Entertainment For The Rest Of Us!

Eftrou 166: movies to beat the heat



Greetings EftRou Troopers I'm back and ready to share our latest episode with all of you!  As you may have heard I was out this last week due to a rather nasty sunburn. With that being said this week Q and I find the best movies to "beat the heat" with given it's been rather toasty here in Colorado.  Also we take time to review a movie neither of us have seen before, called Swingers. Beating the heat with movies With some of the hottest months of summer we took some time to find movies to chill out with.  Q and I had some similar thoughts to our picks and the following are a few in no particular order. 1. Die Hard 2 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. The Thing 4. Day after tomorrow 5. Misery Tell us what movies you think are perfect for "beating the heat". Leave a comment below, Tweet us or post on our Facebook Fanpage. Retro DVD Review You may not know this, but Q and I have never seen Swingers and if you listened to the last episode you heard that one of Mike's picks for who he would want to hang out wit