Yo Gamecast

Yo! Gamecast 08/10/2015 Episode 8



This week is nuts, and thats why this podcast is hitting your feed two days early! Fizz is going on vacation tomorrow (his normal editing day) and wont be back until next Tuesday, not sure how they will address Monday's (8/17) live show but if you follow his twitter, @YoFizzYT you can stay updated.This week Fizz loses himself in errands, Rocket League, and Splatoon! Splatfest was this weekend and both of your hosts played during and had some fun. Zed has had his hands full with games as of late as he just beat Tomb Raider, and he is ready for Mega Man X, hopefully he will have played it next week so we can talk about that!Gamescom happened this week and Microsoft took advantage of having an empty platform with none of the big three present and unleashed Scalebound, Crackdown 3, and Quantum Break. We wrap up the show geeking out about the amount of Star Wars content coming out! Book, SWTOR expansion, Battlefront, Movie. Wow.iTunes!https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/yo-gamecast/id993896402?mt=2or Stitcherhttp: