In The Market With Janet Parshall



In the Market with Janet Parshall, challenges listeners to examine major news stories and issues being debated in the marketplace of ideas and speaks to them with the Word of God. In this fast-paced, caller-driven program, Janet evaluates newsworthy topics with guests and listeners using the Bible as a framework for discussion. This daily program addresses relevant issues important to Christians, with an engaging mix of listener interaction and commentary from highly respected guests.


  • Hour 2: Law and Liberty

    01/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    We start this hour by looking at some stories making headlines before moving into a conversation regarding religious liberty. A federal judge has granted a Class Action to some students alleging coercion in religious rituals in Chicago Public Schools. We will fill you in on the details. Then, we will discuss the coming electrical power shortage, the call for a global ban on meat and dairy consumption, fears that having children and even breathing are contributing to climate change, EPA regulations on heavy trucks, and signs of the coming green breakdown. Don’t miss a great hour of conversation!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Questions from the Skeptics

    01/05/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we tackle some of the questions atheists have regarding Christianity, the Bible, God, and science. As more and more people turn away from God, perhaps it's time we, as Christians, learned how to answer those questions that keep people from the Cross. How do we learn to hear the question behind the question? How can we answer with compassion and grace? Don’t miss this thought-provoking conversation.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Beautiful Freedom

    30/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Every day we are exposed to messages about health, food, exercise and looking good. It's hard not to get swept along with it all; in fact, it’s easy to end up caring too much about these things and even to feel trapped trying to live up to the ideals that we see in the media. Today, our guest will point you to the Bible to find freedom! The Bible tells us that our physical selves do matter. But it also invites us to think about our bodies in a God-centered way—helping us to reset and find a balanced approach that is grounded in our faith. Join us to discover how to love the body God gave you and to explore his priorities for the ways in which you live, eat and exercise.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Sacred Trust

    30/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    If the voice of the people is lost at the ballot box, our Republic will be lost as well. Integrity must rule the day and surpass partisan strategies and yearnings. To be precise, there is but one thing that elections must articulate; the will of the people. That is the true issue. By highlighting his personal history, from his humble beginnings to becoming an influential member of Congress, our guest will candidly relate his experiences and deal with the topic of election integrity.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Heaven or Hell?

    29/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    We all wonder what comes after death. Our guest, a biblical apologist, will join us to share what the Scriptures say about Heaven and Hell. In Heaven, we will be reconnected with loved ones; receive a wonderful new body; say goodbye to sin, sorrow, and sickness; and enjoy face-to-face fellowship with God! In Hell, there is eternal punishment and separation from the One who offered us eternal life in Him. Join us to set your mind on the things above!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: End The Stalemate

    29/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Differences of opinion have always been part of life. For decades, spouses, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have had spirited conversations about politics, social issues, religion, current events, and even sports. But what was different in the past is that these disagreements wouldn’t sever ties between family and friends. Our guest believes Christians are called to be God’s ambassadors, which necessarily entails the need to listen to those around us—especially people with diverse and different perspectives. Yes, we live in cancel culture. But that doesn’t mean that we as Christians need to conform to our world. Instead, we can be a beacon of sanity that promotes meaningful conversations around what matters most in this life—and the next.See for privacy information.

  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: Permission To Be Imperfect

    27/04/2024 Duration: 46min

    Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame. But here's the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! Join us to discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to: · Win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors· spark growth fueled by God's love and grace, not rules and performance· align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations· discover how both Scripture and science reveal God's design for pressure-free living· allow yourself to be imperfect Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living--that doesn't all depend on

  • Hour 2: Grounded by Facts

    26/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Since we all know that “nobody is perfect” why do so many of us strive so hard to be so? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we addressed the drive for perfection even in the good things of God and how to lean into His grace instead being bound by rules and systems that debilitate our lives and prevent us from living lives that line up with His plans for us. Have you ever felt like your spiritual armor is sitting in a pile at your feet and you don’t have the slightest clue what to do with it? If so, you are not alone! Our expert on spiritual warfare taught us not only how to put that armor on but how to walk victoriously in it by sharing God’s wisdom and his own experience standing in Christ’s victory while confronting the dark forces of the supernatural world. When we struggle with anxiety or other issues our first thought is often to find a way to get rid of it. Sometimes we even question God’s love and power for not taking this challenge out of our lives. But

  • Hour 1: Fortified by Truth

    26/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    The most dangerous personality type can leave a damaging and long lasting impact on the lives of those closest to them. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we once again opened up our phone lines and allowed our expert to offer her unique combination of professional advice and biblical clarity to help navigate this most challenging family dynamic. Ideas morph and grow over time, even bad ones. We heard from a legal expert who explained that despite the ample historical evidence of its failure, Marxism is sadly still alive and well. He explained how it has changed over time and how the halls of higher education were turned into indoctrination laboratories. He also explained how the new generation of Marxist are turning sex warfare, class and gender into their rallying cries to deceive people into buying into the Marxist philosophy and the danger facing our nation if we don’t cut out this deadly infection. Idolatry is not an idea trapped in ancient history. Although we may not bow down before g

  • Hour 2: Does Christianity Still Make Sense?

    25/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Years after becoming a Christian, our guest became haunted by difficult questions---Why does God allow evil in the world? Why are there so many scandals in the church? Today, he will respond to some of the toughest challenges to the faith and share his own journey from doubt to confident trust.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Climate and Energy

    25/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    The attempted cures for climate change are generally worse than the disease—especially for the poor. Demands to transform the global energy infrastructure to depend heavily on wind, solar, and other renewables are harmful to people in America and the world–especially to the poor. Meanwhile, continued large-scale use of traditional energy sources like nuclear, hydro, and fossil fuels would reduce poverty while doing less harm to the environment. Join us as our guests combine outstanding climate science, physics, economics, environmental science, political science, ethics, and theology to present a well-reasoned understanding of human-induced climate change and how to respond to it.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: The End of Anxiety

    25/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t he eliminate our anxiety? Instead of asking this, perhaps we should ask why God is allowing it in the first place. Our guest today takes us on a journey through Scripture and shares his discovery of God’s ultimate purpose in pain. Our anxiety, fear, stress, and panic are not the end of us—but facing them could be the start of something great!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Cultural Counterfeits

    25/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us as our guest casts a vision for us to learn how to reject the idols of our age and find real hope in Jesus, embracing our identity in Christ and recovering His design and purpose for our lives. Learn why the Truth is so much better than the falsehoods being sold in the ‘marketplace of ideas.’See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: It’s War!

    23/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    This hour we open the phones and let you ask any question on the topic of spiritual warfare. Can the Devil read our thoughts? Can demons occupy objects? Is holy water necessary to drive out a demon? Are certain words required to rid a person of a demon? Get the answers to questions like these and more on today's broadcast. Call in early as the phones are lit the entire hour!See for privacy information.

  • Hour 1: Next Gen Marxism

    23/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Many Americans believe that the United States is in decline. They see a country that has become unrecognizable: where individuals are reduced to their race, ethnicity, or sexual identity; where children are indoctrinated into radical ideologies; and where anti-Semitism has become widespread. Join us to learn how all of these ills are rooted in Marxism. To be sure, it is not Soviet Marxism, but a Marxism that was shaped by European intellectuals, adapted and refined by America’s student radicals of the 1960s, and diffused throughout the culture as those student radicals became professors, community organizers, and leaders. The end goal of these NextGen Marxists is expropriation, redistribution, central planning, and collectivism. They are working toward nothing less than the cultural transformation of the United States—and they have partially succeeded.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Permission To Be Imperfect

    22/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame. But here's the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! Join us to discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to: · Win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors· spark growth fueled by God's love and grace, not rules and performance· align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations· discover how both Scripture and science reveal God's design for pressure-free living· allow yourself to be imperfect Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living--that doesn't all depend on you!See fo

  • Hour 1: Dangerous Connection

    22/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Join us this hour as we open the phone lines to answer any questions you have regarding one of the most dangerous personality disorders impacting millions of lives. Victims of these relationships often suffer in silence and blame themselves for the abuse they receive. Learn to identify the signs of a narcissist from a counselor who has lived through the abuse.See for privacy information.

  • Best of In The Market with Janet Parshall: S.E.E.K.

    20/04/2024 Duration: 46min

    Lots of people are seeking something. Some are seeking things that don’t exist (like the Loch Ness monster), others are simply seeking happiness. Jesus promises that those who seek God will find him. Our guest, a respected Scottish apologist, will help you on the way to seeking Him. Discover real word answers to important real world questions.See for privacy information.

  • Hour 2: Hope That Refines

    19/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    The ongoing conflict in the Middle East that fills the evening news is not stopping God and his people from sharing the hope of the Gospel in that part of the world. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we once again heard from a friend of the program who has been called to serve the people in Iran. He shared more stories of God at work bringing thousands to salvation despite the turmoil in the region. We also talked to another friend of the program who was in Israel at the time of the Iranian attacks and shared his experience along with how the war is continuing to create an open door for more of the people there to coming to the saving knowledge of their Messiah. Hell is no easy topic to discuss. It is often ignored or turned into a punchline by many people because they do not want to consider the possibility that what the Bible says could really be real. A beloved and respected evangelist joined Janet this week to discuss the sobering reality of Hell by taking us back to God’s word to see w

  • Hour 1: Truth That Defines

    19/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week Janet was joined by her daughter as they took a deep dive into a crucial report out of the United Kingdom that stands up against the popular medical advice to give puberty blockers to children who are struggling with issues of identity. It calls for treatment of their mental challenges instead of causing irreversible lifelong damage. We took a closer look at some legal cases that could impact the lives of believers in significant ways including the firing of Christian metal worker and a case out of Tennessee that could open the door to pro-life supporters get long prison sentences for standing up for the pre-born. The Gospel is not just about salvation it is also about living out the qualities of Christ. Our guest shared stories of how the lives of women and children have been changed by those who live out the love of Jesus through their demonstrations of charity and biblical justice. How do you stand firm in a world that is increasingly hostile to sound biblical

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