We are just three dudes talking about video games and having fun while doing it! If you tune in I'm sure you'll have just as much fun as we do while recording the show.
Yo! Gamecast 09/07/2015 Episode 12
09/09/2015 Duration: 01h56minWe have our first guest! Lloyd (@hvnlydaze) showed up to talk a little MGS V with the boys. Lloyd had actually finished the game so it was great getting his insight on the game.The Gamecasters talked a little Pokemon Worlds arrest update, Machinima's bad business practices, xboxone giving fans Borderlands, Batman Arkham Knight's patch, a Mega Man Mega Movie Rumor, and more.Fizz talked about finally giving Destiny its fair shot, trying Evolve for free over the weekend, and his tiny little bit of gameplay in Metal Gear Solid V. He also attened Sacanime and helped his artist friend Heather(find her here! )Zed is still playing Codename STEAM and seems to be liking it. While Lloyd was a monster and imported both versions of Fire Emblem Fates.The boys end with a viewer question from Sully, who was all adore dearly as our main soure of viewer question! We always need more though! yogamecast@gmail.comiTunes! Stitcherhtt
Yo! Gamecast 08/31/2015 Episode 11
02/09/2015 Duration: 01h40minWhat a week this week was! NBZ and Fizz had some fun played some games and talked to you guys about some things! Zed talked about playing Codename STEAM, Sleeping Dogs, Stealth Inc 2, Tales of Borderlands, Batman Arkham Asylum, and his sister playing some Soul Caliber online. Both of the boys talk a little Splatfest in Splatoon. Fizz talked about playing a little Guacamelee since he heard Bally talk about it on This Nintendo Life. Fizz also played some Pro Wrestling X and mentions the Pokemon TCG has got its claws back around him. So he's been playing a lot of the card game online. Naturally, Fizz played some Hearthstone and talks about The Grand Tournament.Fizz teaches NBZ about David Lee Roth, NWA, The LA Riots, and Rodney King throughout the show in his quest to localize Zed into a full on American. Soon enough Zed will toss his crumpets aside for hamburgers in no time.The boys talk about Might No. 9, a new xbox one, how to play Evolve for free, Dragon Age Inquisition DLC, and Konami is opening their big d
Yo! Gamecast 08/24/2015 Episode 10 Back to Normal
27/08/2015 Duration: 02h17minWow! A day late on this one, I'm super sorry guys! Fizz is back from vacation and he is ready to get back to discussing stuff with Zed like he was born to do!Zed and Fizz lead the show off by talking about video games they've been playing recently as they normally do. They touch on Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, Super Meat Boy, Chrono Trigger, Killer Instinct, Trine 3, Sleeping Dogs, Megaman X, Codename STEAM, and Zed bought an amiibo... he's being turned.After the break the boys jumped into news and led with the what could have been tragedy at Pokemon Worlds. They move forward to happier news shortly after like Pokken Tournament getting a release time period announced, Phil Spencer talked a lot about backwards compatibility and hinted that original xbox games could be coming to xbox one eventually, Nintendo files a patent, possible Nintendo movies, Quality of Life, and we talked about how you could get some deals from Uber and Green Man Gaming.The show wrapped up with talking about aditional Rare Replay co
Yo! Gamecast 08/17/2015 Episode 9 Maui Edition
18/08/2015 Duration: 45minFizz is on vacation and without reliable means of getting the times right and internet being good enough, he took it upon himself to do a bite-sized solo show. Just under an hour of news and ramblings as he lay shirtless in his hotel bed with the only mic available to him. The format was very casual and I apologize for the quality and lack of my partner. Next week we will be back to normal. Fizz is playing Chrono Trigger and Rocket League (STILL!) while on vacation and runs down some cool news stories for you and talks a little Hearthstone for you guys.Fizz talks more Scalebound, new PS4 bundles, smart ring video game controller, and steam's handheld system.iTunes! Stitcher shoutcast hosts:
Yo! Gamecast 08/10/2015 Episode 8
11/08/2015 Duration: 01h52minThis week is nuts, and thats why this podcast is hitting your feed two days early! Fizz is going on vacation tomorrow (his normal editing day) and wont be back until next Tuesday, not sure how they will address Monday's (8/17) live show but if you follow his twitter, @YoFizzYT you can stay updated.This week Fizz loses himself in errands, Rocket League, and Splatoon! Splatfest was this weekend and both of your hosts played during and had some fun. Zed has had his hands full with games as of late as he just beat Tomb Raider, and he is ready for Mega Man X, hopefully he will have played it next week so we can talk about that!Gamescom happened this week and Microsoft took advantage of having an empty platform with none of the big three present and unleashed Scalebound, Crackdown 3, and Quantum Break. We wrap up the show geeking out about the amount of Star Wars content coming out! Book, SWTOR expansion, Battlefront, Movie. Wow.iTunes! Stitcherhttp:
Yo! Gamecast 08/03/2015 Episode 7
05/08/2015 Duration: 02h17minBack into the swing of things like nothing ever happened~Fizz rants about Lenovo and his journey to Windows 10 and praises the invention of chicken and waffles!Fizz got Splatoon since last podcast and also got Rocket League. He is thoroughly enjoying them both and tries to get NBZ to jump on the Rocket League bandwagon.Zed did some homework for the show today and downloaded Angry Birds 2 to see why it has over 10 million downloads already. He goes pretty deep into it.We talk about some news regarding Gears of War, Fallout 4, Nathan Drake Collection and more.We wrap up the show talking about speed runners and the good that Games Done Quick is doing and followed that by viewer questions.NBZ reminded Fizz of some news that Fizz forgot so they dip their toes ever so gentle back into the news before signing off. Come back to the show live next week Monday at 1PM PST on! shoutcast hosts:h
Yo! Gamecast 07/27/2015 Episode 6
29/07/2015 Duration: 01h48minAfter long hiatus there are only two gamecasteronis surviving, Fizz and NBZ.Team Z if you will.We catch up a little and then break right into the swing of things by talking about Splatoon, Batman Arkham Knight, and every game the Gamespot gave a 10 to.Fizz got himself an xboxone recently and they discuss some of the pros of that and also talk about how in the near future we could see the end of consoles, except for maybe Nintendo~Fizz relates the drama from EVO to wrestling and paints Hungry Box as a big time heel. And the gamecast boys even talk a little about Hulk Hogan and how scummy he is.The show wraps with a couple viewer questions. If YOU want to ask Yo! Gamecast any questions you can sen them in at feel free to ask the boys anything you feel like.Come back to the show live next week Monday at 1PM PST on! shoutcast hosts:
Yo! Gamecast 06/01/2015 Episode 5
03/06/2015 Duration: 01h41minWe are back for episode 5!This week Jake was a tired lil' guy, it took him a bit to come out of the gates, but he landed some excellent input on some really cool discussion points! The boys talk about the experience glitch in Witcher 3 which should be patched next week.Three trailers came out the morning of the podcast so the crew discusses, XCOM 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and LEGO Worlds. LEGO Worlds is actually an early access game on Steam right now. While NBZ is super against this, Fizz and Jake understand where they are coming from in that they need the extra community input.The Gamecast comrads go on to talk about The Video Game Hall of Fame as they promised last week, with some curious additions they thought would be left off. The induction will happen on June 4th and the Yo! Gamecast guys think it would be great if they made a big to do about it. Next week they will touch on who made it in and who didn't.The guys answer another question from Sully who has so far been the lone e-mailer! So please get
Yo! Gamecast 05/25/2015 Episode 4
27/05/2015 Duration: 02h02minThis week Jake and Fizz are under the weather, but they still put on a heck of a show! Fizz falls in love with Dragon Age Origins and his little war hound too! Jake and NBZ have a discussion about The Witcher 3 that they both got on the house for buying new video cards, Fizz takes that opportunity to load up on fluids as he has yet to play any game in the series, but seems to be dying to.We dabble with the devil as Microsoft announces they have NOT abanndoned Kinect as the Gamecast boys discuss what that could mean for xbox and possible showings for E3 and a possible new game from Rare.We find out about The Strong National Museum of Play, which has the world’s most comprehensive collection of toys, dolls, board games, video games, other electronic games, books, documents, and other historical materials related to play. They are due to have a NES exhibit as the console is turning 30 this year. A little more probing leads the boys to find that The Strong will be having a Video Game Hall of Fame and the first in
Yo! Gamecast 05/18/2015 Episode 3
20/05/2015 Duration: 01h33minWeek 3 of Yo! Gamecast is here! We are really hitting our stride this week. It is a news light week so we have a discussion topic "Was there a game you got at launch that completely disappointed?" And we answer our first bit of viewer email!Fizz talks about reveals he is a giant wrestling nerd and talks about WWE 2k15. Fizz also talks about Mordor and then has a long conversation about arcade games. NBZ reveals he has never really had a cool arcade experience making Fizz very sad and inviting him on a cute arcade date. Fizz later gushes about Mad Max Fury Road. NBZ and Jake talk about The Witcher 2 and I'm sure they will have a lot to say about The Witcher 3 next week.We check in with Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained briefly.Come back to the show live next week on
Yo! Gamecast 05/11/2015 Episode 2
13/05/2015 Duration: 01h50minWeek 2 is in the books and we are joined by our third official member of the Yo! Gamecast crew! As he put it, the last piece of the tri-force. NBZ! I'm so happy to have the crew back together doing a thing that we all love and having a good time doing it.This week we were lucky enough to talk about Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Splatoon! Jake talk some classic games and his slow but growing collection. Fizz yammers on more about Mega Man X, and NBZ brings up one of the best games of all time, Chrono Trigger! We really had a good time with this show and you will too when you give it a listen.
Yo! Gamecast 05/04/2015 Episode 1
06/05/2015 Duration: 01h47minThe VERY FIRST episode of Yo! Gamecast! This week we were missing a host but the show must always go on! Our third host will show up next week. This week being Star Wars Day, we talked Celebration, our favorite Star Wars games, and of course the 2nd trailer for the new movie. Jake and I also briefly discussed Yooka-Laylee a game that will be brought to you via Kickstarter. The spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. Feel free to join in the conversation you can tweet at us individually: Or shoot an email to: We will do our best to answer your questions or address your topics. And we will do it with style and flare! If you want to catch us LIVE! We will be doing so on Twitch every Monday at 1PM PST