-second light cycle I preached truth, and demanded repentance! After revealing the severity of his moral failure. He apologized and was grateful for my anger. He repented right there. But I felt the need for one more memorable object l

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.6- Perfect Gifts

    14/01/2024 Duration: 29min

    "You therefore must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48) This verse from the Sermon on the Mount seems so out of place w/everything Jesus said about grace, mercy, & forgiveness, doesn’t it? Is this verse one of those verses you piously acknowledge, but secretly think… “ok I hope it means something else?” People make nice memes of Phil 4:13, John 3:16 & other verses on social media all the time, but not this one! You won’t see football players put this reference under their eyes. You won't see people say “This is my favorite verse!” There was a time when this verse was very troubling for me. How can I be perfect? I am everything but perfect! It seems completely contradictory to what Paul says about our human righteousness being like disgusting rags right? We know none of us have a chance of being perfect right? We can’t even believe perfectly. We all struggle. Can we all just admit, at one time or another, this verse is at the v

  • Salt & Light by Guest Speaker Phil Alba

    07/01/2024 Duration: 35min

    “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.5- Your Heart's Desire

    31/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    This won’t be comfortable, but its good for us to squirm sometimes, as we test our ropes of faith, right? What would life be like if you were given everything your heart desires? What if all your dreams come true? Would it make you happy? Would you be fulfilled? Would you be completely satisfied? Or would it be a disaster? I’m not talking about just the standard desires of a beautiful family, a good job, great friends. What about all the hidden desires of your heart? What about what your heart desired when you were angry? What if all those desires became reality? Every thirst for revenge, justice? Would your life be better? What if you could fulfill every desire for material things? All the clothes, cars, houses, gadgets… would that be good? What if every lustful desire you ever had was fulfilled? Would that complete you, or would it kill you? What if every person who ever lived got everything their heart desired? How would that work out? When you think about it, I bet 95% of what we desi

  • GraceLife Christmas Eve Service

    24/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    "And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.4- Fear, Faith & Courage

    17/12/2023 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever heard someone described as “fearless”? Well, I am here to tell you, that that person doesn’t exist. From our first breath until our last, fear, big & small, is a relentless part of everyday life on earth that never goes away. Have you ever been afraid to ask someone a question, scared you might not get the answer you want? Have you ever experienced FOMO, afraid your life won’t be fulfilling, exciting, or pleasurable, or meaningful enough? Do you know what it’s like to be afraid of failure, failing yourself, or worse, someone you love & care about? Have you ever seen a certain number flash on caller ID, fearful it's likely going to be heartbreaking news? Have you ever experienced the fear of a real life-or-death choice? What about fear, what happens when you die? Have you ever wondered, if you had to choose between Jesus & death, if your faith would stand that kind of test? It’s a heavy topic I know, but this is exactly where today’s passage in Jam

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.3- Grass Won't Last Forever

    10/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    For over a decade, my lawn was 85% weeds and 15% grass. It was green, but man was it nasty. So over a year ago, we decided to get a real lawn & sprinkler system and got the whole yard sodded. My neighbors all told me how impressive my new lawn was, it was the best lawn in the neighborhood. It was expensive sure, but now I had both treasure and prestige. My lawn was beautiful, the envy of the neighborhood. It was lush, green, and clean with no day when Laura was gone, I rolled around on it. I had become a lawn Pharisee! I looked at my neighbor’s lawn with a judgmental eye. Shaking my head! Fix your lawn! This summer was brutal though, no matter how much I watered or fertilized it, the summer sun withered big swaths. My exalted status of number one lawn was gone! For a year, it was better than all others, but now it’s just another yard. In today’s passage, James exposes the folly of putting our hope in withering grass. It's another test of our ropes of faith.

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.2- Wisdom For Hard Times

    03/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    Do people celebrate wisdom? It’s a kind of yes and no. Wisdom is not fun, exciting, sensual, or anything like that. People don’t usually celebrate wisdom like they do good news or sports. People don’t throw “Wisdom Parties”. On the other side, some people worship wisdom like a god, like it’s a key that unlocks untold insight and success. If I forced you to define it, could you? Is all wisdom the same? Or is some wisdom more important than others? The world is filled with many things that claim to be sources of wisdom, so how can you determine what real wisdom is? What about spiritual wisdom? How is that different from material wisdom? And which is more important? What does wisdom look like? How can you know if you have it? What are the symptoms of wisdom, or a lack of it? More importantly, how do you get wisdom? Where does it come from? What will it look like?

  • Test Your Faith (James) No.1- Be Perfect

    26/11/2023 Duration: 33min

    You know I never really understood mountain climbing, not talking walking up a mountain, I’m talking cliffs & stuff. Who in their right mind puts their trust in a rope, fed through a clip, nailed into a rock 1,000 feet off the ground? How can you be sure the ropes & clip are reliable? How can you know if you hammered it in right? What about those tents where people sleep on the side of a cliff? Like the mountain is so high it takes two days? But Pastor Joe, the views are breathtaking… umm. It's 2023… Drones… hello? Seriously though, what is wrong with these people? I think it’s the same with how most people walk through life, believing they’re ok w/God, that their faith will get them where they need to go, without testing their faith to make sure. If you insist on doing something so reckless as mountain climbing, you will at least test your equipment, right? You’ll make sure your pack has all the equipment you’ll need. You don’t want to discover w

  • Joshua Q&A

    19/11/2023 Duration: 34min

    Join us as Pastor Joe answers the congregations burning questions from our Go Into The Land series.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.24- A Legacy Inspiring Faithfulness

    12/11/2023 Duration: 30min

    As we conclude our Go Into The Land series, we explore the theme of legacy and the practical test of faith for the church. Drawing parallels between Joshua's leadership and the challenges we face as we go into the land, Pastor Joe prompts reflection on the kind of legacy both we as the church and individuals are leaving behind. With a seamless transition into our upcoming series on James, titled "Test Your Faith," we are reminded of the importance of a faithful journey as we are called to actively participate in the Great Commission.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.23- A Monument For Renewal

    05/11/2023 Duration: 35min

    In today's message, Pastor Joe draws parallels between missing a road exit and wandering off the righteous spiritual path. The Israelites' recurrent drift from God's ways, despite His faithfulness, serves as a powerful example of how we can often drift away from God within our own lives. The good news is that Jesus has built a monument for us through His work on the cross, represented by the Lord's table. This monument reminds us that our standing with God relies on Christ's finished work, not our strength. Join us to recommit to Christ and find your way back, whether you've missed your spiritual exit or seek a deeper connection with God. Celebrate the monument of grace that Jesus has provided—an invitation to remember, recommit, and walk faithfully with God.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.22- Teach The Next Generation

    29/10/2023 Duration: 30min

    As our congregation grows at "Mt Lockwood Ridge," we are confronted with a significant mission. The presence of natural subgroups within our community can inadvertently lead to divisions that impede our mission. The solution is clear: older generations must mentor and educate the younger ones, equipping them to continue spreading the Gospel. This responsibility extends beyond parent-to-child teaching and applies to anyone willing to further the mission. Join us as Pastor Joe draws inspiration from lessons found in Joshua and Paul's teachings to Timothy. These teachings stress the significance of passing on the faith to the next generation and standing firm against compromise when faced with challenges.

  • Pastor Brian Yost @GraceLifeSarasota

    22/10/2023 Duration: 30min

    Guest Pastor Brian Yost encourages us to cultivate a heart postured with the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus in the midst of a fallen world as we go about proclaiming the Good News. Discover how embracing the mission of Christ can bring light and hope to our lives and the world around us.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.21- Protecting Unity

    15/10/2023 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever seen or been part of a church conflict? A church with no conflict in fact isn’t a healthy church. But obviously if a church has too much conflict, that’s a sign a church isn’t healthy either. Often, Christians lack courage to deal with conflict. In fact, most chose to deal with it in anger, or just walk away. We prefer silent or slanderous judgement, we cut people off, avoid them, look right past them, or just leave the church. Others “courageously” confront, in anger or self-righteousness. They don’t want reconciliation, they want retribution. As a pastor, I’ve had a front row seat to conflict. I’ve seen it destroy lifelong friendships, families, even split churches. My wife & I have personally experienced consequences of conflict handled incorrectly. It’s costly & painful every time. When conflict is handled properly, its an incredible opportunity for love & unity, & brings a smile to God’s face. How a church handles confl

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.20- Keeping Promises

    08/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    ***APOLOGIES FOR QUALITY*** Let's ponder this paradox: Despite the church's historical flaws and human imperfections, it has effectively spread the Gospel globally, impacting countless lives. Is there more at play than just human effort? Our message today delves into the foundational truth that sustains the faithfulness of Jesus' followers, even in the face of human weakness and imperfection.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.19- Running to Refuge

    01/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    *APOLOGIES FOR QUALITY* Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be in a position where you were forced to run for your life?** It's a scenario that often plays out in our minds, reminiscent of the old western movies where they'd form a posse and chase someone down, seeking vigilante justice. The closest I can relate to this feeling is when I was young, playing a game called “Capture the Flag.” But what if this weren't just a game, and it were real life? What if you were truly running for your life, with no refuge or safe zone in sight? The sheer exhaustion and desperation would be overwhelming. Here's the remarkable truth: this is the spiritual condition of everyone ever born, whether they realize it or not. Spiritually, we are all running from something, searching for refuge from a very real threat. Today, we're going to delve into our desperate need for refuge and where to find it.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.18- Wasting an Inheritance

    24/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    As followers of Jesus, it's crucial to guard against complacency in our faith journey. We must resist the temptation to be passive consumers of God's grace and, instead, be fervent proclaimers of the Gospel. In the biblical account of Israel's shift from conquest to complacency, we witness the dangers of spiritual decline when comfort becomes our companion, and excuses replace obedience. Today, we delve into the story of Caleb, whose unwavering faith serves as an inspiration to avoid the pitfalls of complacency. Together, let's seek wisdom to remain steadfast in our calling, committed to sharing the Good News with others and continuing our journey into the land.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.17- Land Left to Conquer

    17/09/2023 Duration: 30min

    Why do we join a church? What expectations do we, especially as Americans, bring when we walk through those church doors? For many, it's the hope of finding a recipe for a 'blessed' life, a path to recovery, the keys to building strong families, and the secrets to peace of mind. These desires, while valid, often take center stage in our minds. But here's a perspective shift: did you know that these aspirations aren't even among the top five missions of the church? It's time to recognize that the purpose of the church extends far beyond the pursuit of earthly blessings. Your time within the church is just a small part of God's grand plan of redemption. He didn't create His church solely for your benefit; it was designed with a transcendent purpose that goes beyond our individual agendas. Today, let's delve into the deeper mission of the church, one that involves our active participation in a battle that spans the history of redemption—a battle against the forces of evil. So, get ready, because in love,

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