A podcast for women in tech doing life. Salesforce focused.
Ep 65ish - #QuarantineQuickie
22/04/2020 Duration: 32minTwo WIT just wanted to say hey, how ya doing, heres a little episode. Be back VERY soon with a full, real episode Stay Safe Wear a Mask Keep Social Distancing
Ep 64 - #SheShed
25/02/2020 Duration: 51min#LookAtUs #CalmerAndWhole #JustFeelBetter #InternalMonologue #BubbleGuppies #HipToTheFishNews #AirB&BForFish #OneMoreFishStory #MyBrainWontRetain #OptimizeForSure #VacationFishButt This is Two WIT…... SuperFaves: Melinda- Spring is coming! Kristi- Tagalongssssss Melinda -Brene Brown, Dare to Lead Kristi - Wallflower List
Ep 62 - #SuitcaseBrisket - The Perez's
09/02/2020 Duration: 01h12min#BOGO #Cohorts #VerySpecificMoment #Bootstrapped #PaveThatPath #SelfCare #ADangPostit Two WIT is late for the lates ally episode so we welcomed TWO allies Hector & Kate Perez URLS Merivis is a Trailblazer
Ep 61 - #ExtraAdulty
17/01/2020 Duration: 55minJoin Two WIT for random conversations including skin care, tiktok, certifications, events and upcoming guests. Links: Super favs Melinda: noom - Kristi: cohabitation countdown
Ep #60 - #HappinessGoal
11/12/2019 Duration: 01h04min....Dreamforce, Thanksgiving, goals and money vs happiness #IKnowAFew #SnackSize #AmIGettingVerklemmt #JustHush #Rudderless #TakeStock #OKtoBreathe Super faves: M: hot everything, K: john legend remix baby its cold outside Links!
Ep 59 - #FailForward - LaRon Butler
29/10/2019 Duration: 01h05min#OhGollyShucks #iBAMallthetime #LaRonRonRon #Merivis #ImAHustler Super fave: Melinda - ADHD FB group Kristi - take a vacation
Ep 57 - #MagicEventBus
25/09/2019 Duration: 50min#LamentingSummer #BurnItAll #ComfortOverAll #PubSub Two WIT are asking for your help on our new segment....tell us what you want to hear! We chat about a Joy List, cool stuff we're doing in Salesforce and life
Ep 57 - #NaturallyOvershare
02/09/2019 Duration: 01h03min#WYSIWYG #BirdBox #GoldilocksZone #BeenThereBeenThere #SoundsLikeAFlower #AnnoyedAtMyself #LearnMyThing #BigBeefyChunkyOne Two WIT catches you up on the last 3 months from their Summer vacation Superfave: Kristi - Charcuterie Melinda - Kombucha Kristi - Argyle Magnum Melinda - yogurt
Ep 56 - #SummerOfLess
26/05/2019 Duration: 10minWe wont be gone long, we promise! See you in the Fall.
Ep 55 - #ProgressNotPerfection
25/04/2019 Duration: 01h02min#BiggestOneYet #SillilyEnough #TheWholeTarget #TurnDownTheBillyOcean #DrinkinOnPatios #AScoshTired #LetsDoThisWork Superfave Melinda - Shrill on Hulu Kristi - off leash dog beach Melinda - PUPPY Kristi - nine perfect strangers / book club
Ep #54 - #InteruptBias - Mary Scotton
19/03/2019 Duration: 52min#DontTellAnyone #Chatterized #WhatsYourAnd #SalesforcePriviledge #Inconcievable #AsFarAsIKnow #CornicopiaOfGoodness #BunchOfNerds #CalendarDataModeling #SafeHarbor We get to discuss intersectional feminism, Salesforce evangelism & more!
Ep 53 - #ImAPirate
23/02/2019 Duration: 47min#Pardashians #LoveTheWork #CallMeSME #RealityTime #SpeakingOfAnnoying New jobs, community events and new accomplishments! SuperFave: M - Cork and go K - aura component (Phillip Southern, Daniel Barclay, Kevin Vizcarra, Chris Eager, Stephen Noe, Kyle Crouse) M - Prefare K - SABWA
Ep #52 - #TrulyRadical - James Loduca
01/02/2019 Duration: 56min#DeeplyImprint #MissionDriven #LeanInToEmpathy #MoreAboutWe #DashboardsDashboards #OMGJustHitPlay James Loduca @JamesLoduca Instagram: @pappaanddaddy Superfave: Melinda - Engagement is 9 yrs ago Kristi - tension tamer tea
Ep 51 - #SolidChocolateBunnies - Zarina & Sarahforce
18/01/2019 Duration: 01h22min#ImStillFun #AnotherIncognitoWindow #DreaminEy #TrueNorthStrongAndFree #PracticallyCanadian #StickersAndALoveNote #TheCookingBlogCollectorKiller #DidITakeItToADarkPlace #BrainFog Zarina Varley Scott (Zaz)- Sarah Deutsch Thornton - TND - SUPER FAV K - Book Club Kit M - Bulletproof Coffee
Ep 50 - #2018InReview
29/12/2018 Duration: 54min#MoarToCome #Tooootally #IFindItInteresting #IntentionalOptimism Most downloaded: #YouCouldBeSomeonesLight - Selina Suarez - April 18 Most fun, for us: M-either the podcast of podcasts or two wit one house K- two wit one house or SHIP Most drunk: #TheSwearingOne June 24th Least downloaded: #WeShouldComeWithAWarningLable - Stephanie Foerst - Dec 4 but we aren’t downloaded ON the day Melinda’s top moment of 2018: Spain for sure. Too long since I travelled internationally, WITH my sweetie and I got to do Salesforce stuff. My campfire was life changing too Random highlights: Rainbow hair, 80DO, tro-leading, Appcookbook Melinda’s low moment of 2018: Being a mom...Spring was hard, I cried for like 10 days lol Kristi’s top moment of 2018: Culloden battlefield in Scotland / solo trip to Inverness + Highland Games Apr Random: Alaska! Launching the app, Name change process, Goal of not Should-ing, Dreamins + Wine Kristi’s low moment of 2018: Solo summer moments 2019 Goals K: Shift therapy > Life Coaching // Q1 = Fina
Ep 49 - #WeShouldComeWithAWarningLabel - Stephanie Foerst
04/12/2018 Duration: 01h15min#TriggerWarning #AtlantaSherpa #ImNotATree #Ellsworthless #YoureGunnaDoIt #ButWhatAboutMe #Crelling #ItsLikeATimeshare #PardotScrewup @StephanieFoerst Did you know about custom permissions? Stephanie tells us more! Super Faves Kristi - Library Holds Melinda - Sabrina on Netflix
Ep 48 - #PodcastOfPodcasts v2
17/11/2018 Duration: 50min#ILikePeopleButIDontLikePeople #WellItsFrench #Artisanal #GoodStory #NerdStore Two WIT features: One of These Things YappExchange System Dot Debug Brainiate Code Coverage Good Day Sir
Ep 47 - #HolyShip
05/11/2018 Duration: 01h01min#WeDigress #LikeButtah #FrugalBougie #SoperFun #ThisIsMyLife #DangerouslyDelicious #MambyPamby #HereIsMyButt #MyDirtySecret Super fave: M - my camera again K - #SelfishBabe M - incredible burger (impossible) K - Capabunga + Marcona almonds
Ep 46 - #PodcastOfPodcasts v1
23/10/2018 Duration: 01h14min#DreamforceDwarves #WhenBraveryIsntEnough #SomeSpace&SomeGrace #Overshare #TheDumbThing Business News Daily shout out: 5 Community Podcasts: WizardCast - Campfire Stories - Cloudfocus Weekly - Cloudforce Collective - Salesforce Cowboys - SuperFave: Melinda - Jungle Kristi - Lasseter winery :
Ep 45 - #OGRadGrad - Angela Mahoney
21/09/2018 Duration: 01h02min#InMyYouth #TurnItUp #DealWithIt #Snackssss #PensPinsShirts #BiteSizeBite #UnicornHair #MaHoney #WineSleepCarbs DREAMFORCE!!!! Super Fave Melinda - UnReal (maybe) Kristi - Bubba Straw