Two Wit Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 63:45:15
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A podcast for women in tech doing life. Salesforce focused.


  • Ep 24 - #YearOfYes Davina Hanchuck

    09/09/2017 Duration: 56min

    Winter is coming and the Two WIT crew is not a fan. We talk to Davina, a 10 year SFDC veteran & prep for our 1 year anniversary Links: HungerCast Super Faves: Kristi - Growlers Melinda - My Favorite Murder Podcast - 

  • Ep 23 - #Lego

    25/08/2017 Duration: 59min

    #MegaJam #JediAdmin #ScreenSwear #DadAdmin #LittleAngle #TeamworkMakesTheDrinksWork #EyesOnTheSky #ILoveMeSomeMeat #ILoveCheese #SneakyJackfruit Kristi & Melinda talk about how amazing MidWest Dreamin & WITness Success were to be at.  They also discuss food, charity, friends & someone ends up with a lego up the nose. Super Fave: M - WS/la croix K - Bamboo Massage M - Jackfruit - what the hell, seriously K - WS red tea Shoutouts - Amanda Nelson Roger Mitchell Amy & Stu PepUp Tech Mary Scotton Shonnah Hughes Selina Suarez Davina Hanchuck Cheryl Porro Gillian Bruce Jeremiah Dohn Christina Moore Amber Boaz Stephanie Foerst Kerry Townsend Missy Longshore

  • Ep 22 - #Omni Amber Boaz

    04/08/2017 Duration: 01h01min

    #Omniscious #Omnipotent #OmniChannel A fun filled episode talking more Dreamin events, becoming vegan & Amber Boaz stops by for even more fun!  Sometimes things get dark but we move forward and besides...we have waffles.  Links: The upcoming Eclipse - Shout out to Bean Traders Super Faves: Melinda - Atomic Blonde > 80’s music reboot in my life Kristi - lego bricks @ Forcelandia

  • Ep 21 - #WhenIMakeItBig

    21/07/2017 Duration: 01h01s

    #ItsReallyGood #Ruderless #DontSweatTheSmallStuff #OnTheSameCycle #VerySolarPowered   Kristi & Melinda chat about reading, Salesforce events, hair and other critical life topics!   Super Faves: M - no alarm solar powered K - Nuzzle - (GPS Pet Collar + Pet Insurance) M - shut eye/friends from college K - Homeowner Prep Course     Links: 5280 Daydreamin Kristi’s Awesome Ally Boss

  • Ep 20 - #AgentForGood Tony Prophet

    06/07/2017 Duration: 56min

    #LessonsLearned #GRIT #ProudlyMe #124Days Two WIT has the pleasure to speak with Tony Prophet!  An unbelievable human fostering change & equality in this world.   We also cover TDX17, DF17 and our nerves. Links: Proudly Me:   Superfaves: Melinda - the new Codey the Bear, Say Anything sticker Kristi - Dreamforce/  

  • Ep 19 - #ItsAlwaysAContest

    23/06/2017 Duration: 46min

    #DownTheRabbitHole #Im40 #FrigginFlamingos #YESFlamingo #FFS Come & enjoy banter on Summer, TrailheaDX, session submissions & more!   Superfaves: Melinda - Halsey new album - Kristi - Every Little Thing - Melinda - G asking me to do a sesh with him Kristi - Mister T on Waze - APP:  Cuptakes   Ritual Yoga -   

  • Ep 18 - #PardotORPardotORPardot Stacey Cogswell

    02/06/2017 Duration: 56min

    #ImNosey #AccidentalAdmin #ItsLatvian #CheckYourself #NotLast #InspectionNerds #MinimizeTheMeander #WeMeander The Two WIT crew gets to know the lovely Stacey Cogswell better. She teaches us about Pardot and living by the sea! Super Faves: Melinda - Shine Theory pin OMG Kristi - Deacon Baldy’s / permanent food truck + bar Shout Outs: Deepa Patel, Nickki Gibeaut, Ian Gotts & Stephanie Foerst.

  • Ep 17 - #SuckItUpButtercup

    18/05/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    #LightningAllTheTime #ProConsole #OhanaGoals #EeyoreSyndrome #OfficeBarbie Lightning tour & in a box // Force Academy LA What do you do when your company won’t pay for X (conf, learning, etc) Whats with the Eeyore complex that seems to exist in the ecosystem? Faves: Melinda - Pod Save America, WFH Kristi - Bloody Marys / doc porters, In-N-Out: James Goerke  Shoutouts Matt Bertuzzi Justice Sikakne Angela Mahoney Kathleen Lueckeman Amber Boaz Jenn Le Trish Perkins

  • Ep 16 - #ALaDuarte

    13/04/2017 Duration: 55min

    #TheHugsAndTheFaces #Wolfpack #SEDRecap #Wine #DuarteGetsPersonal #MVPness   Debbie Millman's 3 Words that Describe You SED Recap Bluewolf World Class Facilitation    Super Faves: Melinda:  reading again + big little lies soundtrack Kristi: Blo Dry Bar + Los Angeles Force Academy - Lightning Layout Gumshoe  

  • Ep 15 - #TechnologyTranslator Missy Longshore

    24/03/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    #ANormalHumanPace #IAintGotTimeForThat #StressEatingIsDelicious #NoJudgementZone #LongTimeListenerFirstTimeCaller #WeCouldBeAThruple #OneWomanShow #ConstantlyLearning #HopesAndDreams #TwoLIT A little getting to know you over stress relief and our coping mechanisms (or lack thereof). Then we dive into it with Missy Longshore, who started her Salesforce career by actively not wanting to use it (#spoileralert she then fell in love with it). Find out which host Missy would likely be married to if we were in an NPSP Household together plus other great thoughts about needs of Nonprofits and their “carrots vs. sticks” around Lightning. She loves working for herself (although it can be stressful) and shares about all the different ways she both learns from & gives back to the greater Salesforce community - even as an introvert. Will she win the prize for the biggest Salesforce screwup? It’s probably the only one which will involve the USPS and/or Pony Express. Links - Missy on Twitter @MissyLongshore #AdminHour -

  • Ep 14 - #DefaultOrDesign

    22/03/2017 Duration: 55min

    #Goals #LighterLater #BlueDinner #TryPod Kristi and Melinda chat up priorities by ways of the Sandler Training & how to make these a bigger focus in your/our lives.  "Are you living your life by default or design"  Spring '17 and St Patricks Day! Kristi fave:  Scrappy Little Nobody (Anna Kendrick) + Used Bookstore (Sue Grafton) Melinda fave:  Core Power & Local Breweries Links: Sandler - Lightning Roadmap doc - Charlotte Worlds Largetst Pub Crawl - Anna Kenndrick deep thoughts -

  • Ep 13 - #SarcasticAdmin Kelly Bentubo

    16/03/2017 Duration: 01h16min

    #RealChat  #LazyExtrovert #JustGoForIt #Cryling #OneGuitarOfBeer #ICanHandleMyChamps Two WIT talks to Kelly, a 7x certified Awesome Admin who recently relocated from Charlotte to Wisconsin, she is a multi-Dreamforce presenter, User Group Leader, blogger, and a fellow swag-aholic crafter. Super Fave: Melinda:  BW online training & Prime program.  Tadpoles app. Kristi: Kubb.  Technology Flows podcast How we select MVPs article New MVPs article - Kelly - @kellybentubo & And a pic of ONE GUITAR OF BEER!

  • Ep 12 - #ForRealBackAndForth

    24/02/2017 Duration: 49min

    #AdultingFactor #ImNotAPirate This week Kristi & Melinda discuss office drinking etiquette, the opposite of Impostor Syndrome & conferencing.  Dunning-Kruger Effect:   Super Faves: Habitat for Humanity Hopper App  Nest Thermostat  Untappd App  

  • Ep 11 - #RombauerFlightPlan

    03/02/2017 Duration: 55min

    #KindOfMathy #OneWIT Kristi & Melinda talk about events, husbands....SQUIRREL.....really they just ramble in episode #11.  Enjoy & please come back! And don't forget, Southeast Dreamin' & WITness Success! Kristi's fave: Zoodle Maker -  

  • Ep 10 - #FirstAlly #DoubleDigits Stuart Edeal

    27/01/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    On the heels of Tahoe Dreamin, Kristi & Melinda welcome their first, of many, ally guest. Stuart Edeal is a 6x certified Salesforce Admin & leader in WIT support.  We will get to know Stu, play a fun game & he offers advice for fellow allies. Follow Stuart in many places: @salesforcestu HUGE Shout out to all our fellow podcasters! One of These Things - System Dot Debug - Nerdforce - Cloud TnT - WizardCast - Button Click Admins - Cloud Focus Weekly -

  • Ep 9 - #Polymath Sam Safin

    14/01/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    #NewYearNewVocab #DontBoxMeInButGiveMeStructure First podcast of 2017 and Two WIT get to chat it up with Samantha Safin. New year, new job for her.  The self proclaimed #Polymath made the leap to consultant and she shares her fun mishaps and the love of her cat!   Melinda fav: Rombauer Chardonnay   SouthEast Dreamin': WITness Success:  

  • Ep 8 - #Opposites

    30/12/2016 Duration: 53min

    #GetYourSwag #Ohana #SoulMates #MVPNoms Last Two WIT of the year!  Kristi & Melinda talk about the holidays, gift giving & how they’re not totally 1 person….yet.  How you take your morning beverage, what inner/outer expectations say about you & how we hope stickers become currency!  Also Two WIT blames the wine for calling Holly, Heidi. Bulletproof Coffee Four Tendencies Eye movements and how you learn Super favs: POST- freakin - MATES   Coconut Rolls WTFORECAST!!/id1031653653?mt=8 MVP NOMs  

  • Ep 7 - #CBO #KingOfEverything Rachel Rogers

    16/12/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    #TreatYoSelf #CBO #KingOfEverything #MyGumdropsAreBetterThanYours #CrazyIdea We kick it off chatting about the holiday season & shopping from the couch, drinking responsibly with water (not that we do), Christmas traditions or lack thereof, and a nice Easter Egg to hidden to see if our husbands are listening (#spoileralert: they’re not). Welcome Rachel! We chat about her super long title, the origins of Drunken Christmas (shoutout to Krystal Carter for her Reindeer Games spaghetti & gumdrops victory!), we halfway commit to recording live from Houston next year, hear about Rachel’s adventures through 3 colleges in 3.5 years including the luckiest Google search of her life and a Spring Break in Amsterdam, after which she moved on to tackle everything from sea to space and working with really geeky geeks to a stint in the Waste Management industry. She had a lot of hard-ass bosses but now she has a theme song and she sounds like a manager you should want to have even if she keeps you a bit uncomfortable.

  • Ep 6 - #ChampagneIsDelicious

    01/12/2016 Duration: 45min

    #IfYouShineThenIShine, #IBequeathToYouMyHoodies #SwagIHave #ChampagneIsDelicious First cars, how responsible we were as teenagers, how bad we are at topic segues, Shine Theory and how we compete unnecessarily, unexpected Opportunities through the community, how we attempt to balance Salesforce and other #adulting (with saying YES YES YES when maybe you should say no) and keep all the plates spinning, why we hate snail mail, Melinda gets Life Insurance & more on credit #adulting, a Thanksgiving recap with #realtalk about TV in the bedroom, plus Super Favs including managing our financial life & crafting finished off with our plea for reviews & sharing.   Links: Article - Science Reveals the Differences Between What Men and Women Do Best in Business Partner Power Hour - general sign up - ht

  • Ep 5 - #NerdFriends Crossover with Nerdforce

    17/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    This week Two WIT teams up with Nerdforce for a collaboration episode! Part 1 is on their channel, so pop over and listen there FIRST! Part 2 is here, we talk Salesforce, Community, gettin real & loving one another.

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