Gracelife Sarasota



Sermons from GraceLife Sarasota


  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.16- Grace For Gibeonites, Part 2

    10/09/2023 Duration: 29min

    "We are pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed...for we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh" - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9,11 Have you ever felt the weight of opposition to your faith, from skepticism to outright hatred? The world's hostility toward the Gospel can be overwhelming, and it's in these moments that we may question how to persevere in our journey of faith. By examining the experiences of the Gibeonites in Joshua chapters 9 and 10, we seek to find guidance and inspiration in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Join us as we explore how, even amidst opposition, the life of Jesus can shine brilliantly through us, providing strength and purpose for our continued faith journey.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.15- Grace For Gibeonites, Part 1

    03/09/2023 Duration: 31min

    When you first approached God, did you have all the answers? Were you instantly a master of repentance, knowing precisely how to pray and what steps to take? It's not just newcomers; even the church, often led by long-time believers, can stumble in their approach to God. Sometimes, we all seek shortcuts to gain favor with God, hoping for self-serving blessings. We may misuse prayer, even venturing into requests for personal vengeance or political gain, when we should know better. Given the mix of newcomers' ignorance and the flaws within the church responsible for teaching them about Jesus, it's reasonable to wonder how anyone finds God and learns to follow Him. Yet, amidst all these imperfections, God's grace intervenes, overcomes, and weaves our shortcomings into His story of redemption.

  • Baptism Sunday @GraceLifeSarasota

    27/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    In the aftermath of Jesus's resurrection, Jews worldwide converged to celebrate Shavuot, commemorating the Torah's reception at Mount Sinai. This pilgrimage, marked by diverse languages and a united purpose, connected devotees with their hometown rabbi. He guided them through a cleansing ritual before Temple worship. The day the Holy Spirit descended, the Apostles spoke in foreign tongues, addressing a crowd with awe and skepticism. Peter seized the opportunity in this moment, recounting Jesus's life, miracles, and resurrection. Prompted by the Spirit, he urged the travelers to embrace Jesus as Messiah. Peter's sermon led 3,000 to publicly affirm their faith, undergoing baptism in Jesus's name—a declaration of resurrection belief. Today at GraceLife we have people who came to us from different places, declaring that Jesus is their rabbi and have chosen to be baptized in the name of their rabbi Jesus, the same way the travelers in Acts 2 did.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.14- Strangers At Mt. Ebal

    20/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    The journey of Joshua leading the Israelites to the valley near Mount Ebal is a remarkable story of obeying the commandments of God. After building an altar, Joshua reads the law, and the people worship with a sense of holiness and faith. But what's even more amazing is that among those worshipping, there are also sojourners from other nations who chose to abandon their old lives to become a part of God's covenant people. This shows that God is patient in bringing people under His wings, and He calls all His beloved chosen sojourners into His family. This invitation is not just reserved for the Israelites but for everyone. Throughout the Scriptures, we see that strangers are invited to become part of God's covenant family through repentance and belief in Jesus' Gospel. Here at GraceLife, we extend the same invitation to all who need redemption to be a part of our Covenant community by embracing what Jesus has done on the cross.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.13- Ai Moments

    13/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    As followers of Jesus, we often experience moments of personal failure that can leave us feeling embarrassed, discouraged, and unworthy of grace. These "Ai moments," are a common occurrence in our spiritual journeys and while the impact of these moments can range from annoying to devastating, true followers of Jesus understand that they are opportunities for us to become more intimately connected with God and His people. Let's explore how Christians should respond to their own Ai moments as we look at the story of Joshua, who had an Ai moment that was both discouraging and devastating. Despite the setback, God did not allow Ai to be an excuse for Joshua to quit. Instead, He used the moment to make Joshua a better leader and more reliant on God than he had ever been before. Through Joshua's example, let's discover how we can learn, grow, and become better followers of Jesus in the face of our own Ai moments and see that for true believers, these moments are not the end of the journey but rather a stepping ston

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.12- Achan's Sin, Pt 2: Revealing & Removing Evil

    06/08/2023 Duration: 31min

    As believers in Christ, we may sometimes fear the consequences of our secret sins, wondering if God will judge us harshly like He did with Achan in the Old Testament. However, as we study Achan's story and other examples throughout scripture, we see that God's handling of evil among His people is not just a warning but also a comforting promise of redemption. While God takes evil seriously and will not allow it to derail His grace, He also patiently corrects and shows mercy to His covenant community. As followers of Jesus, we can take comfort in knowing that we are chosen and protected by God's unwavering love and mercy.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.11- Achan's Sin, Pt 1: God's Correction

    30/07/2023 Duration: 28min

    The story of Achan may seem like a harsh punishment to some, but it's meant to be an encouragement that God keeps His promises to His people. When Israel expected an easy victory at Ai, they did not know that a sin had been committed, and the consequences of the sin would impact the entire community. However, God's correction is an act of love, guidance, and protection that reflects His deep, enduring commitment to His people. As followers of Jesus, we never want to be outside of God's blessing and protection, but we may feel like God withholds blessings because of our sinful choices. The story of Achan reminds us that processing God's correction should be done in a community that fosters vulnerability, love, and accountability. Ultimately, we need to view God's correction as a blessing that brings us back into covenant with Him and always reflects His deep commitment to us. We must never see God's correction as judgment or rejection, but rather as an expression of our Father's love guiding us back to Him.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.10- Joy On Judgment Day

    23/07/2023 Duration: 30min

    The story of Jericho is one that is filled with warnings of judgment, invitations to mercy, and the ultimate will of God to bring about justice for the wicked. For centuries, the people of Jericho had ignored these warnings and persisted in their unrepentant ways, delighting in their worldly pursuits and rejecting their Creator. This defiance ultimately led to their demise when God commanded Israel to lay waste to the city, sparing only Rahab and her family. The events of that day are not only a historical account of a long-forgotten city, but also a prophetic message that points to the end times as described in the book of Revelation. For believers, Rahab's experience serves as a powerful reminder that the grace and power of the gospel can overcome even the deepest of shame and that the day of judgment will be marked by shouts of joy and gratitude from those who have been redeemed. In today's sermon, Pastor Joe dives deeper into the context and significance of the story of Jericho and its relevance for belie

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.9- 6 Days of Trumpets

    16/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    Long ago, trumpets were the loudest manmade sounds and were used strategically to intimidate enemies before battles. Despite their potential annoyance, they carried hope and symbolized victory like in the story of Joshua and the Israelites. Similarly, as followers of Jesus, we are called to proclaim the Gospel unconventionally. In the book of Revelation, the first six trumpets serve as warnings to abandon earthly hope. While the sound of trumpets can expose humanity's mess it also serves as a guide toward redemption. So, the next time you hear a trumpet, listen closely – it might be God calling you to something greater.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.8- Is God On Your Side?

    02/07/2023 Duration: 26min

    Have you ever wondered if God is really on your side? Is His presence truly felt in your life? These questions may seem preposterous, but they arise when we observe others seemingly having an easier journey. Yet, as followers of Jesus, questioning whose side He is on becomes irrelevant. Our focus should shift from expecting God's alignment with our plans to embracing a different perspective. In the midst of the daily battle between evil and righteousness, we must abandon our own side and wholeheartedly follow Jesus. For followers of Jesus, there is only one side that leads to victory – His side.

  • Rest For Weary Addicts

    26/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    A sermon preached at Celebrate Recovery in Sarasota FL on 6-25-2023

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.7- A Fresh Start

    25/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    Are you desperate for a fresh start? Do you long for lasting change in your life but find that your individual efforts always fall short? The truth is, we need more than just ourselves to bring about true transformation. We need a community of believers, unified in their obedience to God's commands. The Israelites in Joshua 5 knew this firsthand as they followed God's lead as one body. In today's passage, we will explore two important symbols of this unified obedience: baptism and the Lord's Table. Through these sacraments, we can strengthen our bond with Christ and His people. Together, we can accomplish great things for God's kingdom. So let's dive in and discover how we can experience true transformation as a community of believers.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.6- Stones To Remember

    18/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    As humans, we are prone to forget the goodness of our Lord, especially in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The reality is that we all need reminders of God's faithfulness to keep our faith anchored and our hearts filled with gratitude. Luckily, God knows this about us and has given us various ways to experience His presence and build monuments of remembrance. One remarkable example of this is the story of Joshua and his use of stones to build a physical monument of God's faithfulness. Beyond that, God has also given us the gift of living stones, His people, to be a testament to His grace and love. As we continue on in our journey of faith, it is crucial to teach and share with future generations the stories of God's faithfulness, so that they too may experience His unforgettable presence in their lives.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.5- Miraculous Unity

    11/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    Believers today must hold to the unity of their faith in Jesus Christ and His Word, especially in a world plagued with divisiveness and strife. Drawing from the Word of God through the story of Israel crossing the Jordan River, we learn to trust in God's authority and provision that leads to the Promised Land. By focusing on Christ, we can remain steadfast on the mission God has set before us, and we can be inspired by the Holy Spirit to experience miracles throughout our own journey. So let us unite as brothers and sisters in Christ under one mission: unity through Christ, for Christ as we "Go Into The Land."

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.4- Rahab's 1st Passover

    04/06/2023 Duration: 31min

    Have you heard the story of Rahab and the spies in Jericho? It's an inspiring example of the importance of remembering what matters most in life. Rahab lived a life of social marginalization, but God had a plan for her. He strategically placed her in the perfect position to help the spies and protect her family. When the spies gave her a scarlet rope, it became a covenant sign and a powerful reminder of God's protection during the siege. As Christians, we also have a scarlet rope: Jesus. We should never forget His sacrifice and promises. Let's commit to remembering what truly matters in life and trust that God has a purpose for us too. Just like Rahab remembered her covenant with the spies, we should also remember Jesus' sacrifice and His promises to us. Let's commit ourselves to remembering what matters most and trust that God's plan for us is perfect.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.3- Stories About God

    28/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    Have you ever heard a “God Story” about divine intervention in someone’s life? It could be a tale of miraculous circumstances or unexpected transformation, where someone hostile to the Gospel begins to follow Jesus. Maybe it’s a story of faithfulness in the face of persecution or how, through God’s mercy, someone overcomes earthly obstacles. At GraceLife, we're blessed with powerful and inspiring God stories. In today's sermon, we'll delve into Rahab's story - a marginalized woman who was an unexpected part of God's redemption plan. Be reminded through her story of how God can use anyone to fulfill His plan and purpose for our lives. This story is just one example of countless instances of God's work in His people. That's why sharing personal transformation stories is a powerful tool for spreading the Gospel and demonstrating God's love. So, let's celebrate and inspire each other with our own redemption stories in our church community. Share your accounts of God's acts and l

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.2- Unified Obedience

    21/05/2023 Duration: 27min

    Have you ever wondered what true obedience as a follower of Jesus looks like? It might surprise you to learn that while individual obedience is critical, it's not the most important aspect. God has called us to something much greater: unified obedience. While personal integrity, morality, and regular attendance at church and giving can be parts of obedience, our focus on individual obedience alone will not lead to true prosperity. Instead, we need to come together as a community, loving one another relentlessly, and following the Lamb wherever he goes. Solely focusing on individual obedience resembles a man-made religion, and there's no power in that. Only by building a community based on loving one another and following God's will can we achieve true obedience and prosperity as believers. In today's passage from the book of Joshua, we see the importance of such a community.

  • Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.1- Moses Is Dead

    15/05/2023 Duration: 29min

    Our new sermon series "Go Into The Land" recounts the story of Joshua's faithful leadership in leading Israel to the Promised Land against formidable opposition. Through the mentoring of Moses, Joshua gained the courage and strength to face the challenges ahead and trusted in God's promise to never leave or forsake him. Similarly, as Christians, we too face difficult situations and enemies, but with God's spirit, we are equipped to fulfill our calling and succeed in venturing into our own promised land with the Gospel. This story will inspire us, and teach us powerful, meaningful theological & personal truths we desperately need as we seek to follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

  • Letters From Heaven (Revelation) - Question & Answer w/Pastor Joseph Davis

    07/05/2023 Duration: 37min

    As we end our Letters From Heaven study in Revelation we were privileged to have a Q&A session with Pastor Joseph Davis where the congregation got to ask some burning questions. He shares his insights and observations on issues ranging from the symbolism in Revelation to the role of the Church in these trying times. We are reminded that while the book of Revelation is often challenging and enigmatic, it contains powerful messages of hope, love, and redemption. Let us be encouraged to continue studying this book and to let its Truths shape our lives and faith. As we conclude this series, we are reminded of the timeless message of hope and encouragement that Revelation offers to all of us as believers in Christ.

  • Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.51- Cherished Words

    30/04/2023 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever received important parting words from someone you love or admire? Can you relate to the curiosity of wanting to know the last words of someone you love?" What did they say? Maybe it was critical, final instructions for an important task you would face alone, & they wanted you to be prepared. Maybe someone you’ve relied upon was about to move away, & you wouldn’t see them for a long time, maybe never. How would you treat those words? Would you be on your phone, checking social media, texting, take a call? Or would you cherish them? Would you feel honored to receive them? Would you take notes, preserve them? After the moment has passed, would you disregard those words, or continue to cherish them, revisit them often? Would you keep them to yourself, or would you tell others about them, who might need to hear those words? That’s what we have here in Revelation 22. Jesus’ final words to His followers until the day He returns. Compared to any other, you would think Jesus'

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