Entertainment For The Rest Of Us!

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:29:57
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EftRoU - regular thoughts by regular people...


  • EftRoU 170: It was too preachy

    30/08/2012 Duration: 59min

    It's that time, yet again! Another Entertainment for the Rest of Us. Each week when I post the show I get a big smile on my face. That is when I do get a post up. There are still episodes in the can that I haven't posted... someday I'll get to it. In this week's show we are missing Square Ross due to some wedding he was in. So, Mike and I discuss the animated movie ParaNorman and the action flick The Expendables 2. Mike also shares some thoughts on the latest video game that is consuming his time. Feature Flick #1: The first movie we discuss is ParaNorman. This is an animated film with voices from Anna Kendrick, Casey Affleck, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Leslie Mann, Jeff Garlin and John Goodman. ParaNorman is about a boy who can speak to the dead and learns he has to save his town from a curse. Listen in to find out what we think of this animated flick. We would like to know what you think, so leave us comment below. Feature Flick #2: I hope you all are ready for a fun discussion about one of the bigges

  • EftRoU 169: Alf, The Amazing Spider-Man & The Bourne Legacy

    21/08/2012 Duration: 01h05min

    Hello to all our loyal fans. Sorry for not getting a show out for a while. We have recorded a some shows, but we have lost some discipline in getting our podcast posted to the Interwebs. Well, we are back and in this episode we talk about the announcement of an Alf movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Bourne Legacy.  Movie News When I saw this post on FirstShowing.net I just knew that I had to talk about it with the rest of the EftRoU crew. Listen in to see what we all think about the announcement of making an Alf movie. Movie review #1 A while back, like a month ago, a movie hit the theaters that we never got around to talking about. By now you most likely have seen it, but we are going to talk about it anyways. It's The Amazing Spider-Man, staring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. This is another origin story for Spidey, listen in to find out what we think of this reboot. Movie review #2 Last weekend Universal Pictures and Relativity Media released The Bourne Legacy to theaters everywhere. This film

  • Eftrou 166: movies to beat the heat

    16/07/2012 Duration: 37min

    Greetings EftRou Troopers I'm back and ready to share our latest episode with all of you!  As you may have heard I was out this last week due to a rather nasty sunburn. With that being said this week Q and I find the best movies to "beat the heat" with given it's been rather toasty here in Colorado.  Also we take time to review a movie neither of us have seen before, called Swingers. Beating the heat with movies With some of the hottest months of summer we took some time to find movies to chill out with.  Q and I had some similar thoughts to our picks and the following are a few in no particular order. 1. Die Hard 2 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. The Thing 4. Day after tomorrow 5. Misery Tell us what movies you think are perfect for "beating the heat". Leave a comment below, Tweet us or post on our Facebook Fanpage. Retro DVD Review You may not know this, but Q and I have never seen Swingers and if you listened to the last episode you heard that one of Mike's picks for who he would want to hang out wit

  • EftRoU 165: Q and Mike no Square…

    10/07/2012 Duration: 01h56s

    While you listen to this week's episode you will notice that there are only two EftRoU crew members. Square had to take the day off due to a wild weekend in Las Vegas. So Mike and I talk about our top 5 movie characters that we would like to hang with and share some thoughts about the DVD, The Artist. Top Five Movie Characters: A couple of weeks ago we came up with an idea. "What if you had the chance to hang out with any movie character, who would you hang out with and what would you do with them?" We thought it was such a great topic that we are sharing the discussion with you on this very episode. Listen in and find out who we choose. Also tell us who you would hang with. Share it right here on our website or on our FanPage on Facebook. DV-Debrief: For those of you who saw my QQR you know that I saw The Artist on DVD. Well, Mike watched it was well. So, just for you here is our discussion. In case you missed it The Artist, it's about a silent movie star who struggles with the idea of making talking pic

  • EftRoU 164: Square goes to see Brave…

    02/07/2012 Duration: 57min

    On this weeks show we touch on a couple of feature flicks that are in theaters now. First, Square Ross shares some thoughts about Brave and then Mike and I talk about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Enjoy the conversation and be sure to let us know what you think of these two films.  Feature Flick #1: In Brave, Merida is a skilled archer & daughter of King Fergus. Bent to form her own path in life, Merida defies custom and inadvertently unleash chaos in the kingdom. When she turns to a Wise Woman for help, she's granted an ill-fated wish. Listen in as Square tells us why we should, or should not, see this film. Tell us what you think of Brave by leaving a comment below or on our Facebook fan page. Feature Flick #2: While Square went to go see Brave, Mike and I went to go see a more manly movie, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Based on a novel written by  Seth Grahame-Smith this movie is about President Abraham Lincoln preserving the Union and freeing the slaves. Not in the way that our history books h

  • EftRou 163: waterboarding for all…

    18/06/2012 Duration: 01h40s

      Greetings fans thanks for listening, as always.  This week the crew chats about Safe House on DVD & Blu-Ray as well as our thoughts on those after credits scenes appearing in big movies.  Myself and Mike hijacking the show to chat up about Joel Kinneman and The Killing Season 2 Finale! DVD Review Mike and Q took some time this last week to pickup Safe House (2012) staring Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds Vera Farmiga and Robert Patrick.  Safe House centers around CIA agent Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) who is tasked with looking after a fugitive. But when his safe house is attacked, Weston finds himself on the run with his charge Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington). Find out why Mike wasn't confused during this spy movie, like he has been in the past.  We also talk about past Denzel Washington films and make an interesting discovery. After credits scenes We've been chatting amongst ourselves about what we like and don't like about these fun scenes that producers and directors sneak in.  Some examples are t

  • EftRou 162: The Return of The Crew

    11/06/2012 Duration: 49min

    Greetings fans! Sorry we've been gone so long.  Life crept up on us and took us away for a bit.  Were back and ready to continue bringing you the best in discussion of entertainment.  In This episode were diving into Prometheus as our movie pick of the week and touch base on E3 for our gamer fans as well as the rumors of the "Iron Patriot" set pictures from Iron Man 3. E3 Thoughts So both Mike and I are the gamers of the crew and talk briefly about our thoughts on this years E3 expo. If you are like 'Q' you may not know what E3 is all about, so just to give you a little idea; it is all about what's next from the video game world and what publishers are working on.  Mike and Square seem to agree that Halo 4 looks like a solid game that will bring old and new fans back to the franchise.  Also our thoughts on the lack of new hardware announcements and if it's a good thing or not. Iron Man 3 rumors So production has begun on the newest installment of the Iron Man movie series. This version will bring back R

  • EftRou 161: Fire Fighters, Vetrinarians, Mindy Kaling

    15/05/2012 Duration: 51min

    So this week it was just back to Q and I.  We thought with all the big Network up fronts (basically FOX, NBC etc showing off to advertisers what is coming this fall) we should talk about our thoughts of some of the upcoming shows.  Also we kick things off with the Avengers bill for destroying/saving New York.  Sit back turn it up and enjoy the latest episode! Avengers destruction. So I was reading this the other day and thought it to be rather humorous as well as an excellent topic to talk about with Q as well as get our fans thoughts.  Long story short, the Avengers battle comes to about $160 Billion dollars and is considered an act of God, or as I put it "Puny God". Boobtube Babble Its that wonderful time of the year loved (or hated) by TV fans and advertisers - renewal time.  This year especially is proving to be a unique as many shows are either getting the axe after 8-9 years or have just run the course and its time to move on.  Right now is the time of the year in which most fans like Q and myself

  • EftRou 160: Mullet Time!

    10/05/2012 Duration: 01h14min

    This week we assemble earths mightiest entertainment pundits, well almost mightiest, to take on the challenge of the Avengers. Before we tackle some super heroes we catch up with the crew and play "Name That Movie" (a new game from the mind of 'Q') and talk about our upcoming summer movie picks. Name That Movie The crew partakes in a fun game called "Name That Movie". Q toss's out some movie quotes to find out who knows their movies best. I myself did not fair well but my fellow cast mates did a fine job. I personally think Q gave the moderator some easy ones as well as gave Mike some good hints on a couple of his.  Find out who wins and find out who ultimately goes home with nothing. Next stop summer films both bad and good. Being that the summer movie blockbuster season has begun the crew has taken it upon themselves to help you, our fans, with a guide of what to see and not to see this summer. Find out what the crew thinks of some of the upcoming summer flicks. See if our picks surprise you. Feature Fl

  • EftRoU 159: Hungry Games and Robots, a fight to the death…

    26/04/2012 Duration: 51min

    This week the crew gets hungry for The Hunger Games, we touch on the book and compare how different the movie seems to be.  We also talk a little about two Robot themed shows coming our way. So, sit back and enjoy another great EftRoU. Feature Flick We kick this week's show off by doing something we haven't done in a long time, a movie review... The Hunger Games (2012).  If you haven't heard about the The Hunger Games (Wikipedia), you've been under a rock, it's the first book of three written by Suzanne Collins and takes place after an unknown apocalyptic event. The basic idea... to help keep the peace and to remind citizen of a time that was much worse the leaders pit young men and women against each other in a fight to the death. Nice right! The film stars rising star Jennifer Lawrence (X-Men: First Class, Winters Bone), Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks (40-Year old virgin, The Next 3 Days) as well as many others, including a solid performance by Woody Harrelson.  Most people probably won't catch the su