Two Wit Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 63:45:15
  • More information



A podcast for women in tech doing life. Salesforce focused.


  • Ep 44 - #Stickypalooza - Jace Bryan & Cori O'Brien

    14/09/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    #StalkedByATurtle #BryenSquared #FellInLoveWithSalesforce #4DayMVP #InTheHub #SorryTexas #WeveGotCookiesAndMilk #IFindPassionWhereIAm  #ForkTheCode #CreativeJuicesFlowing #FreePinkCadillac #GrownUpPodcast #PutUpOrShutUp #HandsFreeWine Two WIT learns more about .org and community sprints with Jace Bryan & Cori O'Brien from the .org team! Portland Sprint Details: What: Open Source Community Sprint (the 3rd and final Sprint of 2018) When: October 24th - 25th, 2018 Where: Portland, OR Location: The Benson Hotel - 309 Southwest Broadway - Portland, OR 97205 Want to stay connected on Sprints? Join the Open Source Community Sprints Group in the Power of Us Hub. Link to the Portland Overview & FAQ: Link to the Eventbrite registration for the Portland Sprint: SuperFave: Kristi - Worlds Collide therapist & Salesforce Melinda - Neck wine holder

  • Ep 40 (out of order) - #BreadthNotDepth - Dale Ziegler

    07/09/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    #BackToBackToBack #GottaGetCertified #RollinToDreamforce #PowerOfPeople #TellMeAboutYouJourney #SnakesOnAWall #TrashPanda #ImHereForEveryone #SkillOut #HugsAndDrinks #YupYupYup Links: So you inherited a mess - now what? Super Fave: Melinda - Mogli Kristi - Admin Booster

  • Ep 43 - #AnotherSidenote

    17/08/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    #HappyHumpDay #ImLearnt #FlowRida #DontBeOkWithBeingOk #KindaMyFavorite #BreadthVsDepth #DoesThatServeYou #NoTimeForWooWoo #ChakraBullshit #TargetNotTheBullseye #MorningAblutions #ILikeAGoodPun Super Faves: Plant Nanny Gratitude Custom Wine Mugs Goliath

  • Ep 42 - #TwoWITOneHouse

    04/08/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    #GiveMeAChecklist #ChecklistThatShit #PayMeTheMoney #TeamDonut #HeavyBreathing #CinnamonSugarPig #NotStrangers #AWholeNotherOprah

  • Ep 41ish - #TheSwearingOne

    24/06/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    #ImAWeirdo #WeTotallyDigress #OffTheRails #VeryValidating #EducationNarcolepsy #ShameSpiral #ShameBall  #SWIT #TwoWITOneRead #TheStruggleIsWorthTheJoy #ThisIsWorth   Super Faves: Kristi - triple berry scone Melinda - boom Kristi - therapy not needed on the daily Melinda - cookie butter

  • Ep 39 - #Ofjean - Jean Velonis

    02/06/2018 Duration: 57min

    #MentalBrowser #NotAMurderer #FlipTheScript #Sunshine #DirtyBooks #AccidentalAsshole #ItsADryHeat #ThreeMustkateers #TheDarkerYearsOfMe #WouldYouLikeASticker Super fave Melinda - thingy to keep my coffee hot Kristi - Postsecret

  • Ep 38 - #HumanDoings

    19/05/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    #MostWeirdestMindfuckMoment #WhatIsHappening #BlastyBlast #VulnerableAndWeird #DidISayThatRight #YoureWrong #AReasonASeasonALifetime #DarkCorners #DrinkinWeather Two WIT discuss travel, friendship, events and GIRL, Wash Your Face! Super Faves: Melinda - Spanish Whites Kristi - Friends with Trucks Melinda - Summer Kristi -  A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you… there are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people’s minds.

  • Ep 37 - #YouCouldBeSomeonesLight - Selina Suarez

    18/04/2018 Duration: 01h26min

    #WeWentDeep #HighAchiever #ImaTweetAboutItLater #DrinkinThisKoolaid #UncleMarc #UniversalContainers #OurCommunityIsKickAss #STEAMforce #YoureABoss #GottaBeCurious #BeABossBitch #TornadoOfStress Be prepared for some serious amazingness from Selina Suarez! Her journey and Pep Up Tech origins. Super Fave: Melinda - texting concierge Kristi - “teambuilding” Melinda - more gratitude than anything….grateful to go to Spain#Y Kristi - my dad / bathroom

  • Ep 36 - #PersonalCorner

    05/04/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    #IHeartStickers #LearningIsFun #SuperClanky #SalesforceFamous #KindOfAShitShow #MedicineBroker #MentalTuneUp #YouCanDoTheMatrix #SeaSaltOnTheBrownie Show Notes: Peter Chittum from LC : MS Recipe Link Card LeeAnn tweet : Super Faves:   Melinda - Nordstrom & glasses Kristi - TJs sea salt brownie bites Melinda - astro sticker/doll Kristi - time cube  

  • Ep 35 - #BadAssFolder - Toya Gatewood

    15/03/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    #TheFallOfOctober #WagYourOwnTail #SuccessBlazer #GCBT Two WIT catches up with Toya Gatewood on her Salesforce journey, Women in Tech Diversity & bourbon! Women in Tech Diversity success group:

  • Ep 34 - #GinInMyJam

    02/03/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    #BootyPeople #DiagonAlley  #Googunflugen  #OneSentence #Smieyes Its always good to come home!  KG is home from London & Scotland.  And MS is planning to head to Spain.  I guess Two WIT takes the EU. Super faves: Melinda - The Magicians on SyFy Kristi - @manwhohasitall  Melinda - BeachBodyOnDemand Kristi - Every Little Thing Podcast - Your bedtime is killing you

  • Ep 33 - #Dogress

    10/02/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Holly Butchers letter - “While on this topic, delete any account that pops up on your news feeds that gives you any sense of feeling sh*t about yourself. Friend or not.. Be ruthless for your own well-being.” TDX Mvps the 5%   Plug time:  SED, 5280 Daydreamin & WS   Super Faves: Melinda - Impossible Burger Kristi - good bottle / coffee Melinda - White Noise app Kristi - #crockpotisinnocent

  • Ep 32 - #TroSure feat. Mini Smith

    26/01/2018 Duration: 57min

    #2.5WIT #SegueMaster #Incredulity #CreativeNotArtistic #PostHolidayHibernation This is where actual content goes but we just babbled Even the superfaves aren't worth! Happy listening!

  • Ep 31 - #WhyAmIStillUpDancing

    15/01/2018 Duration: 46min

    #JustDoIt #LongDistanceDrinker #RewardsShow #OppositesAttract V Super Faves: Melinda - Beachbody - 80 Day Obsession & Beachbody On Demand Kristi - Men in Uniform Drink Markers Melinda - HungryRoot Kristi - Nilla wafers Links: January Releases: Times Up: Drink Markers:

  • Ep 30 - #LongStoryShort Guillermo Pedroni

    27/12/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    #LMGTFY6 #ConsultantLife  #Force.comRIP #LeaveALittle Last episode of 2017 and we chat with GP! He can be found at: @GuillermoPedron Krisit - caramel vodka / cider Melinda - DoorDash app

  • Ep 29 - #Bindt Gemma Emmett

    09/12/2017 Duration: 54min

    #DragonsDen #MoarCerts #WhateverNextBruv #LostInTranslation #FuckCancer #FknDutchess #BigAssHats #GemmaThe80sName   Two WIT welcomes Gemma Emmet to the show!  A fellow Bluewolfer and UK living, CTA journying, cancer surviving bad ass! Links: Super Fave: Melinda - Baby Driver soundtrack Kristi -

  • Ep 28 - #CordTaco

    23/11/2017 Duration: 43min

    #Verklempt #PostDFBlues #ItsNotAllDF #WomenStuff #NoRoots #FriendDating   What I learned: Dreamforce learning….myTrailhead Lightning Roadmap Axe throwing Super fave:Melinda - fkn Astro pony sticker Kristi - True To The Core Melinda - venmo Kristi - dog door

  • Ep 27 - #Shouldless

    25/10/2017 Duration: 49min

    #KeepOnKeepinOn #ShoutoutToMe #ReadyFireAim #TwoWITGeoFit  PreDF talks, being kind to yourself & matches. Links: Sign up for yoga! Thursday 9 am #TwoWITGeoFit Target Death Sex & Money Podcast / Mug Charlotte Urban Ministry Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Charlotte   Shout Outs: Amy Oplinger Ben Bolopue Nana Gregg Joanne Iturbe Shonnah Hughes Selina Suarez Kathern Luckerman

  • Ep 26 - #NephCat

    06/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    #ABL #BYOB #SpeakingOfPants #TabInception #PartyOnTheBottom Lets chat about Fall, Salesforce and self-care! Super Faves: Melinda: Cleaning/Moving & DF17 Planning Krisit:  Same day shipping & Admin Webinar  

  • Ep 25 - #Anny

    22/09/2017 Duration: 01h04min

    #1Year #OdeToKristi #ThickAsADuo #MetaMeta Its been 1 year since Melinda & Kristi started this crazy journey!  They chat about the last year and whats to come Links: SuperFaves: Kristi - All things Bed, Bath & Beyone Melinda - Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

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