In The Market With Janet Parshall



In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God. In this fast-paced, caller-driven program, Janet evaluates newsworthy topics with guests and listeners using the Bible as a framework for discussion. This daily program addresses relevant issues important to Christians, with an engaging mix of listener interaction and commentary from highly respected guests.


  • Hour 2: The Stones of Your Faith

    21/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    We celebrated a very special birthday On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week. We joined our favorite missionary to the entertainment industry to celebrate all that God has done and continues to do through the ministry of Hollywood Prayer Network for the last 23 years. Then we shifted gears completely and heard from our missionary in the biometric space who updated us on the push for euthanasia acceptance through a House bill would require the American citizens to pay for this deadly procedure. We heard from the director of a very important organization fighting for the unborn who talked about how far a once Christian organization has fallen away from its roots and how the woke values of corporate America are impacting the missions of charitable organizations across the country. Speaking of the impact of woke ideals, we addressed the changes in the Girls Scouts of America and share a Christ based alternative organization that is instilling good, life-long values in the lives of young ladies. UFO’

  • Hour 1: The Foundation of Your Hope

    21/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we started off the week with a sobering conversation with an eye witness to the events of the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel. We also heard how God is working in the lives of the people of Iran digging a deep well of support for people of Israel despite the government’s support of terrorist organizations. Then we heard from an expert on the truth about climate matters who dispelled the latest message from activist who say that there has been an increase of natural disaster deaths as a result of climate change. He also explained why methane is not the danger to the atmosphere that activists claim it is. The damage of the sexual revolution and the feminist movement of the 60’s and 70’s continues today. Our guest exposed the lies of that thinking and why following God’s design is the only way to experience the joy He intended within the protective bonds of matrimony. Even in the unrelenting hustle and bustle of modern life, the great &ldq

  • Hour 2: Leading, God’s Way

    20/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Moses had too many responsibilities, King David faced opposition, and Paul felt alone, but leaning into God’s guidance, these biblical leaders rallied people toward a better future. You, too, can tackle any challenge and move forward with vision however the Lord has called you to lead. Imparting principles from God’s Word and his own experiences, our guest will inspire you to lead with confidence. We will also discuss how to discern true from false teaching in the pulpit and how to develop a keen seen of discernment in these latter days. Join us for great conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: National Security and a Strong Defense

    20/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as we speak with one of Washington’s most esteemed columnists who covers national security and defense. He will update us on several stories dealing with Communist China. From their attempt to woo Western pilots to putting more nuclear weapons in space, the CCP continues to move forward aggressively to their stated goal of global domination. Don’t miss this important conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: The Truth About UFO’s

    19/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Stories about UFO’s are everywhere – and they won’t be going away soon. They can affect your mind, make you worry about evil aliens, and take your eyes off of God. What are they, and how can they have such an impact on your life? Join us as our guest, a revered Christian apologist, takes on the topic of what’s in the skies. Showing the reality of all manner of space activity in modern culture, Rhodes encourages the believer with solid, biblical facts and research.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Have You Ever Wondered?

    19/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Beauty. Justice. Identity. Love. Stories. Nature. Hope. These things intrigue us, move us and prompt us to ask big questions. Could there be clues in our deepest desires that point to life's meaning? Today, our guest invites you on an immersive tour through the issues that matter. He will explain why anyone who has looked at a landscape and contemplated why we are drawn to beauty; or wondered why we are so insatiably curious about our universe, or even for those who have simply looked up at a million stars in the vast night's sky and just wondered. Law, linguistics, theology, bioethics, history have led many to a compelling Christian spirituality and a profound sense of meaning and purpose in life.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Shifting Worldviews

    18/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as we take a look at two historically Christian organizations that have moved decidedly and, it appears, purposedly away from their Christian roots. We’ll talk with one person who has been watching the YMCA and to another person who is offering a biblical alternative to the Girl Scouts of America. There are choices out there – and we will let you know about some healthy alternatives.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom

    18/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Everywhere you look, sex and sexuality are redefined, manipulated, twisted, and maligned. Terrified of being labeled “intolerant,” Christians have been silent while the world has spoken loudly. The sexual revolution offered us nothing but bondage. Feminism is an admittedly failed experiment. Yet we have always had the answer right under our noses. Our guest will boldly tackle these difficult topics to teach you that purity in your mind, body, and soul is about understanding true sexual freedom.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Entertainment and Ethics

    17/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we look at some of the stories making headlines before finding out how we can pray specifically for those who serve in the entertainment industry. Learn how you can join a global prayer movement for this huge group of influencers. We close out the hour by discussing what is happening in the so-called ‘right-to-die’ movement and why this heinous idea continues to gain popularity. Join us to hone your critical and biblical thinking skills.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: The World is Changing

    17/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as we get an insider’s perspective on what is happening in Iran, both politically and spiritually. Is Iran becoming a Christian nation? Then, a new study in the research journal Environmental Hazards shows that the number of natural disasters is declining globally, contrary to endless media warnings about human-caused climate change causing more disasters. We will talk scientific facts versus science fiction.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: His Peace In Our Storms

    14/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    There was no waiting in line and no bad airline meals on the ITM Air Express as we took another radio flight to the land down under. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we heard from our favorite Scottish apologist as he updated us on more important news and events impacting the Church including why a respected evangelist left the Church of England, Australia’s push for increased censorship and what led to the no confidence vote against the former first minister of Scotland Humza Yousef. Just because you are Christian does not mean that you or someone in your family can’t struggle with mental illness. We heard from a widely respected expert on family issues who addressed how the church should respond to those who struggle with mental challenges, the difference between the mind and the brain and why believers should not discount the value of taking medication to manage mental illness. We shared the story of a very brave Christian woman who battled for years with an addiction to alcohol. She shared t

  • Hour 1: His Light In Our Darkness

    14/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we looked at the damage that DEI teaching is doing to the U.S. military and the efforts to get rid of this dangerous philosophy. We also heard from an accomplished filmmaker and producer who has also served for many years as a member of the Israeli military. He told us about his new documentary series on the real events of the October 7th, 2023 attack on Israel. We heard from a former influencer who explained why she is leading an “opt out” revolution for families to cut ties with the overwhelming influence of technology. She explained how algorithms were designed to target us and how families who have made the change have seen growth and transformation since deciding to opt out. We shared the powerful story and practical insights of a man who has walked the road of depression and suicidal thoughts who shared what God has taught him about taking every thought captive and how He is able to meet us in our darkest hours. We heard from a highly respected Bible teache

  • Hour 2: The End of the World (according to Jesus)

    13/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Why talk about end-times doomsday subjects? Because Jesus Christ talked about them, and in great detail. For that reason alone, we should pay attention. And as we rapidly approach the last days, His message is more relevant to us than ever. Today, our guest will provide us with clear, biblical answers about what is to come. Jesus revealed the future not only for His followers, but for all of humanity—that we may turn to Him for salvation, live in hope, and be ready for His glorious return.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: It’s Not Like Being Black

    13/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    We are living in crazy times. Biological men are competing and winning against biological women in sports. The newest Supreme Court justice declined to answer the simple question: “What is a woman?” Record numbers of young Americans now identify as transgender. Sexually explicit materials permeate schools. Pedophiles have rebranded as “minor-attracted persons.” To make matters even worse, many evangelical leaders, eager to appease the culture, have gone along to get along—even excusing and redefining sinful behavior as a mere “sexual identity.” Our guest, a pastor and bestselling author, will join us to equip Christians to fight back against this pervasive sexual identity ideology and stand firm in biblical truths.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Sober Cycle

    12/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us as our guest holds nothing back as she details her secret double life as an addicted follower of Christ. Recounting the many failed attempts to reach sobriety the hard way, she will offer hope to others without judgment, assuring fellow believers that redemption and healing can be found without riding a bike for thousands of miles. Addictions-whether it is drinking, excessive spending, prescription drugs, gambling, social media, or being entangled in sexual sin can be found in every walk of life, but you too can ride your way to freedom and find a deeply satisfying partner in Jesus to help you get there.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Resilient and Redeemed

    12/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    God cares deeply about you and your mental health. Our guest, an author and mental health advocate, has battled depression and suicidality his entire adult life. Even coming to Christ didn't change this, which is something many fellow Christians don't seem to understand. He still had to face the grief of unrelenting illness, the shame of struggling, and the pain of poor guidance. He will join us to share how he overcame these challenges and will invite you to do the same--no matter your diagnosis. God is still there, even in the darkest of places.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Dealing With Emotionally Unstable People

    11/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we connect with someone who understands the nuances of interpersonal dynamics. We will discuss how to handle emotionally unstable people. From the highly anxious to the constantly angry person, our response matters. Join us as we learn to negotiate the sometimes turbulent seas we sail when dealing with unstable people. Join us to find practical help and spiritual encouragement.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: The Opt-out Family

    11/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    Revamp your family's tech habits by learning from our guest about meaningful parenting in the digital age. Strengthen your family's bond with unique insights on outsmarting social media algorithms to reduce screen time and enhance togetherness. Embrace a tech-balanced home, create meaningful moments, and shape a bright, device-free future for your kids.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Views From Down Under

    10/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we travel to the land down under to hear from our favorite Scottish apologist. He will share his views on a wide variety of topics including the resignation of Humza Yousef and why one prominent Christian in the UK has left the Church of England. He will also share his thoughts on why Australia is pushing aggressively for censorship. Get ready to think biblically and critically on today’s broadcast.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Horror and Hope

    10/06/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we discuss how and why DEI is hurting our military. We will hear why Congress should codify meritocracy in the military and dismantle the Pentagon’s DEI program. Then a powerful new 4-part documentary will begin this week on TBN. Our guest is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, director, and reserve duty captain in the Israel Defense Forces. He will offer keen insights and perspective to the events that changed the world on October 7th.  See for privacy information.

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